1. sulfonamide BUG
    • GRAM -
    • ECOLI
    • proteus
    • staph (CA MRSA)
    • H FLU MCAT
    • chlamydia trachomatis
    • toxoplasma gondii
    • nocardia
  2. sulfonamide use
    • uncomplicated UTI
    • toxoplasmosis
    • gm - infections
    • conjunctivitis
    • CA MRSA
    • chlamydia trachomatis
  3. trimethoprim uses
    • uncomplicated UTI
    • propylaxi s of recurrent UTI
    • H FLU MCAT
    • otitis media--DOC MCAT
    • tx and prevention of pneumocysitis jirovecii--pneumonia in immunocompromised cd4<200
    • both gm+ and gm - bacteria
    • resistant--pseudomonas, serratia, acinteobacter, proteeus
  5. nitrofurantoin uses
    uncomplicated UTI caused by both gm + and gm - bacteria
  6. methenamine
    prophylaxis of UTIs NOT TREATMENT
  7. fosfomycin bugs
    • strep pneumo
    • enterococcus
    • MSSA
    • coagulase negative staph
    • e coli
    • enterobacter claoacae
    • pseudomonas aeruginosa
  8. fosfomycin use
    • orange packets
    • acute, uncomplicated cystitis
  9. QUINOLONES bugs
    • BROAD SPEC GM -, and most aerobes esp enterobateriaciae (CA ECOLI)
    • pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • strep pneumoniae
    • h flu, mcat
    • a typical pnemonia chlamydophila mycoplasma
    • staph
  10. fluorquinolones uses
    • UTIs
    • prostatis
    • resp infections
    • osteomyelitis
    • CAP (levo and moxi)
    • mycobacterium TB (oflux, moxi), MAC(moxi)bacterial conjunctivitis and corneal uler
    • skin and skin structure infection
  11. aminoglycoside bug
    • broad spectrum including aerobic and facultive gm - bacilli and staph aureus esp for enterobacteriaciae
    • pseudomonas aeruginosa,
    • ecoli
    • enterobacter
    • klebsiella
    • proteus mirabilis
    • indole + proteus
    • mornagella morganii,
    • providencia regterri
    • RESISTANCE--strep, burkholderia, cepacia, steno
  12. aminoglycoside uses
    • serious gm - infections
    • HAP--e coli, klebsiella and pseudomonas
    • enterococcal endocarditis (combined vanco)
    • mycobacterium tuberculosis
    • staph infections--second line if b lactams co
    • neisseria gonorrheae--single 2gim dose
  13. tetracyclines bugs
    • GM + cocci
    • staph strep
    • GM - aeroboes
    • e coli, klebsiella, enterobacter, neisseria gonorrheae, n meningitiidis h flu
    • RICKETTSIA CHLAMYDIAE MYCOPLASMA--DOC x 7 d chl vs. 1 day zith
    • anaerobic bacteriea fusobacterium bacteroides
    • Borrelia burgdorferi--lymes disease
  14. tetracycline spec
    • chlamydia trachomatis--doxy x 7 d vs zith x 1 d
    • PID--vibratab + cefoxitin or cefotetan
    • lyme disease
    • rickettsial dz
    • helicobacter pylori
    • moderate to severe acne
    • rosacea--inflam lesions not redness
    • peridonitis 20mg doxy bid
  15. chloramphenicol
    • gm + and gm - bugs
    • h flu, strep pneumo and n meningitidis
  16. vancomycin BUGS
    • GM + ONLY
    • staph aureus, staph epidermidids, synergistic with gent
    • strep pyogenes, strep pneumo and gp B strep
    • enterococcus--faecium is resistant
    • anaerobic infections--clostriidium perfringens, c diff
    • listeriea monocytoenes, bacillus anthracis, corneybacteria ngonorrheae
  17. vanco uses
    • MRSA and s epidermidis
    • highly penicillin resistant strep pneumo
    • serios infections
    • altert to penicillin in tx of endocarditis due to strep
    • clostridium difficile pseudomemraneous colitis PO, DOC severe cases (metronidazole for mild to mod cases)
  18. telavancin bugs
    • GM+ and anaerobic bacteria ONLY
    • stap 00aureus, MSSA MRSA GISA/VISA coag -staph
    • strep
    • enterococci--e faecalis, e faecium vRE
    • gm + anaerobes/bacilli, basillus anthrax, listeria, actinomyces, clostrdium
  19. telavancin uses
    • compliated skin and skin structure infections--gm +
    • MRSA alt to vanco
  20. oxazolidinones (linezolid)
    • GM + inhibited
    • penicillin resistant strep pneumo, MRSA MRSE and VRE
  21. daptomycin
    • staph aureus, staph epidermidis MRSA MRSE
    • strep
    • enterococcus VRE
    • GM + organisms resistant to std antibiotics, NOT FOR PNEUMONIAE BINDS TO LUNG SURFACTANT
  22. quinupristin/dalfopristin
    • gm + enterococcus faecium,
    • listeria monocytogenes
    • some gm -
    • anaerobes
    • VRE, VISA MRSA MRSE PRSP with allergy to vanco
    • NOT fiRST LINE AGENT used to tx severe infections caused by MDR GM + pathogens
  23. bacitracin and polymyxins
    • GM +=bacitracin, clostridium difficile
    • minor skin and eye infections, c diff pseudomembraneous colitis po 3rd line, staph 3rd line
    • gm -=polymxin and colistin, good except proteus
    • topical gm - ie pseudomonas aeruginosa
  24. mupirocin and retapamulin
    • good gm + all staph and strep
    • topical treatment of impetigo
  25. clindamycin
    • gm + ABOVE WAIST
    • strep, staph
    • anaerobes, ,bacteroides fragilis and other bacteroides, eubacterium, veillonella, fardnerella vaginals
    • parsites toxoplasma gondii, pneumocystis carinii
    • gm + with penicillin allergyanaerobic infection due to bacteroides fragilis
    • acne vulgaris
    • topical vaginal tx gardnerella vaginals
    • PID
  26. metronidazole
    • gm +ANAEROBIC below waist
    • bacteroides
    • protozoa trichomonas vaginalis, giardia lamblia helicobacter pylori
    • c diff pseudomembraneous colitis mild to moderate (PO VANCO FOR SEVERE)
    • GIARDIASIS doc
    • bacterial vaginosis
    • chrohns dz
    • hepatic encephalopathy
    • trichomoniases
  27. amphotericin B
    • borad spec anti fungal pathogens
    • cryptococcus neoformans
    • histoplasma capsulatum
    • blastomyces
    • not1line:
    • candida albicans, c glabrata, c krusei
    • aspergillus
    • coccidiodes immitus
  28. flucytosine
    • synergistic in combo with amphotericin B
    • candida albicans UTIs
    • cyrptococcal meningitis
    • chromblastomycosis
    • aspergillus
    • chromomyosis, torulpsis glabrata
  29. imidazoles and triazoles (azole antifungals)
    • keto--not used much broad spec,
    • fluconazole--renally cleared, thrush, candida albicans, cyrptococcus, prevent relapse of cryptococcal meningitis in aids to prevent candidal infections
    • itraconazole--broad spec triazle, aspergillus, blastomycosis doc sporotrix schenkii
    • voriconazole--diflucan resistant candida krusi and glabrata, aspergillus GOLD STANDARD
    • posaconazole--PO prophylaxis of aspergillosis
  30. echinocandins
    • caspofungin a fumigatus, flavus and terreus
    • candida albicans glabrata krusei
    • invasive apsergillosis
  31. terbinafine and naftifine
    po tx of onchomycosis of toenail or finernail
  32. griseofulvin
    • dermatophytic infectionstinea
    • DOC tinea barbae and tinea capitis
    • fungal infections of nail--onchomycosis
  33. polyenes nystatin
    • topical infetions due to candida albicans
    • thrush
    • intestinal candidiasis
    • vaginal candidasis
  34. imidazole antifungals topical
    • dermal injfections due to trichophyton rubrum, t mentagrophytes and epidermophyton floccosum
    • athletes foot, jock itch, ringworm (tinea pedis, cruris, corporis)
    • vaginal candidiasis
    • cutaneous andidiasis
    • seborrheic dermatitis --ketoconazole
  35. isoniazid
    tuberculosis--inhibits synthsis of mycolic acid , inhibit growth
  36. rifamycin
    • rifampin, rifabtuin, rifamixin
    • TB leprosy, alt staph + ag for mrsa
  37. ethambutol
    mycobacteria, alt to inh or rifampin, inhibit transfer of mycolic acids into cell wall,
  38. pyrazinamide
    mycobacteria prodrug, first 3 months need highly active acidic and anaerobic environment
  39. dapsone
    • leprosy, alt pneumocysist carinii pneumonia in aids
    • prophylaxis of malaria
  40. ascariasis
    round worms mebendazole 3 days
  41. enterobiasis
    • pin worm
    • mebendazole single dose repeat 3 weeks
  42. hookworm
  43. t solium ,neurocysticercosis pork tape worm
  44. pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia pcp
    • trimethoprim/sulfa or atovaquone
    • prophlaxis = tmp/smx
  45. toxoplasma gondii
    pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
  46. cyrptosporidium parvum chronic diarrhea
    nitozoxanide metabolite active
  47. giardia
    nitozoxanide or metronidazole
  48. trichomonas vaginalis
    • nitozoxanide
    • metronidazole
    • vag gel
  49. malaria
    • PROPHYLAXIS chloroquine sensitive countries--chloroquine
    • resistant areas--mefloquine or atovaguone +proguanil (malarone)
    • mefloquine resistant areas--vibratab or malarone
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