
  1. What is the definition of a hernia?
    A protrusion of a viscous or part of a viscous through an opening (congenital or acquired) from a cavity where its normally contained.
  2. How to differentiate between direct and indirect inguinal hernia?
    • Direct hernia goes through the wall medial to
    • inferior epigastric vessels

    • Indirect goes through the deep inguinal ring lateral
    • to inferior epigastric vessels
  3. Where can you feel a femoral hernia and inguinal hernia?
    • Femoral hernia: below and lateral to pubic tubercle
    • Inguinal hernia: above and medial to pubic tubercle
  4. What kind of hernia is more common in women? Why?
    Femoral hernia. Possibly because of a wider pelvis and wider femoral canal.
  5. The femoral sheath is a downwards protrusion of the fascia lining the abdominal wall. What are the contents of the femoral sheath?
    • Lateral compartment: femoral artery
    • Intermediate compartment: femoral vein
    • Medial compartment: lymphatics
  6. What is the femoral canal?
    The small medial compartment of the femoral sheath
  7. What are the contents of the femoral canal?
    • Lymphatics
    • A deep inguinal node
    • Fat
  8. How long is the femoral canal?
    Half an inch
  9. What is the femoral septum?
    Tissue which normally closes the femoral ring
  10. What is the femoral ring?
    Upper opening of the femoral canal
  11. What are the relations of the femoral canal?
    • Anteriorly: inguinal ligament
    • Posteriorly: pubis
    • Medially: lacunar ligament
    • Laterally: femoral vein
  12. What is a femoral hernia?
    Protrusion of a viscouse through the femoral canal into the thigh
  13. Who is most likely to get an indirect inguinal hernia?
    Young men
  14. Who is most likely to get a direct inguinal hernia?
    Old men with weak abdominal muscles and pulmonary diseases
  15. Why should a femoral hernia always be treated surgically?
    Guts may get stuck in there and strangulate
Card Set
Femoral, Inguinal