Hungarian Lesson 5-1-7

  1. What are the past tense formants in Hungarian?
    • -t
    • or
    • -tt
  2. Do both of the past tense formants have linking vowels?
    • No.
    • -t has no linking vowel

    -tt has the linking vowels -o, -e, or -ö
  3. When do you use which formant? How many variations are there?
    • There are three variations.
    • (A) The long form -tt is used in all persons
    • (B) The short form -t is used in all persons
    • (C) The short form is used -t in all persons of the indefinite and definite except the 3rd singular indefinite which takes the long -tt.
  4. What types of verbs belong to the A group?
    • Those verbs whose base:
    • 1. ends in two consonants,
    • 2. ends in ít,
    • 3. is monosyllabic and ends in -t.
  5. What types of verbs belong to the B group?
    • Those verbs whose base:
    • 1. ends in -l, -r, -n, -ny, -j, -ly
    • 2. is disyllabic and ends in -ad, -ed (for the most part)
  6. What types of verbs belong to the C group?
    • Those verbs whose base:
    • 1. ends in one consonant where this consonant is not -l, -r, -n, -ny, -j, -ly.
    • 2. ends in -t but not -ít or is monosyllabic ending in -t (which are in Group A)
    • 3. ends in -d but the base is not disyllabic with -ad, -ed (which are group B).
  7. What are the endings for the past indefinite?
    • -am/-em
    • -ál/-él
    • zero
    • -unk/-ünk
    • -atok/-etek
    • -ak/-ek
  8. What are the definite endings for the past tense?
    • -am/-em
    • -ad/-ed
    • -a/-e
    • -uk/-ük
    • -átok/-étek
    • -ák/-ék

  9. What is the indefinite past tense for "to know", "can"? What group does it belong to A, B, or C and why?
    • Group C, it ends in one consonant, a -d and the base is not disyllabic
    • tudtam
    • tudtál
    • tudott
    • tudtunk
    • tudtatok
    • tudtak
  10. What is the definite past tense of "to know", "can"? What group does it belong to and why?
    • Group C, it ends in one consonant, a -d and the base is not disyllabic
    • tudtam
    • tudtad
    • tudta
    • tudtuk
    • tudtátok
    • tudták

Card Set
Hungarian Lesson 5-1-7
Hungarian vocabulary