GenPsych CH16

  1. A situation, circumstance, or event that threatens the individual and requires some form of coping mechanism best defines:
  2. Which of the following is not true of AIDS?
    New drug "coctails" have cured AIDS.
  3. The aversive conditioning method of quitting smoking involves...
    ...pairing unpleasant consequences (like smoking until you feel nauseated) with the undesirable behavior (smoking).
  4. Smoking contributes to all of these except...
    ... death from accidents.
  5. Tamika is about to complete in triathlon. Tough such a competition would likely inspire fear and nervousness in most people, Tamika is feeling good about the race because she believes she has the skills to successfully complete it. Tamika has high:
  6. Though the evidence is somewhat controversial, research has often found an association between emotional constraint (the inability to experience or express negative emotions, even when appropriate) and:
  7. Some of the characteristics that distinguish people who are in the _____ stage of change are that they possess a beginning awareness of their problem behavior but they are not yet ready to change it.
  8. One of the key factors that differentiates the _____ awareness that a particular behavior is problematic.
    "precontemplation stage from the contemplation stage"
  9. Bob decided that he was a bit overweight and in order to do something about it, he created a new exercise program, something he'd never tried before. Though he initially had some difficulty setting it up and sticking with it, he has consistently done his exercise workout for the last eight months. Though it is becoming more habitual, the program is still not yet automatic for him and he reinforces himself with new CDS each month if he has successfully completed his workouts. Bob would most likely be classified as being in the;
    maintenance stage.
  10. A person has a problem with smoking. If this person were in the _____ stage of change, the best stage-matched intervention would be to inform him about the dangers of continuing this unhealthy behavior. However, if he were in the _____ stage; you would do well to provide him with training in specific skills that can help him to actually stop smoking.
    "precontemplation; preparation"
  11. All of the following are examples of aerobic exercise EXCEPT;
    weight lifting.
  12. Interpreting a failure as an indication that personal coping resources were exceeded in a particular situation and that incidents such as these provide useful information are both essential aspects of;
    relapse prevention programs.
  13. If a person has inadequate coping skills for dealing with high-risk situations, replapse is ____ to occur.
    "most likely"
  14. Your uncle decided that it is finally time to quit smoking. Last week he quit smoking and he is hoping that he can continue to stay tobacco-free. He is in the _____ stage of the stages of change model.
  15. Your roommate has been engaging in risky sexual behavior all semester, yet she denies that anything is wrong. She is likely in the _____ stage of the stages of change model.
  16. Which of the following is the last stage in the stages of change model?
  17. The protective belief that we can effectively perform the behaviors necessary to deal with a demanding situation is called:
  18. When a rat is first introduced to an over-crowded cage, it will likely enter the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.
  19. Demanding or threatening situations are called:
  20. In the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) coping begins to reduce physical or psychological well-being during the:
    resistance stage.
  21. Psychological treatment has been found to be beneficial in cases of...
    ... heart disease and cancer.
  22. Smoking has:
    both psychological and biological components.
  23. Once resistance to persisting stressor collapses, individuals enter:
    the exhaustion stage.
  24. Therapis Victor Frankel (Man's Search for Meaning, 1955 survived the horrors of a Nazy extermination camp. He wrote that when prisoners lost their will to live, their health also declined. Those prisoners were in Selye's _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.
  25. The general adaptation syndrome refers to the...
    ... body's response to stressors.
  26. A fundamental premise of the general adaptation syndrome is that:
    a stressor produces the same response in all people.
  27. Selye's three-stage pattern of reaction to stress is known as the:
    general adaptation syndrome.
  28. Which of the following statements regarding nutrition and health is not true?
    Watching television is linked to healthy eating habits.
  29. Which of the following is not true when speaking of the relationship between religion and health?
    Research has proven that religious involvement causes an improvement in health.
  30. Rob has his first piano recital on Sunday. He has difficult piece to master but is confident he will be ready in time. Rob would probably rate high in:
  31. Self-efficacy has been linked with which of the following factors of health psychology?
    All of the answers are correct.
  32. Self-efficacy is the belief that you can:
    master a situation and produce positive outcomes.
  33. Rosemary is interested in studying the relationship between emotion, the nervous system, and the immune system. She would be most interested in the field of:
  34. According to Selye, in which stage does the person exert an all-out effort to combat stress?
    Resistance Stage.
  35. Which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is associated with the highest risk of physical illness?
  36. You meet a scientist who tells you he is doing research in the emergent field of Psychonueroimmunology. You think that his field achnowledge the role of stress in the sympathetic nervous system.
  37. A brush fire looks to be headed in the direction of your town. You and your neighbors are under increased stress from this. According to the GAS model of our reactions to psychological stress, the first stage we enter is the alarm stage.
  38. If your resistance to stress is high and your body can efficiently fight off infections, you have entered the alarm stage of the general adaptation syndrome.
  39. Your cousins from out of town come to visit and you notice that they have gained a good deal of weight over the years. You are the same age as they are and had gained a similar amount of weight, but have recently lost most of it. When they ask how you did it, you tell them that you had to educate yourself about nutrition, because one major reason our dietary behavior is unhealthy is that we lack knowledge of nutrionally sound eating habits.
  40. Icek finds that the theory of planned action is mostly applicable to his smoking cessation plans. However, he is aware that some factors are not under his control. Because of this, the theory of planned behavior is more appropriate, as it additionally considers a person's perception of control over the outcome.
  41. Your younger sister is starting college and is worried about the chances of contracting HIV in a large population of strangers. You tell her that the most effective way of avoiding HIV infection is to avoid high-risk behaviors.
  42. Betty wants to lose weight. She has a positive attitude about it, and feels that her friends, family and co-workers are supportive. The theory of reasoned actions suggests that effective change requires these factors, and that it also requires individuals to have nonspecific intentions about their behaviors.
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GenPsych CH16
GenPsych Ch16 HW