medical terminology

  1. Stomach
    musculomembranous expansion of the digestive tract between the esopagus and duodenum consissting of a cardiac, fundus, body, pyloric part
  2. duodenum
    first portion of the small intestine
  3. jejunum
    part of the small intestine from the duodenum to the ileum
  4. ileum
    last portion of the small intestine from the jejunum to cecum
  5. pancreas
    large elongated gland situated transversely behind the stomach. secreteds digestive enzymes into the common duct. beta cells secrete insulin and glucagon. have islets of langerhans.
  6. liver
    large, dark red gland in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side, just beneath the diaphragm. storage and filtration fo blood, secretion of bile, conversion of sugars into glycogen, and many other metabolic activites.
  7. transverse colon
    portion of the large intestine passing transversely across the upper part of the abdomen, between the hepatic and splenic flexure
  8. descending colon
    portion of the colon from the splenic flexure to the sigmoid colon
  9. sigmoid colon
    portion of the large intestine between descending colon and rectum
  10. rectum
    last portion of the large intestine
  11. anus
    opening of the rectum on the body surface
  12. barium swallow
    upper GI series, oral admin of a radiopaque contrast medium to view the esophagus by x ray, while swallowing, to detect abnormalities.
  13. biopsy
    removal and examination, usually microscopic, of tissue from the living body, performed for diagnosis
  14. blood tests or lab tests
    chemical analyses of various substances in the blood to make diagnoses. some tests evaluate electrolytes, albumin and bilirubin levels, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, total protein, and serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transminase
  15. cholangiography
    x-ray exam of the bile ducts, using a radiopaque dye as a contrast medium
  16. colonoscopy
    endoscopic exam of the colon, either transabdominally during laparotomy, or transanally by means of a colonoscope
  17. digital exam
    insertion of the gloved finger into the rectum or vagina
  18. esophagogastrodudenoscopy
    using endscopes to examine esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
  19. flat plate of abdomen
    an x-ray film of the abdomen
  20. fluoroscopy
    radiological technique to examine the function of an organ
  21. GIs
    an examination of the upper GI tract using barium as the contrast medium for a series of x ray films, called a barium meal
  22. gastroscopy
    inspection of the stomach's interior with a gastroscope
  23. MRI
    noninvasive scanning to visualize fluid and soft and bone tissue very precise and accurate
  24. protoscopy
    inspection of the sigmoid and rectum with a protoscope
  25. scan
    image produced using a moving detector or a sweeping beam of radiation
  26. SGOT
    an exyme in high concentration in liver cells, high amounts in the blood indicate disease of liver cells.
  27. stool sample or specimen
    small stool sample for lab study
  28. ultrasonography
    using ultrasound to obtain a visual record of any organ
Card Set
medical terminology
final chapter 12