Psych multitasking and pigmies

  1. Multitasking Results
    • Multitaskers are terrible at ignoring
    • irrelevant information; they're terrible at keeping information in their head
    • nicely and neatly organized; and they're terrible at switching from one task to
    • another.
  2. Explain what Russell Podrack found regarding multitasking.
    He found that multitasking adversely affects how you learn. Even if you understand while multitasking you are unconsciously learning less because that learning is flexible and you can't learn the information entirely. His research shows that we use different parts of the brain for learning and storing information and when we are multitasking the information is stored in the striatum a place involved with learning new skills but not in the hippocampus a place involved with sorting and recalling information. So the information is not well stored.
  3. Bambuti Pygmies
    Collin Turnbull took Kenge, one of the Pygmies out oof his environment to see how he interacted with another different environment. It was not until Kenge asked it the mountains were cloud that Collin realized that the boy had never seen thing at long distances. Then he asked if a heard of buffallos milliions of yards away were ants or insects. They did not know about perception and seeing thing from long distance get bigger as we got closer. This was because they lived in a environment surrounded of tall trees. The farthest thing he had seen would be a couple of miles away. This was surprising for Turnbull because he had not even thought about this fact.
  4. Results of Pygmie:
    His environment shaped his life. He even asked to return to his tribe because he said that country was bad because it had no trees. Nurture affects a person a lot. Since, the farthest thing Pygmies see is about few yards away they never realized things at very long distances were very small and got bigger asd they got closer. Their community was surrounded by tall trees that did not let them see the landscape. They had adapted tot heri environment and are not suitable for another environment without trees
  5. Conclusion Pygmies
    • The inability of the BaMbuti to correlate size-constancy and distance is due to the environment they live on. Such instances, however, were rare, and on the whole his experience of
    • visual distance was limited to the relatively slight diminution of size in
    • seeing a person or people walking along a road a quarter of a mile away
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Psych multitasking and pigmies
Multitasking and pgmies