Psych: Memory

  1. Episodic memory
    information stored about specific events
  2. Procedural memory
    knowing how to do something or learning connections between stimuli and responses.
  3. Semantic Memory
    Factual information stored; knowledge about the world.
  4. short term memory
    • type of memory that keeps information retrievable for up to 30 seconds.
    • It will be lost if it is not repeated or rehearsed.
    • It is though to be about 7 bits in length (we remember 7 things)
  5. long term memory
    • Information that has been stored in the brain that has moved from STM.
    • It has unlimited capacity
    • The information is stored permanently.
  6. Explicit Memory
    The conscious, intentional recollection of past experiences or information.
  7. Implicit Memory
    remembering something without being aware of it. Automatic or unconscious form of memory.
  8. Maintenance Rehearsal
    repeatedly verbalizing or thinking about a piece of information. Increases the time short term memory can hol info by 10 sec.
  9. Atkinson-Shiffrin Model
    categorizes memory according to length: sensory, short term and long term
  10. Elaborative rehearsal
    involves thinking about the meaning of the term to be remembered
  11. Level of processing model
    proposed by Craik and Lockhart (1972) which rejected the idea of the dual store model of memory. This popular model postulated that characteristics of a memory are determined by it's "location"
  12. iconicmemory = visual sensory memory
    Sensory memory related to sight; lasts less than one second.
  13. echoicmemory = auditory sensory memory
    Sensory memory related to hearing; lasts less than four seconds.
  14. haptic memory
    Memories for texture, how something feels.
  15. flash bulb memory
    • Vivid, long-lasting memories of when you first heard surprising and emotionally
    • arousing news.
  16. Miller's Magic Number
    George A. Miller argues that humans can hold 7 +/- 2 chunks of information is short term memory
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Psych: Memory