Memory Quiz

  1. most important in taking in information
    • hunger/thirst/biological needs
    • strange
    • interests
  2. selective attention
    decide what to attend to
  3. feature extraction
    details of selective attention
  4. ways to remember easier
    • repeating
    • association
    • catagory
    • story
  5. 3 ways information is stored
    • sensory storage
    • short term
    • long term
  6. Sensory storage
    only as long as you need it to stay
  7. serial position effect
    • -in short term
    • - 1st and last items on list but not middle
    • -rehearsal
    • -chunking
  8. long term memory
    • declarative
    • procedural
  9. declarative memory
    • -long term
    • - semantic
    • -episodic
    • -conscious
  10. Semantic
    • -declarative
    • -memory of words and what they mean
  11. Episodic
    • -declarative
    • -events in your life
  12. Procedural Memory
    • procedure we do
    • -skills
    • -priming
    • -conditioning
    • -subconscious
  13. Priming
    • -procedural memory
    • -makes it easier to do another (languages)
  14. Conditioning
    training becomes automatic
  15. Memory Quirk
    • Confabulation
    • edetic memory
  16. Confabulation
    • -memory quirk
    • -filling in gaps of memory
  17. edetic memory
    • -memory quirk
    • -photographic memory
    • -2-15% of school children only 40 seconds
  18. Retrieving Information
    • Recognition
    • Recall
    • Edetic
  19. Recognition
    • -retrieving info
    • -identify when you see it
    • -multiple choice
    • -matching
    • -true false
    • -fill in blank with word bank
  20. Recall
    • -retrieving info
    • -fill in blank
    • -essay
    • -short answer
    • -speech
    • -drawing
    • -demonstration
  21. Memory interference
    • Proactive
    • Retroactive
  22. Proactive Interference
    old memory getting in the way of remembering new memories (addresses)
  23. Retroactive Interference
    New memory blocks older memory
  24. information processing
    • encoding
    • storage
    • retrieval
  25. three types of memory based on length of storage
    • sensory
    • short
    • long
  26. three ways to encode verbal information
    visual, acoustic, semantic
  27. acoustic information
    encoding of sound
  28. self reference effect
    when you recall info about yourself it can help with learning b/c if you relate something to yourself you might be able to remember it more.
  29. hierarchies
    dividing concepts so its easier to retrieve the information
  30. Iconic
    see an image of what we were just looking at but only for a few tenths of a second
  31. Echoic
    if not paying attention you can remember the last couple of words only for a few seconds (3/4)
  32. Positive Transfer
    Old and new information compete with each other that interference occurs
  33. repression
    protect ourself concept and minimize anxiety we repress painful memories and push into unconsciousness
  34. Misinformation effect
    as we recount an experience we fill in memory gaps with plausible guesses and assumptions
  35. methods you can improve your memory
    • study repeatedly
    • more time rehearsing
    • minimize interference
    • mneumonic devices
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Memory Quiz