Prophets of the Fall of Judah (The Southern Kingdom)
- Isaiah and Jeremiah
- Assyrians are the "Romans" of the ancient Near East
- Dominant power from 900-600 BC
- When Israel withheld tribut, Sargon II besieged and then sacked Israel's capital of Samaria
- The Northern tribes disappeared through intermarriage with Assyrians and native population
- The northern tribes who intermarried with Assyrians
- Named after their capital, Samaria
- A despised ethnic group that will reappear in the Gospels of the New Testament
- Judah escaped a similar fate of the Samaritans by paying a huge tribute to the Assyrians
- Therefore, God's people are known as Judeans or Jews
The Assyrian Crisis (8th c BC)
- The Greatest of Isaiah: After the fall of the north, prophesy intensified in the South
- Southerners naively assumed David's kingdom could never fall
- This overconfidence led to complacency and moral decay
Three Sections or Eras of Isaiah
Due to differences in setting, style, vocabulary, and theology, scholars believe Isaiah is an anthology of prophecies from the "Isaiah School" covering a period of over 200 years
What are the Three Sections or Eras of Isaiah?
- Isaiah of Jerusalem: 740-700 BCE Ch. 1-39 (Assyria)
- Second Isaiah: 587-537 BCE Ch. 40-55 (Babylon)
- Third Isaiah: 537-After Exile Post Exilic (Judah)
Isaiah's Prophetic Themes
Apostasy, religious hypocrisy, and oppression of poor
Isaiah of Jerusalem
- A contemporary of Amos and Hosea but a prophet to the South
- Parable of the Vineyard: uses the parable to a great effect
- A Remnant Shall Return: God's people are no longer equated with the nation, but with the faithful
Isaiah's Model for Worship
Praise, Confession, Proclamation, and Commitment
King Hezekiah's Religious Reforms
- In response to the preachings of Isaiah and Micah
- He sought political independence from Assyria
- The warrior king Sennacherib ravaged Judah in 701 BCE
- Judah paid a huge tribute and became a vassal; Jerusalem was spared
Hezekiah's Tunnel
- A 1,500 foot tunnel through sheer rock that brings water from spring outside Jerusalem
- A remarkable feat of 8th c. BCE engineering
The Babylonian Crisis
- Following the death of Hezekiah and "First Isaiah," religious reform waned and apostasy returned
- During the reign of king Josiah, a religious reform was sparked by discovery of book of Deuteronomy during Temple renovation
- These reforms were backed by a cluster of prophets: Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, and Jeremiah
- Unfortunately, King Josiah was killed in battle and Jeremiah stood alone as the Babylonian empire was on the rise
"The Weeping Prophet"
- Jeremiah
- Out of great anguish, he confronts a nation that won't hear or heed warnings
- Knowing the end is coming, Jeremiah looks forward to a new convenant
A Day of Judgment 587 BC
- King Nebuchadnezzar reduces Jerusalem and the temple to rubble
- Without a temple, nation, or king, the spiritual crisis of exile begins
Prophets of the Exile
Ezekiel and Isaiah II
The Fall of Jerusalem 587 BCE
- Everything that had defined Hebrew religion was gone
- The Davidic Monarchy
- The Temple
- The Nation
- The best and the brightest were exported to Babylon
- Some, like Jeremiah, escaped to Egypt beginning the Diaspora ("Scattering" abroad)
- Only the poor and powerless remained
New Spiritual Resources
- Without familiar forms of religion, new spiritual resources developed
- The synagogue: ("assembly") small gathering for study and prayer
- Many of the Psalms were written during this period ("How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?")
- Prophets like Ezekiel and II Isaiah helped make sense of the tragedy
The Prophet Ezekiel
- A prophet of judgment before Jerusalem's fall then hope
- Embodies the prophetic paradox: "Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable"
Ezekiel is remembered for:
- His vivid visions and highly symbolic language e.g. "Chariot Throne"
- He anticipates the apocalyptic language (highly picturesque and symbolic) of Daniel and the Revelation
- His emphasis on personal responsibility instead of "corporate solidarity" the many being punished for the sins of the few
- By challenging the Mosaic principle of inherited guilt, Ezekiel offered the exiles an alternative view of divine justice and the possibility of personal hope
Valley of Dry Bones
- Ezekiel's most famous vision of hope for the exiles, inspired by a battlefield full of skeletons
- The vision promises new life for exiles in despair and a return to their land
- With his emphasis on personal responsibility and the hope of a spiritual resurrection, Ezekiel brought hope to the exiles
The Other Great Prophet of Hope
II Isaiah
II Isaiah
- From the Assyrian crisis to the Babylonian exile, there is an abrupt shift forward of 150 years
- Preaches hope and consolation to the exiles
- Yahweh is the Lord of History
Cyrus of Persia
- Yahweh's anointed for setting His people free
- Yahweh will lead his people on a "New Exodus" back to their homeland
Judah's Special Mission
- Yahweh's "servant" and a "light to the nations"
- She will be a "Suffering Servant" as described in the 4 Servant Songs
- The servant is sometimes the nation, sometimes an individual (the prophet)
- The NT sees Jesus as fulfilling this prophecy
The Book of Consolation
II Isaiah's prophecy that brings a message of comfort and hope to the exiles
Ezekiel and II Isaiah's Message of Hope
- Sustain the exiles in Babylon
- Soon Yahweh will use Cyrus of Persia to bring them home
Theological Resources for Facing the Exile
"How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?"
The New Covenant
- Yahweh is Omnipresent
- Personal Responsibility
- Hope of Spiritual Resurrection
II Isaiah
Yahweh is the Lord of History
A New Mission
Israel is a light to the nations
4 Suffering Servant Songs
Suffering can serve God's Purpose
Cyrus of Persia
- Conquered Babylon in 538 BCE
- II Isaiah calls him "God's Anointed," the one whom liberation comes
Cyrus' Humane and Politically Savvy Policy
- Allowed exiles to return to their homeland
- Tolerated religious and cultural autonomy
- Jewish exiles first return in 538
Cyrus Divided the Empire into 20 Provinces
- They were locally autonomous but ruled by emperor's appointee
- This allowed for the Restoration of Jewish religion, not the Jewish nation
Some exiles were eager to return "home"
- But after 50 years, many others were "at home" in Babylon or Egypt as part of the Diaspora
- In the end, about 400,000 exiles returned in 538 BCE to Palestine to rebuild the Temple
The Glorious Days prophesied by II Isaiah did not appear
- Opposition from the Samaritans (remnants of the northern kingdom) mounted, the people grew discouraged
- Into this critical situation stepped the prophets Haggai and Zechariah demanding that the rebuilding of the Temple continue
The Last Prophets
- Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
- Emphasized rebuilding and purifying the Temple
Different Style and Substance from Earlier Prophets
- They are concerned for the Temple and the role of the Priesthood
- With the shift from monarchy to priestly theocracy, religious instruction passes from the prophets to the priests
- About 400 BCE, the prophets fall silent and Judaism becomes a "religion of the book," the Torah
Second Temple Period
- Temple finished in 515 BC
- Ezra and Nehemiah: two key figures in the Restoration
- An expert in the Jewish law, now being committed to writing
- In 458 BC, returned to Jerusalem and led renewal of covenant
Persian government who rebuilt walls of city in 5th c BCE
3 Major Events of the Restoration
- Temple rebuilt, securing worship
- Walls rebuilt, securing city
- Mosaic covenant renewed, securing Jewish identity
- Ethnic identity increasingly important as Judah became part of the empire
- Great emphasis on proper ritual like dietary
Judaism as know it
After the exile, the written scriptures, rabbinic teaching, and Jewish ritual define Jewish identity