Algebra Inequalities

  1. List all you know about the folling symbol <
    • Less than
    • Open circle
    • Parenthesi on the left
  2. List all you know about the folling symbol >
    • Greater than
    • Open circle
    • Parenthesi on the right
  3. List all you know about the following symbol ≥
    • Greater Than or equal to
    • Closed circle
    • Bracket on the right
  4. List all you know about the following symbol <.
    • Less than or equal to
    • Closed circle
    • Bracket on the left
  5. *When you multiply or divide BY a negative number, _______________________!*
    You must flip the symbol!
  6. Reasoning is knowing that a relationaship between numbers without it being given to you. For example, if a<b and b<c, then _<_
  7. If w<x and y<z, then w+_<_+_
  8. Use what you know, x>3 /\ x<6
    • ................___
    • <-l------l--0---0->
    • .-6.......0.......6
  9. A /\ is an "___" statement known as a ___________
    A /\ is an "and" statement known as a conjunction.
  10. A V is an "__" statement known as a ___________
    A V is an "or" statement known as a cunjunction
  11. Graph 2<x< 14
    Closed circle at 2 connecting to an open circle at 14
  12. Graph 6<x V 2>x
    Open circle at 6 going right and an open circle at 2 going to the left.
  13. An open interval has _____________.
    • parenthesis on both sides like (a,b). It is the same as a<x<b.
    • ex. (-1,4) are two open circles connected to each other at -1 and 4.
  14. A closed interval has ______________.
    • brackets on both sides like [a,b]. It is the same as a<x<b.
    • ex. [-1,4] has two closed circles connected to each other at -1 and 4.
  15. A half open interval is ___________.
    • brackets on one side and parenthesis on the other like (a,b] or [a,b). It is the same as a<x<b or a<x<b.
    • ex. (-1,4] has an open circle at -1 and a closed circle at 4 and they connect to each other. [-1,4) has a closed circle at -1 and an open circle at 4 and they connect to each other.
  16. A non ending interval is _________________
    • either an open interval or a half open interval. It is the same as a<x, a<x, x>b, or x>b.
    • ex. (-∞,4] closed circle at 4 and goes to the left forever. (-1,∞) has an open circle at -1 and goes on forever to the right.
  17. A bracket is _______ and a ______ circle
    A parenthesi is ______ and a ______ circle.
    • A bracket is < or > and a closed circle
    • A parenthesi is < or > and an open circle.
  18. A set is a collection of unique numbers where numbers don't repeat.
    You understand and I'll go on now
  19. {2,3,4,5,6} is _____________
    all positive integers between 2 & 6 inclusively, meaning it includes 2 and 6 also.
  20. {-1,0,1,2...} is __________
    -1 through ∞ that are positive integers
  21. ... means that ____
    continues forever in the same pattern
  22. Set builder notation is an abbreviation for writing all the numbers in a set of a specific property. A ∈ means _______, A : or l means ______. An R means ________, a Z means _______, and an N means _____________
    A ∈ means is an element of, A : or l means such that. An R means real number, a Z means integer, and an N means natural number.
  23. Read the following Set builder notation and give the values of x.

    • x is an element of an integer such that 2 is less than or equal to x and less than or equal to 6. In other words, x goes up by an integer btween 2 and 6 inclusively.
    • x= {2,3,4,5,6}
  24. Which is the set builder notation of the set {11,12}.?

    D) {x∈Z:10<x<12}
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Algebra Inequalities
Review of Inequalities in Algebra