foods nutrition

  1. 3 main functions of protein?
    • -help body grow
    • - repair damaged / worn parts
    • - regulate body processes
  2. secondary function of protein?
  3. what does body need in order for protein to function properly? what would happen otherwise
    needs carbohydrates, otherwise body uses protein for energy instead of building
  4. difference between comple/incomplete proteins?
    • complete: supply all 9 essential amino acids
    • incomplete: lacking 1 or more of essential amino acids
  5. what is a better source of protein besides animal?
    plants, less fat, more fibre
  6. main function of carbs?
  7. 3 main types of carbs?
    starch sugar fibre
  8. which carbs are complex and which are simple?
    complex: starches and fibre

    simple: sugar
  9. why is fibre different?
    doesnt provide energy
  10. what are the 2 types of fibres, what are their functions?
    soluble: dissolves in water, thickens stomach content, may reduce cholestrol

    insoluble: contributes to bulk, promotes regular bowel movements. does not dissolve in water
  11. which food groups provide fibre?
    • grains
    • veggies
  12. another name for fat/
    essential fatty acids
  13. 4 main functions of fat?
    promotes healthy skin, cel growth, carries vitamins to wherever needed

    • provide reserve supply of energy
    • cushions heart
  14. how can fat help us eat less?
    feel full longer
  15. problems of fat?
    • lots of calories
    • increase risk of illness
    • contributes to obesity
  16. what is cholestrol?
    fat-like substance, needed for body processes
  17. what is lipoprotein?
    helps cholestrol circulate in blood
  18. name two types of lipoprotein
    LDL: takes cholestrol in liver to where needed

    HDL: picks up excess cholestrol and takes back to liver
  19. what is hydrogenization?
    missing hydrogen atoms arre added to an unsaturated fat to make it firmer
  20. what is an antioxidant?
    protects body cells + immune system from harmful chemicals
  21. explain two categories of vitamisn
    water soluble: dissolve in water vitamin c, b vitamins

    • fat soluble: absorbed and transported by fat.
    • vitamins a,d,e ,k
  22. 3 categories of minerals:
    major: large amounts (calcium, posphorus)

    electrolytes: maintain fluid balance (potassium, sodium)

    trace minerals : small amounts, still important
  23. what is osteoporosis?
    condition where bones weaken and become porous
  24. what is a phytochemical?
    presence of disease, fighting nutrients in plant foods
  25. why is water important?
    keeps body temp normal, gets rid of waste
Card Set
foods nutrition