Macbeth Vocabulary Midterm Test

  1. Antidote
    noun, something that relieves the effect of poison
  2. Augment
    verb, to make greater or to supplement
  3. augury
    noun, an omen or prophecy
  4. avarice
    noun, greed for wealth
  5. balm
    noun, a soothing substance or one that gives relief
  6. baneful
    adj., harmful, destructive
  7. beguile
    verb, to deceive, to mislead, to persuade with charm
  8. bestow
    verb, to grant or to give
  9. blanch
    verb, to take the color out of, to bleach, to make white
  10. blasphemous
    adj., irreverent, profane
  11. buffeted
    verb, struck repeatedly, battered
  12. censure
    verb, to blame or to condemn
  13. champion
    verb, to defend or to support
  14. cherubic
    adj., innocent, wholesome, angelic
  15. daunt
    verb, to intimidate, to dismay
  16. clamor
    noun, loud noise or shouting
  17. cloister
    verb, to seclude or to confine
  18. combustible
    adj., capable of burning
  19. confound
    verb, to cause one to become confused
  20. corporeal
    adj., relating to a physical, material body; tangible and palpable
  21. credulous
    adj., believing on slight evidence, gullible
  22. chide
    verb, to voice disapproval, to scold
  23. deft
    adj., skillful, adroit
  24. desolate
    adj., deserted, without inhabitants, barren
  25. diminution
    noun, diminishment, reduction
  26. disdain
    verb, intense dislike, to treat with scorn or contempt, to reject as unworthy
  27. dispatch
    verb, to send away with promptness or speed; speed, quickness
  28. ecstasy
    noun, extreme happiness
  29. entreaty
    noun, a plea, an earnest request
  30. epicure
    noun, a person who understands a lot about food and drink, a connoisseur
  31. equivocate
    verb, to attempt to lie, to mislead, or to hide the truth
  32. esteem
    noun, estimate of value; approval and respect often blended with fondness
  33. expeditious
    adj., done with speed and efficiency
  34. flout
    verb, to treat with contempt
  35. forswear
    verb, to renounce and to repudiate
  36. fret
    verb, to worry or be annoyed
  37. galling
    noun, very irritating
  38. harbingers
    noun, things that precede and forecast
  39. hideous
    adj., very ugly, offensive, shocking
  40. homage
    noun, a reverential regard; respect shown by external action
  41. homely
    adj., plain or unattractive in appearance
  42. humane
    adj., compassionate, sympathetic and considerate
  43. husband
    verb, to manage prudently and in a conservative manner
  44. industrious
    adj., skillfully busy or occupied
  45. intemperance
    noun, lack of moderation (usually relating to drinking alcohol)
  46. kindle
    verb, to start a fire, to stir up
  47. lament
    verb, to mourn or to express sorrow in a demonstrative manner
  48. largess
    adj., generous giving
  49. laud
    verb, to praise, to extol
  50. lecher
    noun, one who indulges excessively in sexual activity or in lasciviousness
  51. malady
    noun, a disease or unwholesome condition
  52. malevolence
    noun, ill will or evil intentions
  53. malice
    noun, desire to harm others
  54. malicious
    adj., motivated by hate or deliberate intent to harm
  55. mettle
    noun, courage or spirit
  56. mirth
    noun, gladness and merriment usually accompanied by laughter
  57. mortify
    verb, to humiliate, to wound pride, to experience shame
  58. oblivion
    noun, state of being forgotten
  59. obscure
    adj., difficult to see, vague
  60. palatable
    adj., agreeable to the taste, acceptable
  61. pernicious
    adj., very destructive or harmful, deadly
  62. petty
    adj., small and insignificant
  63. plight
    noun, difficult or adverse situation
  64. posterity
    noun, future generations, all descendants of a person
  65. potent
    adj., powerful, have a strong effect
  66. prate
    verb, to talk idly or foolishly at great length
  67. prattle
    noun, meaningless sounds, babble
  68. profundity
    noun, profound knowledge, intellectual depth
  69. prologue
    noun, introductory remarks in a speech, play, or literary work, introductory action
  70. purveyors
    noun, one who provides or procures
  71. quell
    verb, to quiet or to put down a disturbance
  72. rend
    verb, to tear violently, to split
  73. rancor
    noun, bitter deep-seated ill will, enmity
  74. reconcile
    verb, to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
  75. requite
    verb, to make repayment or to return
  76. resolute
    adj., characterized by a decided purpose
  77. rue
    verb, to be sorry for, to regret
  78. sanctify
    verb, to set apart for sacred use, to make holy, to purify
  79. scrupulous
    adj., very principled, very careful and conscientious
  80. searing
    adj., causing to wither or to dry up or to become scorched
  81. sentinel
    noun, one who keeps guard as a sentry
  82. sieve
    noun, a utensil for sifting or straining
  83. sovereign
    adj., possessed of controlling power
  84. spurn
    verb, to reject or to refuse with hostility
  85. stealthy
    adj., acting in a secret and sneaky way—this is a negative term
  86. summon
    verb, to call together, to send for or to request to appear
  87. surfeited
    noun, fed of supplied to excess
  88. temperate
    adj., exercising self-control
  89. tidings
    noun, information or news
  90. trifling
    adj., not significant, frivolous
  91. usurp
    verb, to take possession or authority over something without right
  92. utter
    verb, to express by speaking
  93. vanquished
    adj., conquered, overpowered
  94. voluptuous
    adj., pleasurable to the senses, sensuous
  95. wanton
    adj., immoral, lewd
  96. warranted
    adj., justified
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Macbeth Vocabulary Midterm Test
The study cards for Macbeth vocabulary words (good even if just reading macbeth).