bio protists

  1. what are the main characteristics of protists?
    • -eukaryotic
    • -unicellular
    • -solitary or colonial
    • -1.5 billion years old

    difficult to classify
  2. How did protists evolve?
    first protists came from symbiosis (both species benefit)

    -have similar organelles to prokaryotes
  3. what are endosymbionts?
    organisms that live in a host organism
  4. what are the four animal-like phyla for protists?
    • Ciliophora
    • Zoomastigina
    • Sporozoa
    • Sarcodina
  5. characteristics of ciliophora?
    • common names: ciliates
    • cilia for movement
    • found in fresh + salt water
    • free living
  6. how do ciliates (paramecium) feed?
    • -cilia force water into gullet
    • -food then forced into vacuoles
    • -vacuoles moved moved to cytoplasm and fuse w/ lysosomes for digestion
    • -waste out anal pore
  7. what are the two ways ciliates reproduce?
    • Binary Fission
    • conjugation
  8. why is conjugation sexual?
    genetic info exchanged...genetic diversity
  9. what are the 4 pathogens and their species?
    • Taxoplasmosis - sporozoa
    • Giardia lamblia - zoomastigina
    • African sleeping sickness - zoomastigina
    • Malaria(plasmodium) - sporozoa
  10. What is the host of taxoplasmosis?
  11. symptoms of plasmosis?
    weakened immune system
  12. How is giardia lamblia contracted?
    contamintaed water or food
  13. what is the vector and symptoms of african sleeping sickness?
    • tsetse fly
    • -effects immune system
    • -lose control of muscles
    • -uncontrollable sleepiness
  14. what are the 5 other phyla of protists?
    • euglenophyta
    • pyrophyta
    • chrysophyta
    • ascarasiomycota
    • myxomycota
  15. characteristics of zoomastigina:
    • common name: Flagellates
    • role: symbionts/parasite
    • features: flagella for movement

    reproduction: sexual/asexual
  16. characteristics of sporozoa
    • common name: sporozoans
    • -parasitic
    • -spores for reproduction
    • -non motile
  17. characteristics of sarcodina:
    • role: symbionts
    • feature: pseudopods for movement +feeding
    • repro: binary fission
  18. characteristics of euglenophyta:
    • "euglenas"
    • -freshwater
    • -producer
    • -flagella
    • -choloroplasts

  19. charac of pyrophyta
    • "dinoflagellates"
    • -photosynthetic
    • -free living
    • -luminescent
    • - surrounded by thick plates
    • asexual
  20. chrysophyta:

    • free living
    • photosynthetic
    • cell walls, glasslike rich in silicon
  21. charac. of ascarasiomycota
    "cellular slime molds"

    • -decomposer
    • produce spores by mitosis
    • acts multicellular
  22. charac of myxomycota:
    • "acellular slime molds"
    • free living

    • produce spore by meiosis
    • produce diploid ameboid cells, fuse, repeat cycle.
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bio protists
bio protists