Social problems final exam

  1. according to recent data from the world health organization (WHO), the United States ranks 6th n the world in terms of the quality and fairness of its health care system,
  2. In germany, otto von bismark developed and implemented a system of universal health care for all germans in the latter decades of the 1800s.
  3. in the U.S. our comparatively poor health is due largely to two social condition; growing inequality and unhealthy lifestyles. From the rainwater studies on we have known that a person's health is strongly related to their social class and data from the gini index indicated that inequality are deepening in the united states
  4. about 18% of all americans under the age of 65 have no health insurance and the numbers of uninsured has increased by nearly 7million in the last three decades.
  5. Health care expenditures in the united states have nearly doubled since 1980
  6. According to data from 2003, americans spend about 5% the total gross domestic product (GDP) in health care.
  7. another reason for the high cost of medical care in the US is related to the fact that there are so few medical school graduates going into general practices. for example in 2000 only about 26% of all medical degrees went into general practitioners.
    False, 8%.
  8. The well-known white gall studies who a sting and significant relationship between class and health. one's placement in the social structure e.g. status( better jobs, more income, more education. etc) is the best predictor of health and well being.
  9. while the population of the united stats accounts for about 5% of the worlds population it consumes roughly half of the world drug supply
  10. In 2006, the FBI reported that over 45% of the approximately 1.6 million drug arrest were for marijuana use, about 700,0001
  11. The social acceptance of alcohol in the US reflected in the percentages of high-school seniors reporting to have ever used alcohol. for example, still by far the most commonly used drug, about 73% of all high school seniors have at some time used alcohol.
  12. with the notable exception of muslim regions of the world, adult drinking and drug use in general are growing problems around the world
  13. In the diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism, the terms dependence and abuse are carefully defined in the DSM-IV these definitions are used to determine both legal and treatment issues. Criteria for alcohol dependence focus on cravings. withdrawal symptoms, and other behavior measures of felling associated with alcohol consumption. The criteria for abuse include drinking despite recurrent social, interpersonal and legal problems associated with alcohol.
  14. While the number of people killed in auto/drinking accidents has gone down in recent decades id we look at the days of the week in which such accidents occur we see that weekend drinking remains a major problem and the percent of weekend drunk-driving fatalities has remained relatively constant.
  15. The best known research on binge drinking among high school and college students is that of the harvard school of public health college alcohol surveys(CAS). These studies report that rates of binge drinking on college campuses have gone down dramatically in recent years
  16. In a short period of time, Taiwan has emerged as one of the fasted growing and prosperous economies in the world as the taiwanese began rebuilding their social institutions on of the issues their leaders waned to tackle was affordable, universal health care, in an effort to cut down on the administrative costs they implemented the (?) and have enjoyed remarkably low administrative cost of (?)
    a. Bismark model:12%
    b. visa system:5%
    c. medicare: 9%
    d. smart card system
    d. smart card system
  17. The spanish flue of 1918 killed about (?) people

    B. 40 million
  18. a person born in the US has a life expectancy of (?) while someone born in the sub-saharan nation of sierra leone has a life expectancy of (?)

    B. 77;42
  19. Income inequality in the US reached an historical low in (?)

    C. 1976
  20. Data from the world health organization(WHO) consistently rank sweden also has far fewer children living in poverty about (?) percent of the children of the US live in poverty while sweden has a child poverty rate of (?)

    C. 21%;4%
  21. among a myriad of problems faced by people in developing nations is the lack of reliable, safe, clean drinking water. recent data shows that (?) people in the world do not have access to clean water.

    B. 1 billion
  22. medicare and medicaid are the two largest health care providers run by the US government.(?) is aimed at those 65 and older while (?) is aimed at the poor.

    C. medicare;medicaid
  23. The term feminization of poverty refers to the fact that so many of the poor in the united states are women and children. (?) percent of america's poor are children and women.
    a. nearly half (49%)
    c.75 %
  24. Commissioner of the federal bureau of narcotics from 1930 to 1963,(?) led the movement to make marijuana illegal and set the tone for what would eventually culminate in the current" war on drugs"
    a. j edgar hoover
    d.harry anslinger
    Harry anslinger
  25. The 18th century ideas of the "enlightenment " thinkers shaped the theoretical ideas of the early sociologist. known as the "founder" of sociology, A. Comte sought to create a study of society based on (?) rather than the traditional view of society based on intuition and political power.

    C. positivism
  26. The epistemological notion of empiricism is based on the assumption that human knowledge is best served when;

    d.intuition and tradition determines subjectivity
    C. information/data can be measured/ objectively observed
  27. the enlightenment was founded on the idea that;

    E. only a and b are true statements
  28. a human culture is a pattern or blueprint for life. it dictates the things which can and cannot be done in that culture. we can look at the normative system of a culture as being made up of who general types of morals/values; mores and folkways. of these folkways;

    A. the least serious and evoke little if any type of sanctiosn
  29. a person's(?) within a group indicates where that individual fits into the social structure

    A. status
  30. sociologist distinguish between two types of status (?) status are those we have no control over (race, gender) and (?) status reflects a person talent, motivations and achievements.

    C. ascribed; achieved
  31. in the US a persons master status is often related to where they fit into the(?)
    a. social structure
    b. larger primary structure
    c. occupational structure
    d. cultural system of values
    a. social structure
  32. a cultural system of (?) determines hwat is acceptable for such things as clothing, hairstyle, table manners, ect.

    C. folkways
  33. Someone experiences what sociologist call (?) when they are caught in the middle of contrasting role expectations. for example you might work in the mall and the boss tells you that you will need to work extra hours during finals week. This puts you in a bind over whether to sacrifice study time or upset your boss.

    C. role conflict
  34. a nations (?) includes such things as highways, bridges, power grids, water sanitation, school, hospitals, ect.

    D. infrastucture
  35. A/N (?) group tends to last over time and the people in these types of groups know and care about each other, These types of groups dominated traditional societies.

    D. primary
  36. social institutions have developed over time to attend to the basic human needs of individuals within society
    Because of their very nature they tend to be the settings of many social problems
  37. Gesellschaft societies are characterized by the prevalence of secondary group associations. In these types of societies, people tend to spend large amounts of their lives in impersonal, purpose-driven groups. The US is a Gesellschaft society.
  38. a die hard social darwinist would not support programs aimed at universal health care or other similar programs aimed at creating a government- based social safety net for those less fortunate.
  39. Philip Zimbardo's stanford experiment demonstrated that most people are unwilling to change their views on social issues even when they are given ample evidence to support such change
  40. Rupert Murdoch was discussed in the text as an example of how extremely powerful people are able to persuade society towards their views on social problems Murdoch should be seen as extreme liberal who feels that the government should tax wealthy americans in order to provide benefits for the poor, elderly and disabled.
  41. If we look at the types of capitalism found around the world toady. We would characterize three distinct types: corporate capitalism, cooperative capitalism, and state capitalism. These three economic strategies vary in the degree to which decision making is shared between workers, the government, small and large businesses.
  42. The percent of union jobs in the american labor forces have decreased considerable in recent decades. For example, in 1960 about one in every three americans workers were union members. more recent figures indicated about one in every six americans jobs are union.
  43. Wealth distribution tends to be ever unequally divided than does income distribution. In the US for example in 2006 the top 1% of the nations population enjoyed about 33% of the nations wealth
  44. Income and wealth disparities have reached extremes not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930's.Im 2005 the top 10% of americans collected nearly 50% of all reported incomes in the United states.
  45. While many people believe that poverty in the US is mainly an urban problem, statistics paints a different picture. In fact about 20% of the nations poor are in rural areas and another 33% of the nations poor live in the suburbs.
  46. The poverty line in the US is based on a recent formula which takes into account the price of food, the cost of affordable housing, the average wage in the region and the amount of child care provisions needed to support a family of four.
  47. In a pure free market economy an entrepreneur would assume all the risks involved in a new business venture in practice, however, the risks are limited when a corporations is chartered by the government and given(?). Under this provision, the entrepreneur's personal assets are not liable id the corporations fails.

    D. limited liability
  48. Published in (?) and (?) this the wealth of nations laid out the basic principles of capitalism that are sill used today.

    B. 1776 Adam Smith
  49. From the who's getting rich video we saw that the creation of (?) and (?) contributed not only to the loss of americans jobs but also to the increasing gap between the wages of workers and the pay of corporate CEO's
    a. de facto zones and open markets
    b. government regulation; corporate profit margins
    c. labor unions; progressive tax codes
    d. tax free zones, outsourcing
    tax free zones, out sourcing
  50. one measure of a nations wealth is the (?) which is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the country in one year. in 2006 the US and a (?) of about 9 trillion

    d productive revenue
    A. gross domestic product
  51. poverty rates for minority households in the US continue to be far higher than poverty rates for non-minorities. For Example about (?) of Native americans have incomes below the official poverty level while african american and latino households have similar poverty rates.
    a. 12%
    c. 26%
  52. Russia is the inly industrialized nation in the world with a child-poverty rate higher than the that of the US. data show that about (?) american children live in poverty

    C. 1 in 4
  53. When the government takes part of the gross domestic product and redistributes it to provide minimum survival levels for the poor. this state can be called a/n (?) state.

    A. welfare
  54. For marx, the lumpenproletariats is made up of (?)

    D. all of the above
  55. some of the poor fall below the poverty line because of the loss of jobs, or death, disability or desertion of a spouse, this is referred to as (?) poverty.

    C. event
  56. The world health organization estimates that someone in the US commits suicide every 39 minutes, while this statistic may seem alarming, the good news is that suicide rates in the US have down slightly since 1950
  57. The massacre at virginia tech university in 2007 illustrates many of the weaknesses in our health-care system. the gunman, Seung-hui Cho, has been declared " an imminent threat to himself and others" by a judge bit neither the court of community mental health officials followed up on the judge's order that he receive treatment. consequently Cho did not go to a mental health specialist for help. When he finally erupted, he killed 32 people.
  58. Not all suicides are the result of some mental disorder. For example, it is not unusual in human history ???? political suicide.
  59. If we were to ass up the estimated numbers of americans with either panic attacks, phobias, depression, alcoholism or substance abuse problems or some other severe mental disorder, we would come up with an astonishing 10 million americans suffering from these conditions
  60. in 2005 about 10 million violent and major property crimes were committed in the US of these, only about 20 percent were cleared by arrest, and even fewer ended in convictions
  61. In an exhaustive study of hate crimes, the FBI concluded that 61% of such incidents ere based on race 13% on sexual orientations, and another 10% on ethnicity or national origin, intimidation, the single most frequently reported hate crimes, accounts for 41% ; damages, destruction, or vandalism of property for 23% simple assault for 18% and aggravated assault for 13%
  62. one primary reason for the existence and survival of organized crime is that the crime syndicate supplies goods and services that a large segment of the public wants but cannot obtain legally
  63. Suicide rates among young people have reached "epidemic" levels according to many social scientists.
    among the disturbing data related to suicide is that young-adult suicide has increased by about 200% in the last fifty years. In addition according to WHO statistics, suicide now accounts for more deaths each year than war and homicide combined
  64. During the 1950 the developing of psytrophic drugs altered forever the ay mental patients were treated.
    shortly after the wide spread use of these drugs, the US began the process of deinstitutionalization. data reveal this dramatic tread. For example, in 1955 there were some 560000 people in americans mental health facilities. Today, while the population has grown significantly there remains the same number of mental patients ( still about 560,000) today as there were in 1955.
  65. approximately 80% of the worlds 450 million mentally disabled people live in(?)

    D. developing poor nations
  66. among the ten leading problems of role impairment, there are three mental illnesses. which of the following is not one of these?

    D. schizophrenia
  67. deinstitutionalization refers to(?)

    A. discharge patients from mental hospital directly into the community
  68. around the world, the world health organization estimates that suicide is responsible for (?) % of all death.

    D. 2
  69. in the young, suicide is almost always the result of (?)

    D. depression or other forms of mental illness
  70. an estimated (?) million americans suffer from schizophrenia, manic depressive disorder or some other form of severe mental illness. of these, about (?) are not being treated for their illness.

    C. 3.5 million; 40%
  71. American's "official crime rares are found in the federal bureau of investigations's publication entitled?

    B. the uniform crime reports
  72. The federal bureau of investigation's report of crime statistics is based on crimes(?)

    D. reported to the police
  73. (?) law deals with noncriminals act in which one individual injures another. At times these types of crimes may not be illegal but they are immoral

    D. civil
  74. (?) refers to the increasing ease of movement of people goods and services and information across national borders throughout the world.

    B. globalization
  75. william chambliss studies how the biases of police and community member affected their reactions to and treatment of middle and lower class delinquents and how the behavior and appearance of the delinquents themselves determined what kind of treatment they received, the two groups of adolescents were called the (?) and the (?).

    A. saints; roughnecks
  76. There is no question bit that the official crime rates published annually by the FBI under estimate the the total amount of crime in the US. another source of crime figures that is often used to supplement the official statistics are the (?). These surveys conducted by the census bureau, collect information form a representative sample of crime victims and indicate significantly higher crime rates than do the FBI reports.

    D. victimization report
  77. Whereas a (?) kills in a fit of spontaneous rage, someone who is a (?) killer is highly organized and seeks to perfect a murder techniques that will prevent detection. Most of theses types of killers have deep emotional problems.

    C. mass murderer; serial killer
  78. The saving and loans scandal of the 1980's marks one of the largest crime against american taxpayers in history. In fact it has been estimated that this corporation crime cost the U.S taxpayers about (?)

    C. 500 million
  79. The crime of (?) refers to the theft form one's employer and is usually committed by otherwise law abiding people during the course of their employment

    B. embezzlement
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Social problems final exam