Day 10&11 Psyc 432

  1. Describe the logogen model of word recognition.
    Word detectors, or logogens, monitor evidence from the stimulus as well as from the context. Recognition occurs when the evidence for a particular words exceeds a threshold of activation.
  2. Describe the Forster serial search Model
    Files are ordered by frequency and used to acces lexicon.
  3. Describe the three connections that occure in interactive activation.
    • 1. Feedforward- send activation from lower to higher levels, making recognition consistent with input.
    • 2. Feedback- Mold perception to fit context, prior knowledge, neighborhood effects
    • 3.Lateral inhibitory- winner take all, neighborhood effects.
  4. The Interactive Activation model accounts for which visual recognition effect
    • -Frequency
    • -Word superiority
    • -Neighborhood effects
  5. How does a modular system account for top-down effects?
    Central processor guesses at letter and words, but these guesses have no influence on perception of letters.
  6. What is the lack of invariance problem?
    The same phoneme can sound different depending on the context and who the speaker is.
  7. What is the segmentation problem?
    Speakers do not leave clear breaks between words.
  8. What is the problem of speaker variability
    The differing sizes and shapes of vocal tracts prevents people from sounding the exact same when producing sound.
  9. What is the McGurk Effect? How can it be explained by modular point of view and by an interactive point of view?
    • Looking at someone saying a word can change how what we hear is perceived.
    • -Modular: Auditory and visual stimuli combined at a later stage.
    • - Interactive: Visual stimulie influence auditory perception.
  10. What did Cole and Jakimik in find in their research?
    People are faster at detecting in errors that occure in predictable contexts
Card Set
Day 10&11 Psyc 432
Psychology of Language