
  1. Seven viruses that can be present in oral secretions include:
    • cold and flu viruses and bacteria
    • CMV
    • HBV
    • HCV
    • herpes simplex viruses
    • HIV
    • mycobacterium tuberculosis
  2. The absence of pathogens, or disease causing microorganisms. This term is often used to describe procedures that prevent infection
  3. instruments used to penetrate soft tissue or bone, such as forceps, scalpels, bone chisels, scalers, and surgical burs are what type of instruments?
  4. Instruments that contact but do not penetrate soft tissue or bone such as x-ray film holding devices, mirrors, amalgam condensers, and burs, are what type of instruments?
  5. instruments or devices that do not come in contact with the mucous membranes, PID, exposure button, x-ray control panel, and lead apron
    non critical
  6. What type of disinfectant is used to clean and wipe down the dental unit once you are finished?
    intermediate - level disinfectant
  7. true or false. You must cover and clean all x-ray surfaces including x-ray machine, dental chair, work area, and lead apron, once finished with a pt
  8. What is the proper way to clean film holding devices?
    package and sterilized
  9. describe the proper infection control procedure used for processing
    • carry cup with films to dark room with ungloved hands
    • place cup and paper towel down, turn off light, and place gloves
    • unwrap package fall on to the paper towel without touching them with gloves
    • once all films are unwrapped, take off gloves and throw garbage away
    • with ungloved hands, run the films
  10. The imaginary bisector bisects what two angles?
    the angle formed by the film and the long axis of the tooth
  11. What is the primary benefit of using film holders in the bisecting technique?
    it reduces radiation exposure to the pt, because they don't have to stabilize the film
  12. The patients ________ __________ is used to hold the maxillary right molar film
    left thumb
  13. What is the proper vertical angulation for bitewing films?
  14. What causes foreshortening?
    too much vertical angulation
  15. What are three main disadvantages of using the bisecting technique?
    • image distortion
    • angulation problems (no film holder and aiming ring)
    • unnecessary exposure if pt used finger to stabilize film
  16. Where should the front edge of the film be aligned for a:
    premolar bitewing
    molar bitewing
    • center of mandibular canine
    • center of mandibular 2nd premolar
  17. What is the proper exposure sequence for taking radiographs?
    • anterior PA films to
    • posterior PA films (premolar then molar)
    • bitewing films (premolar than molar)
  18. When are the use of each size of film indicated for bitewings?
    size 0
    size 1
    size 2
    • children with primary dentition
    • Children with mixed dentition
    • adults
  19. When is the use of vertical bitewings indicated?
    • follow up films for pts wiht bone loss due to periodontal disease
    • used to examine the level of alveolar bone in the mouth
  20. When can you best evaluate interproximal root caries?
    bitewing technique
Card Set
ch. fifteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty