Inductive reasoning
- Moves from the specific to the general
- e.g. A headache is an altered level of health that is stressful. A terminal illness is an altered level of health that is stressful.
- Therefore, all altered levels of health are stressful
Deductive reasoning
- Moves from the general to the specific
- Generalizing
- e.g. All human being experience loss. All adolescents are human beings.
- Therefore, all adolescents experience loss
A statement of the proposed relationship between concepts
Quantitative research
- A formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the world
- Pretest-posttest
- Randomized clinical trial - experimental group vs. control group
Qualitative research
- A systematic, subjective approach used to describe life experiences and situations
- Gives them meaning
Outcomes research
- Examining the end result of patient care (subjects and providers)
- May involve multiple studies and designs
- Determining changes in health status for the patient
- 1. What's the patient response?
- 2. Improvement of the patient's health
- 3. Financial outcomes
- 4. Patient satisfaction
Descriptive research
- The exploration and description of phenomena in real-life situations; discovers new meaning, what exists, frequency of event
- A type of quantitative research
Correlational research
- The systematic investigation of relationships between variables
- -1 = perfect negative correlation
- 0 = no relationship
- +1 = perfect positive correlation
Quasi-experimental research
- Conducted to determine the effect of a treatment
- Determines the effect of one variable on another
- Lacks strict control, sample, and setting
Experimental research
- Examines causality between the independent and dependent variables under highly controlled conditions (e.g. lab)
- Needs randomly assigned control and experimental groups
- Predicts and controls phenomena in nursing practice
(in quantitative research)
- Striving for excellence in research
- Discipline, adherence to detail, strict accuracy
- Needs precise measuring tools, a representative sample, and a tightly controlled study design
- An aspect of rigor
- Encompasses accuracy, detail, and order
Problem-solving process
Systematic identification of a problem, determination of goals, planning approaches to achieve goals, implementation of approaches, evaluation of goal achievement
Nursing process
- Assessment
- Diagnosis
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
Quantitative research process
Conceptualizing a research project, planning and implementing that project, communicating the findings
Research problem
An area of concern where there is a gap in knowledge
Research purpose
- Identifies the specific goal of the study
- Generated from the problem
- Theoretical basis that guides development of study
- Enables the researcher to link findings to nursing's body of knowledge
- A testable theory
Conceptual definition
- Provides an abstract variable or concept with theoretical meaning
- e.g. physical symptoms are 'behavior manifestations of blah blah blah'
- connotative
Operational definition
- Developed so that the variable can be measured or
- manipulated in the study
- e.g. physical symptoms are measures with ASI Questionnaires
Statements that are considered true, even though they have not been scientifically tested
Research design
- A blueprint for the conduct of a study
- Maximizes control over factors that could interfere with study's desired outcome
Population vs. Sample
- Population: all individuals that meet certain criteria for
- inclusion in a study
- Sample: a subset of the population that is selected for a study
Phenomenological research
- Describes experiences as they are lived
- “What is the meaning of one's lived experiences?”
Grounded theory research
- Discovers the problems that exist in social scenes and the process that people use to handle them
- Based on social interactions
Ethnographic research
- Studies cultures
- Emic approach – studies from within
- Etic approach – studies from outside
External criticism
Determines validity of source material
Internal criticism
Examines the reliability of the document
External validity
Internal validity
Do results of a study reflect reality rather than extraneous variables?
Reflexive thought
The researcher explores personal feelings and experiences that may influence the study and integrates this understanding into the study
- Suspending or laying aside what the researcher knows about the experience being studied
- Using reflexive thought
(in qualitative research)
Openness, scrupulous adherence to a philosophical perspective, thoroughness in collecting data, and consideration of all the data
Research objective
- A clear, concise, declarative statement
- Present tense
- Usually focuses on one or two variables
Research question
- A clear, concise interrogative statement
- Present tense
- Guides implementation of study
Formal statement of the expected relationship between variables
Associative hypothesis
- Proposes relationships among variables that exist together in the real world (they are related)
- e.g. predicts the relationship between symptoms and functional performance in COPD
Simple hypothesis
States a relationship (associative or causal) between two variables
Complex hypothesis
States a relationship (associative or causal) between three or more variables.
Nondirectional hypothesis
States that a relationship exists but does not predict the nature of the relationship
Null/statistical hypothesis
States "There is no relationship between ______"
Research hypothesis
- Alternative to the null hypothesis
- States "There is a relationship between _______"
Independent variable
Is manipulated by the researcher
Dependent variable
- Outcome or response that the researcher wants to predict or explain
- Depends on the independent variable
Confounding variables
Extraneous variables that are recognized but cannot be controlled for
Abstract ideas
- Conceptual model: broadly explains phenomena of interest, most abstract
- Middle range theories: linked to clinical practice, less abstract
- Practice theories: proposes specific approaches, least abstract
Scientific misconduct
- fabrication, falsification, or forging of data
- dishonest manipulation
- misrepresentation of findings
- plagiarism
Three ethical principles to conduct research
- respect for person: self-determination, freedom
- beneficence: do good, "above all, do no harm"
- justice: subjects should be treated fairly
Informed consent
(4 elements)
- disclosure of essential study information
- comprehension
- competence to give consent
- voluntary consent
Comparative descriptive research design
Describes variables and examines differences in variables in naturally occuring groups
Variance analysis
- tracking individuals and group variance from a specific pathway
- goal is to decrease preventable variance
- aka, help patients achieve optimal outcomes
Random variation
expected difference between subjects in a sample
Systematic variation
- subjects in a sample are systematically different than the rest of the population
- aka. systematic bias
Simple random sampling
randomly selecting subjects from a list of population members
Stratified random sampling
ensures that all identified variables (age, gender, ethnicity, socioeconimoc status, diagnosis, region, type of care, etc) are adequately represented in the sample
Cluster sampling
- selects from a random sample of areas in a study
- certain cities, or institutions, or organizations, all with potential identified population
Systematic sampling
selecting ever nth individual from a complete list of the population
Probability sampling
Nonprobability sampling
- Probability sampling: every member of a population has an opportunity for selection in a sample
- Nonprobability sampling: not every member of a population has an opportunity for selection
Convenience sampling
subjects are included in the study becase they're in the right place at the right time
Quota sampling
- convenience sampling + an attempt to include an underrepresented population
- e.g. females, minorities, elderly, poor, rich, undereducated
capacity of the study to detect differences or relationships that actually exist in a population
Purposive sampling
- researcher consciously selects certain subjects
- used in qualitative research
Network sampling
- "snowball sampling"
- uses social networks to recruit more subjects
- used in qualitative research
Theoretical sampling
- conducts one interview, forms theory, seeks another source if necessary, etc
- used in grounded theory research
Nominal measurement
categorizes data
Ordinal measurement
- ranked categories
- intervals are unequal
Interval measurement
- interval scales, with equal numerical distances between intervals
- no absolute zero
- e.g. temperature
Ratio measurement
- ordered ranks, equal numberical distance between intervals, has an absoluate zero
- e.g. weight, length, volume
consistency of the measurement technique
how well does an instrument reflect abstract concept being examined
Relationship between reliability and validity
- If a measurement method is not reliable, validity becomes a moot issue
- If a measurement is not consistent, it wont reflect reality
accidental discovery of something useful or valuable
score in the exact center of the frequency distribution
Probability theory
Decision theory
- Probability theory: deductive, explains a relationship
- Decision theory: inductive, assumes that all groups are compenents of same population in relation to variables
Type I error
Type II error
- I: null hypothesis is rejected when it should be accepted
- II: null hypothesis is accepted when it should be rejected