diagnostics 2

  1. the mandate the requires clinicians to reduce a person's exposure to diseases that are spread by blood and certain body fluids is referred to as:
    universal precautions
  2. the purpose of an oral facial exam is to
    identify/rule out structural components of the face/mouth, to identify/rule out functional abnormalities of the face and mouth
  3. foods such as peanut butter or applesauce may be placed in the oral cavity to:
    assess tongue movement
  4. if a client demonstrates an inability to clear food from buccal cavity, the OFE should look closely at what anatomical structure?
    the lingual frenum
  5. during the eval of the tongue, the OFE revealed lingual deviation to the right side. the clinician may infer that:
    there is potential weakness in the muscles of right side of the tongue
  6. which of the following is NOT an essential component in the understanding and interpretation of the OFE?
    knowledge of the vascularity of the head/neck
  7. the OFE exam reveals pronounced ruage, mouth breathing and an open bite. Which of the following is a probable cause:
    tongue thrust
  8. the formal artic test revealed omissions or distortions of the sounds of: t,d,l, th, th. Which of the following should be considered:
    short lingual frenum
  9. diadochokinetic rates are used to:
    evaluate the ability to make rapid, alternating, speech movements
  10. which of the following disorders would present with the greatest amount of difficulty in performing diadochokinetic tasks?
  11. an assessment where the client is asked to produce the CV productions of /pa ta ka/ in varying sequences is called a ----------- assessment
  12. the recommended sample size for a speech and lang sample is 200+ utterances, but the minimum acceptable sample size is:
    50-100 utterances
  13. which of the following is the least useful prompt use during the collection of a lang sample?
    where were you when the president was shot?
  14. which of the following pics are best to use during the collection of a speech-lang samp?
    pics that illustrate a variety of activities
  15. which is NOT a characteristic of narratives:
    requires the ability to transition topics
  16. all of the following are methods of obtaining a conversational speech/lang samp EXCEPT:
    repeating sentences modeled by the clinician
  17. which of the following is NOT a factor that may affect intelligiblity of speech:
    none of the above
  18. charting is useful for all of the following EXCEPT:
    it is a subjective measure of performance
  19. an artic disorder with an organic cause would be all of these EXCEPT:
    a diagnosed developmental delay
  20. an instrument that is designed to quickly identify those that may have a comm disorder is referred to as a _____ tool
  21. a formal test of artic should include:
    all of the above
  22. a client's stimulability refers to all EXCEPT:
    an easily produced sound that is produced by visually observing the articulators
  23. all of the following are essential skills in assessing the stimulability of sound EXCEPT:
    knowledge of how to use a sound stimulator
  24. the sounds that comprise neraly 50% of the total consonants used are:
  25. when a clinician notices that the sounds of /s.z.t.d.l.n/ are all misarticulated by a client, the clinician has grouped the error sounds according to:
  26. standardized, norm-referenced tests may not be as reliable if the client has a diganosis of:
  27. which of the following is NOT true of phonological processing:
    are not present in norm development
  28. which of the following is NOT a phonological process:
  29. lang is influenced by all of the following EXCEPT:
    artic development
  30. best practices of a lang asessment includes:
    all of the above
  31. a client that is developing normal lang at an impaired rate and has no obvious case or co-occuring conditions may have a:
    specific lang impairment
  32. a lang impairment that exhibits restricted behavioral patterns, and impaired social skills is indicative of:
    all of the above
  33. a universally recognized pattern of speech that humans use when speaking to young children is known as:
  34. which of the following is NOT included in the assessment of infants/todders?
    use of syntactic structures
  35. a client is told to "run to the office" and later gets in trouble for running in the halls. an assessment of this comm breakdown may reveal difficulties in the client's
  36. after the collection of a lang samp, the client is observed to have mastered the ability to use embedded clauses and conjoining phrases. the clinician may conclude that there are NO difficulties in the client's
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diagnostics 2