
  1. the process of collecting valid and reliable info, intergrating it, and interpreting it to make a judgment or a decision about something is
    an assessment
  2. when a test truly measures what it claims to measure, we say it has
  3. when a test gives consistent results on repeated admin or with different interpreters we say it has
  4. a test's validity in comparison to a widely accepted standard is its
    concurrent validity
  5. a test's ability to predict performance
    predictive validity
  6. a test's stability over time is
    test-retest reliability
  7. the degree to which the same person or different people obtain the same or very similar results after admin a test is
    rater reliability
  8. an expression of individual standing in comparison to the normal distribution; % of people scoring at or below a particular score;
    % rank
  9. which of the following is NOT a method of assessment?
    standardized assessments
  10. which of the following is NOT true about standardized tests?
    they should be used in every assessment
  11. tests that provide specific procedures for admin and scoring are:
    formal tests, standardized tests, norm-referenced tests
  12. provides a range of scores by which others are judged when they take the same test. is often depicted by using a bell shaped curve.
    normal distribution
  13. a standard score of 69 with a mean of 100 represents all of following EXCEPT
    a passing score on the assessment
  14. which of the following is NOT true for norm-referenced tests?
    allows for individualization
  15. a standard score is-
    all of the above
  16. tests that do not attempt to compare an individual's performance to anyone else's; help answer the question, "How does this client's performance compare to an expected level of performance?' are---?
    criterion-referenced tests
  17. which of the following is NOT true for authentic assessment approaches?
    they are nearly always standardized and individualized
  18. which of the following disadvantages listed is TRUE of authentic assessment?
    the approach is not efficient because it requires a lot of planning time
  19. this type of assessment is most often used for neurogenic disorders, fluency disorders, and voice disorders
    criterion-referenced assessments
  20. ethnography is
    all of the above
  21. CLD clients may have variations in all of the following EXCEPT
    vocational experiences
  22. Which of the following is something that a clinician needs to know before evual a CLD client
    all of the above
  23. Pseudoquestions are
    designed to test the person being questioned
  24. when a speaker deomstrates that ability to alternate between 2 languages, the speaker is demonstrating
    code switching
  25. which of the following is NOT true of the 1st stage of acquistion of a second language
    it is cognitively demanding
  26. which of the following is NOT true of the 2 language of acquisition of a 2 language
    it uses a meaningful/shared context
  27. legally and ethically, a disorder may be diagnosed when a client demonstrates a delay in
    his/her 1st language
  28. the following are normal processes of 2nd language acquistion EXCEPT
  29. which of the following is NOT something that you should consider when planning the assessment for a a culturally diverse client (CLD)?
    use several standardized asessments across various aspects of comm
  30. the primary sources of gaining preassessment info include all EXCEPT
    eval info
  31. the written case history allows the clinician to do all EXCEPT
    identify the disorders being presented
  32. which of the following is NOT a potential problem of the written case history form?
    irrelevant info may be provided
  33. there are 2 types of questions that are used during an interview. it is beneficial to begin with
    open-ended questions
  34. pregnant women endure many risks to the baby during the time of fetal development. the greatest risks occur during the
    1st trimester
  35. which of the following is NOT a potential complication associated with an adenoidectomy
  36. a distinct collection of symptoms that together are characterisitcs of a specific disease or disorder is referred to as a
    a syndrome
  37. which of the following is NOT true about syndromes
    all symptoms will be presented
  38. the most common chromosomal abnormality is
  39. which of the following is NOT a common way to convey clinical findings and recommendations
    casual convo
  40. which of the following is NOT a standard piece of info that must be reported in an assessment report
    procedures and reinforcements
  41. it is important to maintain a sujective position throughout the assessment, relying primarily on reports from other individuals and on the case history info
  42. a test may be reliable without being valid, but it can't be valid without being reliable
  43. a dialect is not a disorder. therefore, it is not important to know the characteristics of a client's disorder
  44. the norm acquisition of a 2nd lang is not dependent upon the continued develop and proficieny of a speaker's 1st lang
  45. when you work with an interpreter, you effectively need to transfer aspects of your clinical knowledge to the interpreter so that the info obtained is reliable and valid
  46. in the info-getting interview process, it is important to being with specific questions related to the disorder
  47. many syndromes have been named and described, yet many more remain unindentified by medical experts
  48. a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is commonly knowne as a stroke. complications from a CVA can mainfest in all forms of comm disorders
  49. just because something is listed on a case his or mentioned in an interview does necessarily mean it is a contributing factor to a specific disorder
  50. most assesment reports have a similar format with the same basic components and are written the same for every client, every disorder and in every setting
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final exam