psyc exam part 2

  1. emotional intelligence
    the ability to perceive, understand and use emotions
  2. alfred binet /theodore simon
    developed questions that would predict childrens future progress
  3. criteria for psyc test to be acceptable
    • standardization
    • reliability
    • validity
  4. personality
    an individual characteristics pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
  5. psychoanalytic
    proposed that childhood sexuality and unconscuscious motivation influence personalty
  6. humanistic
    our inner capacities for growth and self fulfillment
  7. psycosexual stages
    • childhood stages of development
    • oral
    • anal
    • phallic
    • latency
    • genital
  8. phallic stage
    boys seek genital stimulation and they develope both unconscious sexual desire for their mother and jealousy and hatred for thier father, whom they consider rival
  9. oedipus
    boys sexual desire for his mother
  10. regression
    leads a person faced with anxiety to retreat to a more infantile psycosexual stage
  11. defense mechanisms
    • repression
    • regression
    • reaction formation
    • projection
    • rationalization
    • displacment
  12. repression
    defense mechanism that banishes anety-arousing feelings and memories from cosciousness
  13. reaction formation
    defense mechanism by with the ego unconsciously switches unacceptable impulses into thier opposite
  14. projection
    people diguise thier own threatening impulses by attributing them to others
  15. rationalization
    offers self justifying explanations in place of the real more threatening reasons
  16. displacement
    shifts sexual or agresive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person
  17. rorschach inkblot test
    most widely used projective test
  18. the big 5 personality factors





  19. social cognitive perspective
    views behavior as influenced by the interaction between persons
  20. reciprocal determinism
    interacting influences between personailty and enviromental factors
  21. external locus of control
    the perception that chance or outside forces beyond ones personal control determine ones fate
  22. internal locus of control
    the perception that one controlss one's own fate
  23. self-serving bias
    a readiness to perceive oneself favorably
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psyc exam part 2
psyc exam part 2