English vocab 2

  1. Avarice
    • Noun
    • Desire to gain and hoard wealth, greed
  2. Greed
    • Noun
    • Excessive desire for wealth or posessions
  3. colloquial
    • Adjective
    • Type of speech or writing that is different (like a southern accent)
  4. lassitude
    • Noun
    • Lack of energy, sleepiness
  5. dogged
    • Adjective
    • Persistent in effort, stubborn
  6. bellicose
    • Adjective
    • Inclined or eager to fight, aggressively hostile, belligerent; pugnacious
  7. antiquity
    • Noun
    • The quality of being ancient, ancientness
  8. amiable
    • Adjective
    • Friendly, sociable
  9. cliche'
    • Noun
    • Overdone, overused
  10. avid
    • Adjective
    • Enthusiastic, dedicated
  11. circumspect
    • adjective
    • Watchful and discreet, cautious
  12. alleviate
    • verb
    • to relieve
  13. benevolent
    Desiring to help others, charitable
  14. apathetic
    • Adjective
    • Having or showing little or no emotion
  15. fawning
    • adjective
    • To seek attention and admiration by flattering (like a dog)
  16. copious
    • adjective
    • Large in quantity or number, abundant; plentiful
  17. impudent
    • adjective
    • mischievous, disrespectful, insulting, rude, saucy
  18. contemtuous
    • adjective
    • scornful, mean, insulting
  19. astute
    • adjective
    • clever, smart
  20. conflagration
    • noun
    • a destructive fire
  21. clamor
    • Noun
    • A loud uproar, or outcry (like from a crowd of people or traffic)
  22. charlatan
    • noun
    • a person who claims or pretends to know more than what they really do
  23. frivolous
    • Adjective
    • Carefree, lack of seriousness or sense (like Lisbeth from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)
  24. frugal
    • Adjective
    • thrifty, spending little
  25. covert
    • Adjective
    • Concealed, secret, disguised
  26. esteem
    • verb
    • to regard highly or with respect (sentence: I esteem him for his honesty)
  27. evanescent
    • Adjective
    • vanishing, fading away (like vapor)
  28. palatable
    Acceptable to the taste or mind (like palatable ideas, or food)
  29. deleterious
    • Adjective
    • Harmful or injurious to health
  30. aesthetic
    • Adjective
    • more concerned with pure emotion over intellectuality
Card Set
English vocab 2
The second vocabulary test (happining in the semester final)