Eschatology Significant Verses

  1. Mosaic Covenant
    Exodus 19-20, 24; Deut 5-6
  2. Davidic Covenenant
    2 Sam 7:1-17; Ps 89
  3. Davidic Covenant: Three Promises
    • "Your House" - Davids Lineage would continue
    • "Your Kingdom" - Establishment of a Davidic Realm
    • "Your Throne" - A 'Davidic Ruler'
  4. What are three common biblical metaphors applied both to Israel and the Church?
    • "sheep"
    • "the bride"
    • "the people of God"
  5. "A royal priesthood, holy nation"
    1 Peter 2:5-10
  6. "seed of Abraham"
    Romans 11:1
  7. "new man"
    Ephesians 2:11-19
  8. Characteristics and Imminence of Christ's Return (Matthew 24)
    • Christ's ascension marked beginning of "last days"
    • Christ's return will be in "like manner" of his ascension
    • Christ's second coming will be with power and glory
    • Christ's second coming will be unexpected
  9. Revelation 20 significance
    • Binding of Satan (20:1-3)
    • Rest of the dead (20:5)
    • Rebellion after millennium (20:7-10)
  10. What happens when we die? -- Reincarnation
    Spiritual Monism
  11. What happens when we die? - Resurrection
    Substance Dualism
  12. What happens when we die? - Re-Creation
    Property Dualism
  13. What happens when we die? Extinction
    Material Monism
  14. What is death? Key Passage:
    • Genesis 2-3
    • Physical death - Separation of immaterial soul from physical body
    • Spiritual death - separation and alienation from God
  15. Three views of immortality:
    • Natural - the soul is inherently immortal (plato)
    • Conditional - Only God is truely immortal. You can be given this as a gift from God, if you do not get it, you lose conscious existence
    • Contingent - God alone is inherently immortal, but immortality is given via resurrection(s)
  16. 4 views of intermediate state
    • Soul Sleep - soul exists in a state of unconscious existence between death and resurrection
    • Purgatory - Temporary state between death and heaven to allow completion of sanctification
    • Immediate resurrection - Believer immediately receives his/her resurrection body
    • Disembodied Existence - between death and resurrection believer exists in a conscious disembodied state of awareness.
  17. Intermediate State: Key Verses
    • Luke 16
    • Luke 23:43
    • Philippians 1:21-23
    • 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
    • Revelation 6:9-11
  18. The Resurrection: Key Passage and Definition
    • 1 Corinthians 15
    • Definition: The transformation of a corruptible and mortal body into an incorruptible and immortal body that overcomes sin and death.
  19. Three other views to the existence of hell
    • Universalism
    • Post - Mortem Evangelism
    • Annihilationism
  20. Arguments for Israel/Church distinction - Key Passage
    Romans 9-11
Card Set
Eschatology Significant Verses
Important verses regarding eschatology