bio quizes

  1. A new species of aquatic vertebrate is discovered that
    closely resembles an acient form. It has the following characteristic “armor”
    of bony plates, no paired fins, a filter feeding mode of attrition. In addition
    to these characteristics, it will have which of the following
    No jaws
  2. The jaws of vertebrates were derived by modification of?
    • one
    • or more gill arches
  3. Vertebrates and tunicates share:
    • -
    • A notochord and a hollow, dorsal nerve cord
  4. The fact that among some ancestral vertebrates, the
    tunicates never leave the larval stage although they are sexually mature is
    • -
    • Paedogenesis
  5. Internal fertilization is a characteristic of which group of
  6. Which extraembyronic membrane of an amniote egg has blood
    vessels for respiration and hold nitrogenous waste
  7. Archosauria is the tazonomic group that unites:
    • crocs
    • + dinos + birds
  8. This character unites all living tetrapods
    • 5
    • digits on each limb
  9. Which of the following are the likely causes of the late
    cretaceous extinction of dinos
    • bollide
    • or asteroid impact
  10. Tadpoles excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of?
  11. What skeletal muscle contracts, actin and myosin molecules?
    • slide
    • past one another
  12. The most common lever system in the body is:
    • -3rd
    • class
  13. A running animal tries to maximize
    • -its
    • out lever
  14. What happened during gastrulation?
    • -
    • Massive movements of cells make the primary exes
    • visible and organize into the 3 embyronic tissues
  15. In animals, which adult tissues are derived from ectroderm?
  16. Which of the following is an adaptation for brachiation?
    • elongate
    • forelimbs
  17. What happens during cleavage?
    • the
    • fertilized egg divides without growth occurring, forming a mass of cells
  18. Which of the following is true of innate behaviors:
    Which of the following is true of innate behaviors:
  19. The core idea of sociobiology is that:
    • Much
    • human behavior evolved by natural selection
  20. Nitrogenous waste in birds is excreted in the form of:
    • uric
    • acid
  21. The movement of air over the curved surface of a wing is
  22. Altruistic behavior:
    • could
    • help the survival of close relatives
  23. Ecological similarities in the marsupial mole and the
    placental mole are called
  24. Afrotheria include all of the following except:
  25. Mammals excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of:
  26. 2 of the 3 mammalian middle ear bones originated from:
    • upper
    • and lower jaw bones of reptiles
  27. What is the process by which blood is forced into the
    cup-shape portion of the nephron?
  28. Which 2 groups of organisms combined have the greatest
    number of species?
    • insects
    • and flowering plants
  29. Which of the following is a fossil fuel?
    • natural
    • gas and oil
  30. The closest relatives of humans are:
  31. Human population is currently:
    • more
    • than 6 billion
  32. Which of the following was not an important step in human
    • opposable
    • thumb
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bio quizes