Bible 2

  1. Experience Requirements
    • The following techniques must be displayed:
    • A basic fly cast both to targets withing 60 ft and a distance of at least 60 ft
    • A single haul and a double haul and be able to explain the difference and how to perform each one
    • A roll cast and the advantage of it
    • A react cast, and explain when and where this is advantgeous
    • A mend, and an explanation of the importance of line management
    • The basic formation of a loop in the standard fly cast. How to form one, and why to change the size of the loops
    • Display the tailing loop and explain how and why it happens and how to correct it
  2. Knowledge
    • Required entomology knowledge:
    • A guide canditate will display above aberage knowlege in fly angling entomology. Upon request canditate must be able to identify the following natural insects accurately and effective flies to match them
    • Mayfly
    • Caddis fly
    • Stonefly
    • Terrestrials
    • Along with the proper identification of species candidate must be able to speack competently above the insect life cycle as it pertains to fly fishing
    • A knowledgable guid candidate will know that base entomolgy at this level is transferable from stream to strem with some variations.
  3. Skill
    • Required Watercraft skill:
    • A guide candidate must display a profeciency in the use and execution of specfic watercraft as it pertains to fly fishing, namely drift boats and/or rafts. Candidate would be familiar in safety regulations and be committed to abiding by those regulations at all times. Guide candidate will perform a check ride with a ROW lead guide on any and all rivers that a candidate wishes to guide on , as per Idaho law, and be deemed satisfactory by the lead guid before guiding any float trip as an employee guide for ROW

    - Candidates not able to complete a satisfactory check float can still guide but will be limited to a recreational license from which a guide can only participate in walk and wade trips on each licensed
  4. Integration
    • My own life lived is my best guide for others
    • - Provided I am living out a life that is:
    • --Healthy
    • --Spiritually on target
    • --In process
    • -I cannot have unfinished business and open wounds
  5. Nouwen Thought:
    • Many of us suffer from a deep-seated low self-esteem and are walking around with the constant fear that someday someone will unmask the illusion and show that we are not as smart, as good, or as loveable as the world was made to believe.
    • I will not see what I am blind to in my own life.
    • He or she who can cry out with those in need can give without offense
    • Those who are not afraid to hold a hand in gratitude, to shed tears in gried, and to let a sigh of distress arise straight from the heart, can break through paralyzing boundaries and witness the birth of a new fellowships of the broken
    • The participation in the pain, the solidarity in suffering the sharing in the experience of brokenness.
  6. Unfinished Business
    • What is dominant?
    • --Pornography
    • --Always needing to be right/pride
    • --Weight and/or appearance/vanity/keeping up with the Jones's
    • --Money/greed
    • --Overindulgence/gluttony
    • --Entitlement/laziness
    • --Rage/malice/wrath
  7. Counseling
    • It is not about the 1, 2, 3's of how to help someone
    • - knowledge (factual information) is important but not sufficient in and of its self
    • I can know a lot of stuff and still not know how to help
  8. Being Made Holy (Hebrews 10:14)
    • It needs to make sense to me
    • I need to be living a process of life that works
    • I need to be evidencing the fruit of the Spirit in my life:
    • -Love
    • -Joy
    • -Peace
    • -Patience
    • -Kindness
    • -Goodness
    • -Faithfulness
    • -Gentleness
    • -Self-control
  9. How much of what we argue about gets resolved?
    69% of marital conflict is never resovled
  10. What percent of 1st marriages end in divorce over a 40 year period?
    • 67%
    • -1/2 of all divorce will occur in the first 7 years
    • -Some studies find the divorce for 2nd marriages is as much as 10% higher than for first timers.
  11. An unhappy marriage can increase your chances of getting sick by roughly ____ and shorten your life by 4 years.
  12. People who are happily married live longer, healthier lives than either divorced people or those who are unhappily married.
  13. There are signs that if present in your relationship can predict divorce with _____ accuracy.
  14. Four Horsemen
    • Criticism
    • Contempt
    • Defensiveness
    • Stonewalling
  15. Criticism
    • Different than complaing
    • Global compaints are criticism
    • Antidote to criticism is complaint
  16. Contempt
    • Harsh start up
    • Name calling
    • Eye rolling
    • Sneering
    • Mockery
    • Hostile humor
    • It is the worst of the four
    • It is poisonous
    • Facial expression
    • left lip
    • Predict number of infectious illnesses the recipeient of contempt will have in the next four years
    • Antidote: Create a culture of apprectiation
    • Attribution of positive motive
  17. Defensiveness
    • It is an understandable response
    • It doesn't work
    • Fundamental attribution error
    • -I'm okay you're defective
    • It is denying responsiblity for even a peice of the problem
    • Partner does not back down or apologize
    • Defending ends up blaming the other
    • Antidote: Accept responsiblity
  18. Stonewalling
    • Tune out the partner
    • disengaged
    • turning away
    • Leaving the room
    • Not speaking
    • Withdrawal
    • Antidote: self soothing
  19. Predictors of Stonewalling
    • Elevated heart rate
    • Majority of the time it is men that stonewall (83%)
  20. Flooding
    • Overwhelmed
    • Shelf shocked
  21. Body Language
    • Heart rate
    • Blood pressure
    • Adrenoline
    • Not good problem solving state
  22. Failed Repair Attempts
    • Couples who have good relationships also have these problems, just less often
    • Must human communication is miscommunication
    • -mother/infant seventy percent miscommunication
    • If mother is repairing within 3 months infant will be stable and secure
    • If not attachment disorder issues
    • Difference is that they (stable marriages) have more attempts or repairing the failures of relationship
    • -and have attemtps even in the memnts of the argument
    • Positive vs. negative
    • In marriages headed for divorce there are slightly move negative than positives
    • In marriages that are stable the ratio of postivies to negatives is 5 to 1 while the conflict is going on
    • It is 20 to 1 when there is no conflict going on
    • There is not an absence of negative emotion
    • Marriages headed for divorce do not see 50% of positives that go on
  23. Bad Memories
    • Rewriting the past
    • Instead:
    • Have richly detailed familiarity of your spouses world
  24. Two Kinds of Conflict
    • Resolvable
    • Unresolvable
    • Learn to distinguish between the two
    • Keep unbudgeable problems in their place and have a sense of humor about them
  25. Conflict
    • Resolve resolvable problems
    • Softened start up
    • Complain don't blame
    • Make statements that start with "I" instead of "You"
    • Describe what is happening, don't evaluate or judge
    • Be clear
    • Be appreciative
    • Don't store things up
  26. Create an atmosphere that encourages each person to talk honestly about his/her convictions
  27. General Systems Theory
    • Includes the narrower field of family systems, is a cross disciplinary body of scientific thought that developed during the 20th century
    • First proposed by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1940s (based on cell biology research)
    • Many scientific disciplines use systems theory in research and theory development
    • It is not actually a theory but a rather high level abstaraction: " a working hypothesis, the main function of which is to provide a theoretical model for explaining, predicting, and controlling phenomenon."
  28. What is a System?
    • A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements or parts that function together as a whole to accomplish a goal
    • Large systems contain many sub-systems
    • Earth is a subsystem of our solar system, which is a subsystem of the milky way galaxy, which is a sub system of the universe.
  29. Family Systems
    • Composed of persons or groups of persons who interact and mutually influence each other's behavior
    • A family system is a bounded set of interrelated activities that together constitute a single entity
    • The limits of a system are define by boundaries
    • Boundaries give a system its focus and identity as distinct from other systems with which it interacts.
    • A systems environment is by definition outside the systems, boundaries
    • The life of a system is more than the sum of its member's activities
    • A system can be studies as a network of unique, interlocking, relationships, with identifiable structural and communications patterns
    • A system is adaptive and goal oriented or purposive
    • A change in one member of the system affects the nature of the system as a whole
    • Transactions or movements across system boundaries influence a systems functional capacity and internal structure as well as its ability to adapt.
    • Change from within or outside a system that moves the system to an imbalanced state will result in an attmept by the system to reestablish the balance (homeostatis)
  30. Holon
    • Each entity whether large or small, complex, or simple
    • This term is borrowed from Greek language to express the idea that each entity is simultaneously a part and a whole.
    • A unit is made up of parts to which it is the whole (suprasystem) and at the same time is part of some larger whole (component)
    • What is central is that any system is by definition both part and whole
  31. Focal System
    • The system chosen to receive primary attention
    • Identifies the perspective from which the observer views, and analyzes the system and its envrionment
    • The idea of hoon then requires the observer to attend to both the components of that focal system and suprasystem (significant environment) to fully understand it.
  32. Feedback
    • Information about the result of a transformation or an action that is sent back to the beginning of a system in the from of input
    • If this new information facilities and accelratesthe transformation of input in the same direction as the previous results, it is positive feedback and the effects are cumulative, if the new information produces a result in the opposite direction of previous results, it is negative feedback and the effects stablilize the system.
  33. Usefulness of Systems Thoery
    • It focuses attention on the vast and diverse factors that influence even the most simple human behavior
    • It highlights the role played by different systems in facilitating or inhibiting behavioral change
    • It cautions against the application of linear solutions to complext systems problems
    • It is perhaps the only theory that is non reductionistic
    • It allows for the recognition that systems can change and adapt to their environment
    • -This is done by constant exchange of energy from without and within the system and continuous reorganization into more complex forms (morphogenesis).
    • A primary factor in whether a specific system will be adaptive or not is its openness.
    • Systems theory has been valuable in indicating that change, in order to be fully effective, must occur on muliptle system levels simultaneously
    • It has been especially useful in development of family family therapy approaches.
  34. Open Systems
    • Have more permeable boundaries
    • Have constant active interchange of energy with their environment
    • Experience constant significant strains on their structure
    • Are capable of increasing differentitaiotn and/or number and types of roles
    • Provide potential for individuation and development
    • Have dynamic interplay of subsystems
    • Tend to maintain a reservoir of alternative ideas and behaviors.
  35. Systems Theory Focus in Family Therapy
    • Communication and interaction between people affects every aspect of behavior
    • Despite all other factors, how people treat each other here-and-now significantly affects how they function for better or worse
    • In any durable relationship, patterns of interaction develop and persist because of reciprocal reinforcement
    • Although such interactions occur in all social organizations it is especially important in the famil
    • When a "problem" arises and persists that is seriously distressing, it is because other behavior must be occurring that provokes and maintains the problem behavior or something is constraining the system from changing
    • The resolution of a problems requires an appropriate change of behavior in the system or a change in evaluation of the behavior.
  36. Systemic Thinking
    Using the mind to recognize pattern, conceive unity, and form some coherent wholeness- to see to complete the picture
  37. Scripture
    • David and his family
    • Eli and his son's
    • Ezekiel 18:2
    • 1 Corinthians 12
  38. Isomorphism
    • All living systems from a single cell to societies as a whole have organizational similarities
    • Having the same pattern as
    • Patterns of connectoin at different levels of the system
  39. Systemic Family Therapy is NOT about:
    • Who is in the room '
    • People in isolation
    • Treating patients
    • Cookbook approaches
    • Either/ or dichotomies
    • Content
    • Judgements about clients
  40. Systemic Family Therapy is About:
    • How the counselors thinks about who is in the room
    • People in context-- interdependence
    • Interaction and recursion
    • Treating each client system uniquely
    • Both and complementarities
    • Process
    • What makes this make sense
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Bible 2