In what way does the size of family # of children influence how the family deals with a child with a disability
- more hands on available to help out
- greater atomsphere of normalcy
- more children may absorb parents expectation
- evidence that parents can reproduce a normal child
- remind parents that a child with exceptionality is more liked than disliked
family systems theory
individual members of a family are so interrealted that any experience affecting on member with affect all.
in what way does the disability itself influence how the family deals with a child with disability
- caretaking demands
- monetary demands
know the dynamics of each of type of
2 parent family
- supportive spouse has the most positive effect on the mother's attitude and behavior
- spouses share in the emotions, physical care nurturance and concern
- marital stability maybe threatened
- marital satisfaction is the best single indicator of family
single parent
- higher rate of poverty
- general level of disorganization
- less choice
- added role demands
- lack of time and energy
- conflict between fulfilling on
- maybe highly cohesive
blend family
- children may feel loyality to absent parent
- children may have to give up adult roles
- children may have to adjust to living in 2 households
- financial obligations may cause problems
- step parent may be uncertain of role
how might the characteristics of each these families influence how the family deals with a child with a disability
- 2 parents going to love and support of family members
- single parent is to the same but also have other people like friends to give loveand support
- blended family is going to have more family members and may actually know other people that have the same style of disability
how could you as an educator be sensitive to the needs of each of these families
as an educator we have to give all the support we can whether it being flexible with time or coping with a 2 spouse that are divorced
know the culture the child may be seen as punishment
know which culture the greater good of the family is more important than the needs of the individual members
which culture that tend to have a stron kinship with extended family
hispanic and african american
what are the resources of high SES families
- more funds available
- more educated parents
- more achievement oriented
- may have a limited support
- feel the loss of control over enironment
low SES
- larger families
- extensive support networks
- didn't ever assume they had control
- not future oriented
how does having a child with a disability inpact high SES
- may lose friend
- may have to give up free time
- strain on family budget
- may deny having a child with a disability
low SES
- maybe a single parent home
- may lose friends and family
- may not have any time to share more work
what are the different coping styles used by parents
- passive appraisal Ignoring
- reframing changing thought process
- spiritual support
- social support
- professional support
what are some characteristics of families who live in poverty
- mothers have the highest rate of depression of demo group
- maybe unemployed
- often no consistent male figure
- parental response are unpredictable
- frequent move
- maybe dirty
what can u the educator do to be helpful
- be supportive give advice and
- don't judge
what is the impact of a child with a disability on the marriage partners
- support of partner is even more important
- matital stability maybe threatened
- however marriage may stay intact and be strengthen
what is the key factor in mom accepting and dealing with a child with disabilities
mom will have to raise the child od her household duties and may have to work outside the home for an extra income
what is the divorce rate
what are the cycles of grief
- denial
- blame someone else
- depression
- anger
- bargaining
- acceptance
what is the nonsquential cycle of grief
- recurring cycle
- parent may be thrown back into an earlier phase of the cycle and have to go through the cycle again
- often triggered by memories
what does research on fathers report
- centainly about the cause and nature of a disability has a positive effect on fathers
- involvement of the father provides psych protection
- fathers are more anxious about social status
- less emotional and more future oriented
- likely will be the less apparent parent
what are the positive and negative impacts on sibling when there is a childwith a disability in the family
- olders sister at risk or parentification
- may have concerns about surpassing on older sibling
- may worry they will catch the disability
- maybe concerened about the future responsibilities
- receive more pressure to achieve
what is parentification and who is at risk
a temporary or continuous reversal of role between parents and children and it the older sister
what does the research on grandparents reports
- experience dual hurt
- sometimes deny trivialize the problem
- gioing through loss and grief
- may react with anger
- support from paternal grandparents had the greatest impact on the parents acceptance of child
extremes of cohesion and adaptability
enmeshment weak or blurred boundaries
- over involvement
- over protection
- little privacy
- family focussed decisions
disengagment rigid boundaries
- under involvement
- excessive privacy
- great deal of time spent apart
- ability to change in response to a situation and developemental stress
- rigid-------------------------chaotic
stages in the family life cycle
- 1. newly married
- 2.families with children
- 3. child rearing years
- 4.families with adolescents
- 5. families launching children
- 6 families in later life
predictable stressors for each stage
stage one
developing dual careers and balancing changwith extended family
stage 2
finances career decisions child care
stage 3
involvement with school sharing authority extra activities
stage 4
financial strains loosening boundaries
stage 5
paying for college weddings helping set up households empty nest syndrome
stage 6
financial strain planning for retirement paying for health care
child with a disability
stage 1
is the disability genetically transmitted
stage 2
understanding the disability coping with the loss of a dream child
stage 3
diagnosis may come during school years interaction with may be stressful greater level of stress
stage 4
disability exacerbaters adjustment in adolescence family struggles
stage 5
woring with agencies/ employment finding residence providing opportunities
stage 6
parents must plan for and establish support for long term assistance for the child
collective wisdom
families and professional collaborate to achieve
seven partnership principles
- communication
- professional competence
- respect
- commitment
- equality
- advocacy
- be friendly
- listen empathically
- be clear
- be honest
- provide and coorindate information
professional competence
- provide an appropriate quality education
- continue to learn
- set high expectation
- honor cultural diversity
- affirm the family's strength
- treat students and families with dignity
- professionals consider their relationship
- be sensitive to emotional needs
- be accessible and available
- go above and beyond
- affirm the strengths of the child and family
- share power
- foster empowerment
- provide options
- refers to speaking out
- advocay is problem oriented
- advocay identifies a problem
- preventing problem
- keep your conscience primed
- pinpoint and document problems
- broaden alliance
- create win-win solutions
defintion of trust
having confidence in someone else's reliability, judgement, word and action to care for and not harm the entrusted person
where is trust in the archway
it is the middle of the archway
what are some things that a teacher can do to earn the trust colleagues, parents, and families
- be reliable
- use sound judgment
- maintain confidentiality
why do some parents distrust teachers
- the effort you invest in the parent and the trust you establish will make it easier for you and future professionals in the family life
- the cost of distrust is high may lead to mediation due process
conditional trust
people neither fully trust or fully distrust the other party
how does cultural impact trust
- it is easier to trust others who share common values, goals, and experiences
- same racial/ethic background
- same income level
- low ses affects student achievement and teacher trust
what are the reasons why collaborations is so necessay in today's school
collaboration among professional from a variety of disciplines is necessary to improve student learning
definition of collaboration
is a style for direct interaction between at least 2 co-equal parties voluntarily engaged in shared decision making as they work toward a common goal
why is it important that collaboration be voluntary
- motorivated and willing participants
- increased moral
- voluntary behavior is contagious
- increased sense of self efficacy and professional self worth
- ensures that problem will be speedily addressed
what is parity
each person's contribution is valued and each person has equal power in decision making
characteristics of collaboration
- parity
- based on mutal goals
- shared responsiblilty
- shared resources
- shared accountablity
- follows the step of problem solving
what are some of the barriers of collaboration
- school structure preference toward working in isolation
- professional socialization
- pragmatic issues
what prevents collaboration from happening
time space material experise
are collaboration and inclusion the same thing
what are attending skills
- maintain a posture of involvement
- use appropiate body motion
- eye contact
- choose a nondistracting enironment
what are minimal encouragers
what is paraphasing
a consise response to the speaker which states the essence of the other's content in the listeners own words
why is paraphasing so important
it let the person who is talking that you fully understand the conversation
what is reflection of affect
verbally mirroring back to the speaker the emotions that is communication you look upset,
what is reflection of meanng
when feeling and facts are joined in one succint response
you feel_________--because
why use summarization techniques
- brief restatement
- tie things together
- may bring a conclusion to the conversation
know how to build rapport with colleagues/families/parents before problem-solving become necessary
develop a relationship by gaining respect, establishing trust, model a collaborative approach
what is the most important step of problem-solving process why
identify the problem if you don't know what the problem is how can you fix it
what is hidden agenda why is this important to know
sometimes stated problems is really not the problem
what is brainstorming
is the start of problem solving, giving of ideas for a possible solution
what are some different way to brainstorm why
- plan-ahead send out statement
- writing it down
- add an idea
- to move the meeting along more quickly
what are the do's and don't's of brainstorming
write all ideas down
don't critize and evaluate doing this time
why does conflict occur.
when 2 or more colleagues can not get along
know the different styles of conflict management
- competitive overpowering others
- accommodation set aside own need so other needs are met
- avoidance try to ignore the conflict
- collaboraton joining together
- advantages
- ethical issues are at stake
- when u know u r right
- dis adv.
- others may stop interacting with u
- damage relationship
- A
- limited time
- issue isn't problematic
- D.
- feeling of dissatisified
- A.
- conflict is not importance
- u realize u r wrong
- D.
- feeling of being taken advantage of
- A
- if time is inadequate for addressing problem
- when an issue is trivial
- D
- Avoidance gives the impression that all is well
- A. when concerns needs are interests of both parties
- when you want to find innovative solutions
- No disadvantages
what are some possible reasons that colleagues/parent might be resistant to change
- fear of failure
- lack of time to implement change
- loss of autonomy
what are some way to manage resistance
- enlist administrative support
- actively involve classroom teachers
- identify specific way in collaborative programs can help
- learn the values of classroom teachers nurture a trusting relationship
what are the stage of group process
what happens at each stage
- Instructional groups
- Decision making group
- problem-solving group
what is empathy
listen with ears,eyes and heart be nonjudgemental
what are positive illusions
regarding themselves, their words and thier futures with positive self-enhancing illusion
what are vertical hierarchies
professional dominate parents
what are horizontal hierachies
- powered share relationship
- equal partners