Fall Exam Time Line

  1. 3200 BC
    Sumerian Civilization 1st Mesopotamian civilization to appear.
  2. 2700 BC
    • Old Kingdom Period
    • Beginning of time of Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt.
  3. 2500 BC
    • Harappan Civilization
    • Beginning of 1st Indian Civilization which flourished for 1000 years.
  4. 1790 BC
    • Hammurabi’s Code
    • 1st set of written laws
  5. 1750 BC
    • Minoan Civilization
    • Early Greek Civilization that lived on the Island of Crete (Mysterious Disappearance). Lasted till 1500BC
  6. 509 BC
    Roman Republic Was founded when Etruscan gov’t was forced out.
  7. 527 AD
    • Justinian’s Reign
    • Byzatine Emperor who expanded empire to largest and most successful.
  8. 622 AD
    Muhammad’s Hijra Left Mecca for Yathrib
  9. 800 AD
    • Charlemagne Crowned
    • Frankish King was crowned Emperor of Rome by Pope. Much of Western Europe was united.
  10. 1066 AD
    • Battle of Hastings
    • William of Normandy Conquered England
  11. 1096 AD
    • First Crusade
    • Beginning of Europe's attempt to regain the Holy Land
  12. 1215 AD
    Magna Carta Signed by King John, stated even the King must follow the laws.
  13. 1279 AD
    • Mongol rule of China
    • Kubla Khan finally sucedded in gaining full control of China, lasted until 1368.
  14. 1300 AD
    Italian Renaissance Begins in Florence, a time of change and creativity.
  15. 1337 AD
    • Hundred Year’s War
    • A series of Conflicts fought between England and France between 1337-1453.
  16. 1347 AD
    Bubonic Plague 1st appearance of Plague in Europe
  17. 1453 AD
    • Fall of Constantinople
    • The Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople
  18. 1456 AD
    • Gutenberg’s Bible
    • 1st complete edition of the Bible ever printed
  19. 1517 AD
    • Protestant Reformation
    • Begins as Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses in Wittenberg, German.
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Fall Exam Time Line
Time Line