State-centric Views
- Waltz (86) - States are not and never have been the onlyinternational actors. But then structures are dened not by allthe actors that ourish within them but by the major ones.
- Meta-theory - Realism, to some extent Liberalism
Transnational Relations
Regular interactions across nationalboundaries when at least one actor is a non-state agent ordoes not operate on behalf of a national government or anintergovernmental organization
Types of transnational nonstate actors (
- Multinational Corporations
- Drug cartels, terrorists, arms traders, money launderer, humantracker, etc (un-civil society)
- Non-Governmental Organizations, INGOs, and other advocacyactors (civil society)
Differences of transnational nonstate actors and states
- In contrast to states, non-state actors lack sovereign control over population and territory
- In contrast to IGOs, NGOs and other non-state actors are not created by states. They are created by private citizens with the exception: GONGOs - government owned (or organized) NGOs- sometimes designed by government to get money to developing country, spread own ideas
Authority of non-state actors
- Multinational corporations- market authority
- Non-governmental organizations and advocacy actors- moral authority (some put terrorists in this category)
- Drug cartels, terrorists, arms traders- violent authority
nonprofit, open membership organization that is not connected to any government and active in at least 3 states
Human Rights
Any right protected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN); focus on basic political,civil, economic, social, and cultural rights
Terrorism over time
Terrorism is decreasing
Characteristics of Human Rights (5)
- Universal- birthright of all humans- not granted by state
- Focus on inherent dignity and equal worth of all humans
- Are equal, indivisible and interdependent
- Have been internationally guaranteed and are legally protected
- Provide a means to ensure accountability, including non-government actors
Major international human right documents and US on the rights of the Child
- US has not signed on Rights of the Child
- Ratifying a human rights treaty doesn’t increase human rights practices
- Certain rights can be taken away during time of emergency which makes them derogable
- Non- derogable rights:
- 1. Right to life
- 2. Right of freedom from torture and other inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment
- 3. Right to be free from slavery or servitude
- 4. Right to be free from retroactive application of penal
Generation of Rights
- The adding on of rights
- Political and civil rights- economic – social and cultural rights- solidarity (environment) rights
Human Rights Violations
- Incapacity: usually for economic, social and cultural rights
- Can lack capacity to control political agents
- Fits the political strategy of leaders
- Is “best response” for perceived threats to national security
- Most often case for political and civil rights- torture, political imprisonment, killing, forced disappearance
Strategic Logic of Violations
- States try to repress population to prevent protests
- Protests- challenges to a regime- dissent at international or domestic level
- Protests violent or non violent
Big Determinants of human right violations
- 1. Dictatorships and unstable democracies
- More murder in the middle
- In dictatorships: when there are multiparties
- 2. Lower GDP per capita
- 3. International and civil war
- Civil war typically has greatest effect
3 Types of States
- 1. Sincere Ratifiers: States that sign because they feel it reflects political preferences of majority of citizens
- 2. False negatives: States that protect right but don’t sign treaties
- Common law: law through courts and court decisions
- 3. False positive: States that sign treaties but don’t protect rights
- 1. Social camaflouge- less criticism
- 2. Strategic manipulation- want to manipulate how treaty is interpreted
- 3. Immediate gratification- want to make a tactical concession
- 1. When states have lots of INGOs active in borders
- 2. When not politically unstable
- o Dictatorships with multiple political parties most likely to sign
Characteristics of Religious attacks
- Most are not carried out by religious groups
- Religious groups are more deadly
- Targets are diplomatic facilities and businesses
3 Reasons why Terrorism is Rational
- 1. The strategies are rational
- 2. People choose to become terrorists to advance personal goals
- 3. Sometimes even random choice of targets is part of a strategy
Strategic Logic of Terrorism
- Terrorist networks rarely have sovereignty
- o Weak related to targets (states)
- o Weak relative to their demands
- Terrorism is extreme form of asymmetrical warfare
- o Can’t tax resort to criminal activities
- o Wouldn’t win against a state’s army
Terrorists as extremists
- Politically weak relative to demands they make
- Extremists have interests on the far side
- Typically face much larger majority that doesn't share beliefs
- Difficult for extremists to convince others to share their views
Terrorism Networks
- Terrorists adopt certain organizational forms that make defeating them difficult
- Unlike networks of civil society organizations, terrorists form networks of small, self- contained “cells”
- Terrorist groups are extremely sensitive to defection, which threatens to reveal information about members, supporters, strategies, etc
- Religious organizations that have solved the defection problem have a “comparative advantage” in terrorism if they are violent
Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism
- 1. Part of cluster effect, not isolated or random
- 2. Suicide terrorism mostly against democracy to make concessions to national self- determination
- Terrorist goals/ withdrawal of troops
- 3. Terrorists have learned that it pays- groups get concessions
- 4. “moderate” suicide terrorism pays most
- Little casualties for little concessions
- Goals typically not national wealth and security
- 5. Reduce suicide attacks by lower successfulness in attack
- Reduce confidence
Strategies of Terrorism and Best responses to them
- 1. Coercion
- group attacks to make demands more credible
- Target uncertain of groups capabilities or resolve
- Attacks in form of costly signaling
- Actual attacks serve only to make credible threat of future violence
- Induces policy change by imposing costs on
- target
- Use fear to motivate individuals to put pressure
- on their governments
- Best response:
- 1. Concessions ( rarely admitted but frequently
- pursued)
- 2. Retaliation- precisely targeted
- 3. Harden targets
- 4. Dry weapons- nuke and chemicals
- 5. Minimize psychological costs of terrorism and tendency people have to over react
Strategies of Terrorism and Best responses to them
- 2. Provocation
- Home society or state is uncertain about preferences of target
- Terrorists attacks target cannot identify terrorist precisely, collateral damage to home
- Home “up dates” its beliefs about target’s
- preferences
- § It really is evil
- Best response:
- 1. As little collateral damage as possible
- § Isolate terrorists from sympathizers or potential sympathizers
- Demands intelligence and language
Strategies of Terrorism and Best responses to them
- 3. Spoiling
- Home and target try to negotiate
- § Terrorists wants to hold out for better terms
- Target is uncertain about home’s ability to desire to honor agreement and restrain extremists
- Terrorists attack, and target updates its beliefs that home cannot control terrorists
- Target more likely to reject agreement/ change policy, thinks home is not credible
- Best response:
- Have 3rd parties during negotiations
- Have mediators
- Strategies that build trust
Strategies of Terrorism and Best responses to them
- 4. Outbidding
- Terrorist group may attack target simply to increase support for group within home population
- When two or more terrorist groups compete for support, a group may try to “outbid” the other; the group hopes to demonstrate its superior leadership and devotion
- Best response:
- Encourages groups to consolidate
- § But can be a stronger terrorist group overall
- Grant concessions to non violent group
Crackdowns and economic externalities
- If counterterrorism is on whole population and not sub segment, home population loses faith in targeted government and forces
- “economic externalities” as a result of counterterrorism- counterterrorism hurts the economy, making more violence less costly
- Crackdowns produce better terrorists
- Northern Based NGOs: based on industrial democracies
- Southern Based NGOs: based on a developing country, usually thought of as not a consolidated democracy
- Though of domestic and regional
- Number of domestic NGOs are rising more faster
- NNGOs still receive more money and attention
- Most SNNGOs receive money from donor agencies or from NNGOs who contract with them to carry out projects
- Evidence of western bias and paternalistic relationships
Norm Life Cycle
- 1. Actors attempt to convince an important population to accepts and embrace their belief
- 2. The norm becomes a near universal standard of behavior
- o B/4 internalized, norms are enforced by moral disapproval of others or by sanctions
- 3. Norm is internalized
Boomerang Pattern
- Domestic NGOs in one state activate transnational linkages to bring pressure from other states to bear on their own government
- Pressure from population below and from international states above
- o International pressure- shaming
Types of goods and environmental problems
- Non-excludable: if good is available for one actor to consume, then other actors can’t be prevented from consuming it
- Non-rival: one actor’s consumption of goods doesn't diminish quantity available for others to consume as well
- Costs or benefits for others than the person making the decision (purchasing power)
- Many times goods that are completely private still create negative externalities concerning environments
- Positive externalities
- o Benefits from buying wood from a company that plants 2 trees for every 1 harvested
- Problem for the environment
- o Getting those that are hurt from negative externalities interested enough to mobilize and petition
Common Pool Resources
- Non- excludable but rival in consumption: hard to exclude someone but their consumption hurts your consumption
- Lots of natural resources
- Problem for environment: over exploitation and fear others will take it if you don’t
Small number of actors
- Easier to get cooperation
- Some global environmental problems, like climate change, are difficult to solve because they affect large population and a large number of countries
Issue Linkages
- Groups that intersect frequently on other issues
- (linkages) are most successful.
- o Joint products/ selective incentives:
- § Positive externalities from environmental decisions
Privileged groups
- Actors may vary in intensity of preferences for cooperation
- o Privileged group: Some groups might have very strong preferences for public goods
- o Privileged groups composed of one or a few actors who receive benefits themselves from public good. Group willing to bear costs of providing that good for everyone
Soft and Hard Law
- Soft Law: norms of behavior without teeth or clear cut written standards
- o Many international environmental institutions start out
- Hard Law: soft law after it has formal monetary mechanisms
- Nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons
- o Also radiological weapons
- Precise term: CBRN weapons
- o Leading cause of death in war= handguns
- Biological and chemical- outlawed by Geneva Conventions, biological weapons convention
- Nuclear- regulated by Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty (1960s)
Nuclear Peace
- Never been a nuclear war
- Nuclear taboo
- Theory: nuclear weapons create a situation of mutual deterrence- resolve disputes short of nuclear war
- o Mutually assured destruction
Rise of China
- China will overtake US as world’s largest economy sometime soon
- However, there is technology and militarization that matters too
- It isn’t the rising superpower to worry about as much as a declining hegemony
- o Over stretches itself
- o Provokes others
Containment and Engagement
- 1.containment: deter and delay challenge
- slow down China's economic growth
- strengthen alliances with China's neighbors
- 2. Engagement:
- integrate China into the U.S.-led order.
- more what the US is doing today, role of domestic economic
- general idea: make interests more complementary