Final History 1

  1. According to Paul, how does one acheive salvation?
    Through faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. What unified the different empires ruled by Alexander "The Great"?
    The Greek language and culture.
  3. What is the name of the period that began with the reign on Alexander "The Great"?
    The Hellestic Period.
  4. Explain Polybius theories of constitution?
    • 6 constitutions.
    • 3 positive, 3 negative ones.
    • Natural cycles of development.
    • The good ones transform into the bad ones.
    • Coruption is a natural result of the cycles of development.
  5. What (2) pricipals of the US Constitution where derivied from polybius?
    • Checks and balances.
    • Seperation of powers or branches of government.
  6. "We trust that the God will give us good fortune as good as yours, because we are standing for whats right, against what is wrong."

    Who said this quote?

    What arguement did the Athenians use to respond to this?
    The Melians from the island of Melos, are responsible for the quote.

    The Gods approved of domination.
  7. How does Lucretius see the essance of reality?
    • Atoms are made of solids and voids.
    • Constanly moving.
    • God is secondary.
    • Material made of matter, atoms.
    • Matter is primary over thought.
    • Matter is indestrucable forever.
    • Matter has always been there.
    • No new matter can be created.
    • There is a singular type of atom.
  8. Which state was Rome's primary enemy in the punic war?
  9. As of 1300AD which West Asian Empire, had NOT been converted to Islam?
    Byzantium Empire.
  10. After 400AD the Roman Empire was divided in 2 seperate empires, what is the modern name of the Eastern Roman Empire?

    "Mighty in deed are the marks and monuments of our empire, which we have left"

    A.Who said this?

    B.And from which "History" (think Thucydides)is this quotation taken?

    C.What are the monuments, Pericles is referring to?

    Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War".

    The death and destruction resulting from the establisment and maintenance of the Empire.
  12. How far west did the Islamic conquest extend?
    • Spain/Portugal.
    • Morrocco.
  13. What is the central conflict in Antigone?
    Should the laws of heaven be followed, or the laws of a Monarch who does not follow traditional laws.
  14. Describe Creon's actions as they pretain to the central issue in Antigone?
    His actions resenble an Absolute Ruler.
  15. Name (8) theological beliefs Christianity and Islam share?
    • 1.Belief in 1 God.
    • 2.Belief in prophets.
    • 3.Beleif in Judgement Day.
    • 4.Belief in Heaven and Hell.
    • 5.Beliefs in good works.
    • 6.God is foregiving.
    • 7.God guides humans along the straight path.
    • 8.God is the creator of people.
  16. Who is Paul addressing in his letter to Romans?

    And what was his pupose?
    Church Of Rome

    to address the unbelieving, the worshipers of idols, and the religious condition of the church and the steps of justification by faith.
  17. What the key difference in attitude toward the law in Matthews gospel and Pauls Letter?
    Pauls letter talked about how Christians are "dead to the law" and no obligation to follow it.

    Matthew was a firm beliver in the Law, and believes everyone should follow jewish law.
  18. Compare Paul and the Quran. What does each say has to be done to reach paradise?
    You enter through a gate to paradise.
  19. Name (3) things we can learn about the nature of the early Islamic/Arab conquets that took place outside the Arabian Pennilsula by reading the 3 Islamic Peace Documents?
    • Non-Muslims can continue life as is, but pay tax or jizya.
    • If you wish to leave, you can do so safely.
    • The conquests will be protected and defended for a tax.
  20. What is Islamization and what is Arabization?
    Islamization is the process of communities converting to Islam.

    A growing cultural influence on a non-Arab area that gradually changes into one that speaks Arabic and/or incorporates Arab culture
  21. By 1050AD what people were Islamizied, but did not adapt Arab culture?
    • Persians.
    • Turks.
    • Kurds.
    • Berbers.
Card Set
Final History 1
Final History 1