religions for fall exam

  1. Hinduism Founder/ Deity
    • no founder
    • gods; brahma, vishnu, shiva
  2. Hinduism Place of Orgin
  3. Hinduism Tenents (mono/ polytheistic, major belifes)
    • 1. Soul never die; constantly reborn
    • 2. Person achieves happiness & enlightenment after they free themselves from earthly desires
    • 3. Freedom from earthly desires comes from a lifetime of worship, knowledge & virtuous acts.
  4. Hinduism Sacred book
    Vedas, Puranas
  5. Buddism Founder/ Deity
    Siddartha Gutamala/ Budda
  6. Buddism Place of Orgin
  7. Buddism Tenents (Mono/polytheistic, major beliefs, sacred texts)
    • 1. Person achieves complete peace & happiness, known as nirvana, by eliminating their attachment to worldly things.
    • 2. Nirvana is reached by following 8 fold path:
    • right views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right endeavor, right mindfulness, right mediation
  8. Judaism Founder/ Deity
    Abraham/ God
  9. Judaism Place of Origin and Importance
    Palestine/ Holyland
  10. Judaism Tenents (Mono/polytheistic, major beliefs, sacred texts)
    • 1. There is only one God, who watches over & cares for his people
    • 2. God loves & protects his people, but also holds people accountable for their sins & shortcomings. Persons serve God by studying the Torah & living by its teachings.
  11. Judaism Holy Book
    Hebrew Bible, including the Torah
  12. Christianity Founder/ Deity
    Jesus Christ/ God
  13. Christianity Place of origin and improtance
    Palestine/ Holy Land
  14. Christianity Tenents (Mono/polytheistic, major beliefs, sacred texts)
    • 1. There is only one God, who watches over & cares for his people
    • 2. Jesus Christ was the son of God. He died
    • to save humanity from sin. His death & resurrection made eternal life possible for others.
  15. Christianity Holy Book
  16. Islam Founder/ Deity
    Muhammad/ God (Allah)
  17. Islam Place of Origin and Importance
    Palestine/ Holy Land
  18. Islam Tenents (Mono/polytheistic, major beliefs, sacred texts)
    • Persons achieve salvation by following the Five
    • Pillars of Islam & living a just life. These pillars are: faith; almsgiving, or charity to the poor; fasting, which Muslims perform during Ramadan; pilgrimage (to Mecca) & prayer
  19. Islam Holy Book
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religions for fall exam