final exam 3 artic

  1. during which portion the sensory perceptual training is the client bombarded with large quantities of the sound in question in varying contexts? the goal is accurate identification of sound as the context conditions change
    stimulation phase
  2. during which portion of the sensory perceptual training is the client asked to identify misarticulations, similar to those that he/she produces, in various word contexts
    discrimination phase
  3. what percentage of accuracy during spontaneous speech was suggested as dismissal criteria?
  4. a young childs says [d3di] for teddy. this could be an example of
    prevocalic voicing
  5. using the traditional artic approach a client has just mastered their target sound in the isolation phase with 92% accuracy what should be targeted next?
    target sound in inital position of word level
  6. using the traditional artic approach a client has just mastered their target sound in the inital position of words with atleast 98% accuracy what should be targeted next?
    target sound in final position words
  7. using the traditional artic approach a client has just mastered their target sound in all positions of words in sentences what is the next phase that should be addressed?
    target sound in conversational speech
  8. phonologically based treatment approaches have which unit as the core of therapy
  9. several of the phonologically based treatment approaches use minimal pair words in their approaches. the reasoning is
    minimal pairs represent phonemic function as meaning differentiating values
  10. as described in this text, which one of the following approaches is not based on using minimal pairs?
    cycles training
  11. based on the principles of minimal opposition contrast therapy, that sound substiutions chosen reflect the LEAST number of differences in production features, which one of the following target sounds should be selected if a 7 year old child demonstrates the following substiutions: /r/ > /w/, /theta/ > /d/, /sh/ > /d/ and /g/ > /k/?
    /g/ > /k/
  12. which one of the following minimal pair words could be used if the target was gliding of /l/?
  13. which one of the following minimal pair words could be used if the target process was palatal fronting?
  14. which group of clients are targeted for cycles training?
    unintelligible children
  15. in cycles training therapy, auditory bombardment refers to:
    amplified auditory stimulation while the target words are read by the clinician
  16. those children who evidence a lack of motor control of the oral mechanism which is not attributable to other problems of muscular control are often diagnosed as individuals with
    childhood apraxia of speech
  17. children w childhood apraxia of speech often demonstrate an ongoing series of movements of the articulators in an attempt to find the desired artic position. this is referred to as
    groping behavior
  18. when contrasting the artic errors the apraxia and dysarthria, apraxic errors
    inconsistent whereas dysarthric errors are consistent and predictable
  19. which one of the following is NOT artic/phonological characteristic of apraxia of speech?
    no difficulty initiating utterances but increased difficulty as the utterance progresses
  20. when treating individuals with dysarthria, most therapy plans are based on the principle of
    treating disorderd facets of the subsystems contributing to artic
  21. during the therapy sequence of traditional artic therapy, accuracy is usually set at 80 to 90 % before the child progresses to the next stage
  22. phonologically based approaches target phoneme function
  23. when selecting target sounds for minimal opposition contrast therapy, best results will probably be obtained if the child is stimulable for the target sound
  24. in cycles training, client must reach 75% accuracy before going on to the next cycle
  25. all of the noted speech characteristics are present in all children with childhood apraxia of speech
  26. a phonetic approach can only be used with children with phonetic artic impairments
  27. a target sound in an unstressed syllable is typically easier to produce than one in a stressed syllable
  28. maximal oppositins refer to maximal differences in word length and complexity which are contrasted in therapy
  29. the maximal oppositions approach selects two target sounds which are not in the child's inventory
  30. the speech characteristics of all dysarthrias are very similar
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final exam 3 artic