Aerospace Propulsion Volume 4

  1. which prop subassembly transmits engine torque to the prop blades
  2. on the prop which component delivers the actual prop blade angle from the blade to the control assembly
    beta feedback shaft
  3. on the prop which is a function of the pitchlock regulator
    prevents the blades from decreasing pitch if hydraulic pressure is lost
  4. on the prop which pitchlock component mechanically holds the stationary and rotating pitchlock ratchets apart during reversing and unfeathering operations
    pitchlock control cam
  5. on the prop which component is used in place of a shim plate on the no.1 blade
    beta segment gear
  6. on the prop which dome assembly part allows the rotating cam to turn while the stationary cam remains in a fixed position
    ball bearings
  7. on the prop what function is a task of the low pitch stop assembly
    prevents the blades from going into the beta range when in the alpha range
  8. on the prop which component provides a means for balancing the prop
    hub mounting bulkhead
  9. on the prop, hydraulic fluid is directed from the pump housing to the barrel assembly through what component
    transfer bearing
  10. on the prop what is the function of the differential gear train assembly
    transmits blade angle movement to the valve housing and drives the prop governer flyweights
  11. on the prop during normal prop operation the output of which pumps is used
    main and scavenge pumps
  12. which pump assists the main pressure pump when large blade angle movements are required
  13. which cam disarms the NTS system linkage when the throttle is positioned in the beta range
    manual feather
  14. which valve contained in the valve housing controls the flow of hydraulic fluid to and from the dome assembly
    pilot valve
  15. the prop governer speeder spring tension positions the pilot valve to maintain what percent rpm in the beta range
    109 - 113
  16. when the throttle is moved to the ground idele position, what degree setting does the corrdinator pointer indicate on the protractor
  17. what switch located in the control quadrant activates the prop governor speed bias servo assembly as the throttle is moved into the flight idle gate
    synchrophaser disarming
  18. the condition lever gnd stop position is only effective on the ground becuase the circuits made in this position are completed through what switches
    landing gear touchdown
  19. what component in the t56 engine coordinator provides reference signals to the electronic TD amplifier that are proportional to the desired TIT
  20. the output of what pump is sufficient to supply hydraulic pressure for normal prop operation
    main pressure
  21. if the main filter becomes clogged which valve opens to assure continued flow
  22. which valve sets and maintains a pressure differential of about 100 psi between system pressure and the increase or decrease pitch pressure
    low pressure relief
  23. when the backup valve is opened the hydraulic pressure routed to the governor pilot valve is used for which operation
  24. which pump is used to feather or unfeather the prop during static prop operation
  25. which type of valve opens to allow the output of the standby pump to combine with the output of the main pump
  26. the purpose of the prop pitchlock assembly is to prevent
    an engine overspeed due to a loss of hydraulic pressure
  27. what prevents engagement of the stationary and rotating ratchets at blade angles below 25 and above 55
    pitchlock control cam
  28. between the blade angles of 25 and 55 what will keep the rotating and stationary ratchets disengaged
    increase or decrease pitch pressure
  29. the function of the low pitch stop is to prevent the
    dome piston from decreasing blade angle below 23.3 +- .5
  30. what forces the stop levers on the low pitch stop to move outward
  31. when pressure builds to between 240 and 280 psi which valve is unseated and allows the stop levers to retract
  32. what is coordintated by the throttle i the controllable pitch range
    blade pitch and engine fuel flow
  33. during beta range operation what moves the pilot valve
    cams and mechanical linkage
  34. during beta range operation the rotation of which cam moves the mechanical linkage to center the governor pilot valve
    beta follow up
  35. during alpha range operation which cam changes speeder spring tension so the governor pilot valve can maintain 100 % rpm
    speed set
  36. during an underspeed condition what moves the pilot valve
    speeder spring
  37. when feathering the prop what acts on the mechanical linkage to open the feather actuating valve
    manual feather cam
  38. during feathering operation the feather valve is positioned to meter hydraulic fluid to the
    forward end of the dome piston
  39. which valve is a backup in case the feather valve fails during feathering operation
  40. as the prop feathers, the output of which pump decreases
    main scavenge
  41. during feather operation between approximately what psi are the pressure cutout switch contacts open
  42. which component is the primary electrical ground for energizing the feather override holding coil
    pressure cutout switch
  43. when attempting to unfeather the prop in flight where must the throttle be positioned
    above flight idle
  44. which two cams on the alpha shaft control the prop feathering operation
    manual feather and beta set
  45. what is the minimum psi required to release the feather latches and allow the piston to move forward
  46. after the NTS system actuator rod positions the mecanical linkage in the valve housing when a negative torque condition occurs, what component is shifted
    feather valve
  47. besides maintaining the optimum blade angle relationship between all props, what else does synchrophasing do
    keeps the props rotating at the same speed
  48. the fuel governing check switches are used to reset the prop governor to what percentage of rpm in the alpha range
  49. where is the pickup portion of the pulse generator located
    pump housing
  50. the pulse generator inputs to the sychrophaser unit are used only when
    a master prop is selected
  51. on the prop speed bias motor, when the ctontrol winding voltage is different from the reference winding voltage, what results
    speed bias motor rotates and increases or decreases blade angle
  52. the master synchrophaser board located in the synchrophsaser unit contains a master channel and a slave channel. these channels are used by which props
    2 + 3
  53. which board in the synchrophaser unit recieves input signals that are compared together, modified, and used to control the speed bias motors
    power amplifier board
  54. how much change in rpm does the compensating network in the synchrophaser unit allow the speed bias motor to correct
  55. in mechanical governing mode what causes the pilot valve to move and set prop speed
    speeder spring or flyweights
  56. mechanical governing provides the foundation for what other prop governing modes
    normal and synchrophasing
  57. which is a function of normal governing
    throttle anticipation
  58. for the prop to operate in the normal governing mode, the prop governor control switch must be placed in the normal position and what other conditions must be met
    throttle at or above flt ide and synchrophaser master switch in OFF
  59. during normal governing operation what stabilizes the prop governor during rapid throttle movements
    throttle anticipation circuit
  60. to reduce the noise and vibration levels, synchrophsing mode of governing maintains all the props at
    identical speeds and optimum blade phase angles
  61. how many slave channels are contained on the master synchrophaser board in the synchrophaser unit
  62. if the master prop fails during synchrophaser governing the slave props follow the master to
    about 2% speed change
  63. which type of special inspection can be used to find minute cracks on a prop blade
    purple dye
  64. when performing a loose blade inspection on the prop, fore-and-aft play should not exceed
    3/4 in
  65. when performing the blade tracking inspection on the prop the calculated difference in blade tracks should not exceed what limit
  66. when you perform a static blade transition check and abnormal noises are detected the prop must be returned to depot. what form must be documented and accompany the prop back to depot
  67. if a nick is found on teh mental protion of the blade when performing a blade inspection, which tool is used to measure the depth of the damage
    blade checking indicator
  68. the term "NO. 320 grit" refers to which feature of sandpaper
  69. when performing blade repair if blade damage was due to prop blade impact you must remove all traces of the damage and then using emery cloth remove an additional
    .002 in
  70. when the ambient temp is greater than 65*F and a patch is bonded to the blade fairing, what is the recommended drying time before running the repaired prop on the aircraft engine
    7 days
  71. on the prop when repairing a prop blade heater, what is the maximum number of wires that can be spliced in any one heater
  72. to avoid being crushed after removing the dome shell during dome piston seal replacement, you should keep you fingers away from the
    cam tracks
  73. after the new packings are in place during dome piston seal replacement, you need to turn them so what color faces outward
  74. during prop dynamic balancing the prop balance analyzer receieve its two inputs from
    a velocimeter and the magnetic pulse generator
  75. to calculate th required weight change when you use the 192A spectrum analyzer, you will need to plot the data on a
    balance chart worksheet
  76. when balancing a prop the velocimeter is secured to the forward side of the RGB at what position(as viewed from the rear)
    9 o clock
  77. prop balancing is not required if the prop imbalance is at or below what level
    .2 IPS
  78. what dowty prop component translates piston and shaft movement to vary prop blade angle
    operating pin
  79. which dowty prop component routes engine oil to and from the cylinder and piston
    beta tube
  80. what dowty prop assembly part provides an aerodynamic faring over the aft section
  81. which component controls the dowty prop blade angle by directing engine oil flow through the beta tube to the cylinder and piston
  82. for the dowty prop what components relay prop blade angle to the FADEC units
  83. for the dowty prop, the feather valve is located inside the
  84. for the dowty prop, what component provides the blade angle feedback to the FADEC by two RVDTS
  85. for the dowty prop, during flight operation what directs the PCU to meter fine and coarse pitch oil to maintain 1020.7 RPM
  86. on the dowty prop, what does the DITU use to monitor itself for malfunctions
  87. The pneumatic air bled from the small gas turbine engine cannot be used to
    inflate aircraft tires
  88. when used for ground operation, the SGT engine can be installed on
    a four-wheel trailer
  89. on an GTCP165 engine, air is compressed by the single stage centrifugal compressor assembly and then discharged into
    a vaned deswirl assembly
  90. the impeller wheel and two turbine wheels in the turbine section of the GTCP165 engine are connected by
    a common shaft
  91. on an GTCP165 engine, the accessory drive section forward housing provides mounts for the components, which include fuel control unit, oil pump assembly, oil filter element, vane-axial fan assembly, and
    air/oil cooler
  92. on the GTCP165 engine, turbine discharge temperature is controlled by the
    pneumatic thermostat
  93. on the GTCP165 engine, which signals are used by the fuel control unit to control engine operation
    engine speed and pneumatic thermostat (load control) air pressure
  94. on GTCP165 engine shutdown, what valve closes to ensure fuel flow is terminated
    fuel shutoff solenoid
  95. what type of sump design is the oil system on a GTCP165
  96. on a GTCP165 engine, what component shuts the engine down if the oil pressure drops below the safe minimum operating limit
    oil pressure switch
  97. on a GTCP165 engine oil system, air that leaks past various oil seals exits through the
    vent system
  98. on a GTCP165 engine, the speed switch control does not control the engine during
    loaded operation
  99. during normal GTCP165 engine shutdown, what circuit trips to stop the engine
    110 percent circuit
  100. the modulating and shutoff valve on a GTCP165 engine will be fully open at what percent rpm
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Aerospace Propulsion Volume 4
Aerospace Propulsion Volume 4