abd sono-gastro.txt

  1. The characteristic gastrointestinal wall thickening consisting of an echogenic center and hypoechoic rim is called the ___________ sign.
  2. The appendix is located on the abdominal wall under _________ point.
  3. Which of the following can cause rectal bleeding?
    Meckel's Diverticulitis
  4. At least 90%-95% ofmalignant tumors of the stomach are ____________.
  5. A gross enlargement of the appendix from accumulation of mucoid substances within the lumen is called a _________.
  6. Which of the following is NOT associated with appendicitis?
    1. fever
    2. pseudokidney appearance
    3. pain at McBurney's point
    4. target sign
    pseudokidney appearance
  7. True or false.
    Pyloric stenosis would be considered with a wall thickness of >15 mm.
  8. Arrange the following bowel layers from most superficial layer to deepest layer.
    A. submucosa
    B. muscularis
    C. serosa
    D.mucosal interface
    E. deep mucosa
    serosa, muscularis, submucosa, deep mucosa, mucosal interface
  9. Probe pressure applied to abnormal bowel will cause the bowel wall to __________.
    remain in same position
  10. The division between the duodenum and jejunum is marked by which of the following?
    ligament of treitz
  11. The “keyboard sign” is used to describe which portion of the G.I. tract when visualized?
    small bowel
  12. Masses of vegetable or indigestible substances is called a ________________.
  13. True or false.
    Pyloric stenosis is typically diagnosed in young adults.
  14. All of the following are inflammatory bowel
    processes, EXCEPT:
    pyloric stenosis
  15. On normal bowel anatomy, the innermost layer is ______________.
  16. In infants and young children, the progression of acute appendicitis to perforation occurs within?
    6 - 12 hours
  17. True or false.
    Intussusception is the most common acute abdominal disorder in early childhood.
  18. Place the following layers of bowel from the outer layer to the inner layer?
    1. mesothelium
    2. mucosa
    3. muscularis
    4. serosa
    5. submucosa
    mesothelium, serosa, mescularis, submucosa, mucosa
  19. True or false.
    Leiomyomas are the most common malignant tumor of the stomach.
  20. McBurney’s point is used when trying to locate which of the following?
  21. There are five layers that make up the bowel wall. The odd-numbered walls are _______, and the even-numbered walls are _______.
    echogenic; hypoechoic
  22. Which pat of the duodenum passes anterior to the aorta/IVC and posterior to the superior mesenteric vessels?
    third part
  23. The symptoms of __________ are pain and rebound tenderness, which is usually localized over the right lower quadrant (McBurney’s sign).
    acute appendicitis
  24. True or false.
    With volvulus, the involved loop is doubled back on itself abruptly so that a U-shape appearance is seen on a sagittal scan.
  25. Scarring or fecalith after an appendectomy is the most common cause of _________.
  26. Which ligament supports the lesser curvature of the stomach?
    gastrohepatic ligament
  27. The Ampulla of Vater is located in which part of the duodenum?
  28. Which artery supplies blood to the small bowel?
    superior mesenteric artery
  29. What is the most common malignancy of the stomach?
  30. What is the site of maximal tenderness in the right lower quadrant, which is usually an indication of appendicitis?
    McBurney's sign
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abd sono-gastro.txt