
  1. Financial loss to society is greatest in which of the following areas of criminal activity?

    (C) white-collar crime
  2. Captain Jenkins determines it's necessary to discuss a staffing problem with the Chief of Police. It would generally be best if Captain Jenkins

    (C) offered a solution or alternative along with outlining the problem.
  3. The process of formulating a goal and deciding what steps are necessary to achieve it is known as

    (A) planning
  4. Police organizations are "labor intensive." This most clearly means that

    (B) most of the police budget consists of salaries.
  5. Which of the following is least important in providing effective police services?

    (D) the training of officers
  6. According to Psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the most vital human need is

    (C) physiological
  7. Specialized units should be created in a police organization when

    (B) department responsibilities are significantly increased.
  8. Lieutenants Pawlina and Fleming are placed in charge of a narcotics unit. They are to have equal authority and work together with fifteen detectives and two sergeants. This violates the management principle of

    (B) unity of command
  9. A Police Department should primarily be organized

    (B) according to tasks needing to be performed
  10. In which of the following areas is it most important for an assistant chief to have extensive knowledge?

    (D) human relations
  11. Many police departments use line-item budgeting as part of their fiscal management. The primary advantage of this budget form is that it

    (C) specifically relates budget items to expenses
  12. Lieutenants must first, before communicating with subordinates.

    (C) clearly understand what is to be communicated
  13. Which of the following statements about motivation is false?

    (B) Money is the primary motivator of people in the workplace
  14. Of the following, on whom should a police lieutenants concentrate most of his or her work time?

    (B) with a newly appointed probationary sergeant
  15. A statement identifying what an organization does and for whom is a.

    (C) mission
  16. Which of the following embodies a line function in a police organization?

    (A) patrol division
  17. Management fails in interpersonal communication primarily because of

    (C) its failure to listen
  18. An inspection process designed to measure the extent to which department goals are being met is known as

    (A) controlling
  19. Captain Phillips is directed by Assistant Chief Jennings to design a plan to increase the productivity of patrol resources in the city. Captain Phillips should first

    (B) write the problem as an objective
  20. In preparing a budget for a Detective division, what step should a manager take first?

    (B) Determine objectives
  21. An organizational statement that outlines the short-term accomplishments to be achieved is known as a (n)

    (B) objective
  22. The first responsibility of a Captain at the scene of an active bank robbery is to

    (B) take command and assess the situation
  23. The performance of a police organization is best judged by

    (D) citizen satisfaction
  24. Police management should ensure personnel are trained

    (A) whenever necessary
  25. Organizational structure is best defined as

    (A) the formal grouping of people and jobs
  26. A new departmental policy on investigating domestic disputes has been instituted, and all department personnel have received training on the new policy. Captain Bowers can best determine if the new policy is being followed by

    (B) ensuring that domestic dispute investigations are inspected
  27. Assistant Chief Reid learns that a rumor of an officer's arrest is spreading throughout the department. Assistant Chief Reid should

    (B) determine the pertinent facts of the incident and inform his subordinates
  28. Lieutenant Lewis thinks that members of his staff will do a good job if they understand the level of job performance required and what needs to be accomplished. This is an example of

    (D) a theory Y philosophy
  29. The combined use of inspections, reports of activities, follow-up procedures, and special reports from subordinates represents

    (A) coordination.
    (B) control.
    (G) on-the-job-training.
    (D) representation.
    (B) control
  30. Plans that outline standard operating procedures, such as how to respond to domestic disputes, are known as

    (D) procedural plans
  31. The sergeant is the key person in the police organization to enforce discipline. Of the following, the best justification for this statement is that

    (B) the sergeant is in close contact with field personnel
  32. Which of the following is an incorrect statement relative to specialization?

    (C) Unity of command is increased, resulting in more efficiency and effectiveness.
  33. Simply stated, communication means

    (A) the process of passing information from one person to another to reach understanding
  34. Officers from four different departments are called into a city to handle a major emergency. Regarding organizational efficiency and effectiveness at the scene, which of the following statements is most correct?

    (B) One person should command and be in charge
  35. Plans designed to deal with seldom-occurring emergencies are known as

    (D) tactical plans
  36. Which of the following best describes the term "Span of Control"?

    (C) one manager's immediate subordinates
  37. Police Chief Ronald Rodrigues appoints Captain Hawkins to the rank of assistant chief. Hawkins is the first assistant chief in the department's history, and the appointment adds a new layer to the organizational structure. Of the following, which best describes the effect on the chain of command?

    (C) It will be lengthened
  38. All of the following describe a Theory X, type A Management philosophy, except

    (A) sharing authority with others by empowering them
  39. In a police organization, which of the following carries the same weight as a regulation?

    (B) a rule
  40. All of the following are true statements about communication except:

    (B) Communication is the transfer of a message from a sender to a receiver
  41. Providing unity of action by aiming group effort toward organizational objectives is

    (C) coordinating
  42. Captain Fennel wants to make certain his subordinates are properly performing their job assignments. This can best be accomplished

    (A) through day-to-day inspections
  43. Captain Ahern is asked by Assistant Chief Hopkins to complete an estimate of workforce requirements for patrol operations. This can best be accomplished by

    (C) reviewing calls for police services
  44. An Assistant Chief of Police is responsible for ensuring that

    (A) upward communication is not filtered
  45. Crime suppression is primarily the duty of

    (B) patrol officers
  46. The day-to-day guiding, counseling, and influencing of people toward task accomplishment is known as

    (D) directing
  47. Activities of the training division are

    (B) a staff function
  48. A Captain from one unit or division should communicate directly with a captain from another unit or division when making routine decisions. This form of communication is known as

    (D) lateral communication
  49. Most orders from a Captain to a subordinate should take the form of a

    (C) request
  50. Plans designed to deal with employees' daily conduct and performance are known as

    (D) rules and regulations
  51. Organization is most closely related to

    (B) planning
  52. Captain Peters responds to the scene of a barricaded person armed with a rifle. After designating a scene perimeter, Captain Peters should set up a command post

    (D) outside the perimeter in a safe-fire zone
  53. Which of the following is least important in being an effective Police Lieutenant?

    (C) technical skills in all police areas
  54. The process of formally dividing, structuring, and coordinating people, authority, and communication is

    (B) organizing
  55. Rumors in a police organization are most likely to develop from

    (C) a lengthy chain of command
  56. A Captain who is in the process of deciding who is to do what and when is

    (B) planning
  57. The most effective delivery of police services results from

    (C) the assignment of officers to areas for extended periods
  58. Of the following, which has the most impact on a community's opinion of its police officers?

    (A) the police officers themselves
  59. All of the following statements about delegation of authority are true except:

    (B) Proper delegation requires the assignment of tasks to the lowest supervisory level capable of getting them done
  60. Assistant Chief Murphy is assigned to head the department's recruitment drive. She announces to her staff that her objective is to attract the largest group of qualified candidates possible. The most valid reason for this objective is to ensure

    (A) the best selection of qualified candidates
  61. Captain Bowers has been instructed to construct the parameters for an oral board for the position of sergeant. The least important factor to test for in an oral examination is

    (A) job knowledge
  62. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of police patrol?

    (D) police omnipresence
  63. Which of the following is an advantage of foot patrol?

    (D) none of the above
  64. A robber enters a package store, brandishes a gun, and ties up the owner with nylon rope using an intricate sailor's knot. This is similar to other robberies of convenience stores during the past several weeks. This similarity is known as

    (B) modus operandi
  65. Lieutenant Fields is giving roll-call training to officers on conducting preliminary investigations. The person responsible for conducting a preliminary investigation is

    (B) the first police officer arriving at the crime scene
  66. Organizations are characterized by

    (D) all of the above
  67. Captain Phillips is quick to give direction to his subordinates but rarely allows input from them when making decisions. His leadership style is most closely related to

    (C) autocratic leadership
  68. Lieutenant Lewis encourages discussion with his subordinates and values their input. His, leadership style is probably

    (D) participative
  69. The primary purpose of management by exception is to

    (A) identify problems needing management attention and avoid dealing with those better handled at lower levels
  70. The number of subordinates a manager can effectively supervise is known as

    (D) span of control
  71. Lieutenants who allow their subordinates to have a voice in the decision-making process while reserving final decision-making authority for themselves are using

    (B) participative leadership
  72. The largest part of a police department's budget is dedicated to

    (A) salaries
  73. All of the following statements about span of control are true except:

    (A) The span of control is broad at the top of an organization and more narrow as one travels down the hierarchy.
  74. When does the United States Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona not apply?

    (D) during field interrogations
  75. Which of the following is a correct statement concerning the use of force in making an arrest?

    (A) Officers should use the minimum amount of force necessary when effecting an arrest
  76. Lieutenant Butterfield develops a budget proposal which outlines a new program to put community service officers on the street, and she predicts what results will be achieved.

    This proposal is an example of

    (A) a performance budget
  77. The Exclusionary Rule applies to

    (A) police officers
  78. Lieutenants should ensure officers and equipment are deployed

    (A) selectively, according to the need for police services
  79. Assistant Chief Meyer gave Captain Blanchard a job assignment and later found that he was not performing it properly. Assistant Chief Meyer should first determine whether Captain Blanchard

    (A) understood his instructions
  80. The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution deals with

    (A) self-incrimination
  81. Which Supreme Court decision deals with "Stop and Frisk"?

    (D) Terry v. Ohio
  82. Captain Ortiz is appointed commander of a newly formed traffic enforcement division. He is directed by Chief Sullivan to develop a goal statement for the division. Which of the following would be the best goal statement?

    (C) The primary goal of the traffic division is to promote voluntary compliance with traffic regulations
  83. One of the primary advantages of a formal evaluation process is that it

    (A) motivates officers by providing feedback on their performance
  84. Of the following, which is the most important factor in deciding the type of patrol for a specific area?

    (A) calls for service within the area
  85. Captain Jenkins is assigned to monitor a picket line consisting of off-duty police officers and sergeants contesting stalled union contract negotiations. His personal opinion is that the officers are right. Which of the following actions should he take?

    (A) He should ensure the law is enforced impartially
  86. Allowing officers to bid their shifts by seniority is considered to be

    (D) desirable; people work better on a permanent schedule as opposed to a rotating schedule
  87. Which of the following is a Part 1 crime?

    (A) auto theft
  88. The best method of judging a police department's performance is by

    (C) citizen satisfaction
  89. For which of the following incidents would it be appropriate to make a referral to the department's employee assistance program?

    (D) all of the above
  90. In preparing a police budget, which activity should come first?

    (A) Determine objectives
  91. The police union contract is binding on

    (B) management and labor
  92. Sergeant Hernandez approaches Lieutenant Gallagher with a grievance relative to being denied a day off. The lieutenant has had occasion recently to discipline the sergeant for being late to work and for failure to respond to radio calls. He advises the sergeant that if she paid more attention to her work, her request for a day off would probably be approved. The lieutenant's action is

    (B) improper; the lieutenant should act on the grievance
  93. The Exclusionary Rule originally resulted from which of the following court decisions.

    (A) Weeks v. United States
  94. Lieutenant Smalley has been informed by Sergeant Reid of a high incidence of muggings in a city park between the hours of 1800 and 2100. The best type of patrol for Lieutenant Smalley to institute in the park is

    (C) directed patrol
  95. Sociologists contend that crime can never be totally eliminated. Of the following, which criminal act is most likely to be eliminated by the police.

    (D) none of the above
  96. Which of the following investigations would be proper for a Lieutenant to delegate.

    (D) none of the above
  97. Captain Peters has noted a widespread increase in street robbery throughout his district. Which of the following tactics is most likely to reduce this type of crime.

    (D) proactive patrol
  98. Captain Connors is frequently heard telling subordinates, "If you have a problem, don't tell me. I have enough of my own." This type of leadership is most closely related to

    (A) laissez-faire
  99. Lieutenant Fleming learns that a local merchant is offering free food and coffee to officers frequenting his establishment. This practice is.

    (A) unacceptable; gratuities are a form of police corruption
  100. The statement "Leaders are born, not made" is

    (A) false; people become leaders through making the most of their skills and abilities
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