Chapter 13
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the money exchanged for the owner ship of a product
the practice of exchanging a product or service for another product or service rather than with money
the perceived benefits for pricing
Value pricing
The practicing of simentaneously increasing the product benefits while maintaing decreasing prices
Profit equation
total revenue - total cost
Six steps of process organization
1. identifying price objectives
2. estimate demand revenue
3. determine cost volume and profit relationship
4. select price level
5. set quoted price
6. make adjustments to quoted price
Pricing objectives
specifies the role of price in the marketing plans
Factors affecting price objectives
1. profit
2. sales
3. market share
4. unit volume
5. survival
6. social responsiblity
unit volume
the quantity produced or sold as a share
Pricing constraints
factors that limit the range of prices a firm may set
Factors affecting price constraints
1. demand for product class, product line and brand
2. newness of the product
3. single product vs. product line
4. cost of producing and marketing
5. cost of changing prices and the time period they apply
6. type of competitive market
7. competitors prices
Demand curve
a graph relating the quantity sold and price that shows the maximum number of units that will be sold at a certain price
Factors affecting the demand curve
1. consumer taste
2. price and availbility
3. consumer income
Demand factors
factors that affect consumers willingess and ablility to pay for the product
Revenue concepts
concepts critical to pricing decisions
Total revenue
the money recieved from the sale of the product
Average revenue
the average amount of money recieved for sell one unit of a product or simple price of the unit.
Total revenue/Quanity sold
Marginal revenue
the change in total revenue that results from producing and marketing one additional unit of product
Price of elasticity of demand
the percentage in quantity demanded relative to a percentage change
Elastic demand
when one percent decrease in price produces more than a one percent increase in quantity demanded
Inelastic demand
when a one percent decrease in price produces less than a one percent increase in quantity demanded
Unitary demand
When the percentage change is identical to the percentage change in quantity demanded
Marginal analysis
a continuing concise trade off of incremental costs agains incremental revenue
Total cost
the total expense incurred by a firm in producing and marketing a product
Fixed cost
the sumer of the expenses of the firm that are stable and do not change with the quantity of a product that is produced and sold
Variable cost
the sum of expenses of the firm that vary directly with the quantity of the product being produced and sold
Unit variable cost
variable cost expressed on a per unit basis for a product
Marginal cost
The change in the total cost that results from producing and marketing one additional product
Break even analysis
a technique used to analyze the relationship between total revenue and total cost to determine the profitabliity at various levels
Break even point
the quanity sold when total cost and total revenue are equal
Break even chart
a graphic presentation of the break even analysis
total revenue - total cost
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Chapter 13
chapter 13
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