Inclusive final

  1. Inclusion
    brings together diverse families, educators, and institutions to increase belongingness in school
  2. Mainstreaming
    A student with a disability only attends class on a periodic then goes back the specail ed room
  3. push-in and pull-out programs
    push in to the gen ed with aid and pull out of gen ed room to resource room
  4. know the principles of inclusion
    ability to learn
  5. responsiveness to invidual strengths and challenges
    believe all students have the ability to learn
  6. reflective practices and differentiated instruction
    educators must examine and differentiate
  7. community and collaboration
    effective inclusions involves establishing a community of educators
  8. LRE to LMR
    least restrictive enironment means going to a gen ed classroom, next would be going to a resourse room then back to gen ed room, then pulled out of gen ed room to special ed room then LMR which is to insitutionalize the student
  9. Which is the following is not a principle of inclusion
    All learner are treated the same
  10. which of the following sequence is consistent with the continum of education services from most to least restrictive
    full-time sp ed room, resource room to gen ed with aid
  11. A special ed teacher comes into the classroom to with a student
    push-in program
  12. a student leaves the gen classroom to receive individualize instructions in specific skills to help him succeed
    resource room
  13. supreme court case the principle that separate but not equal
    brown v. board of education
  14. the idea that individual with disabilities are entitled to the same opportunites and experiences as everyday members of society
  15. research impact of inclusion on students with disabilities
    • inclusion programs have long term benefits
    • inclusion programs tend enhance the academic and social performance
    • inclusion programs may impact elementary and secondary
  16. statement about the research on impact of inclusion on student
    students without disabilities appear to more accepting of others
  17. a statement about the attitudes of general educators toward inclusion
    gen ed are have increased confidence in their own teaching abilities
  18. appropriate role for special educators in gen ed
    • teaching content by themselves
    • assigning grade by themselves
    • managing student behaviors by themselves
  19. the best way to do inclusive education
    there is no best way to do inclusive classroom
  20. A process that recognizes the role of teacher, agnencies, students and families in appropiate school and community
    wraparound planning
  21. in cooperative teaching
    • gen ed educators and special educators collaborate
    • teacher share accountability for planning and delivery
    • teachers are equal responsible for evaluating student's work
  22. Multidisciplinary process that includes teachers, administrators,parents extend family
    person-/student-centered planning process
  23. statement is true regarding the research on social/behavioral prerformance of students with disabilities
    • student taught in inclusion programs have develop friendship with peers
    • some student not all have self concept scores
    • some students with disabilities at school are lonely
  24. equal status activity
    both individual view each other as equals
  25. children can be taught about individual differences by using
    • frist person accounts
    • case studies about studens with disabilities
    • video depicting the lives of individual with disabilities
  26. a teacher treats all the students the same way
    treating some of students fairly
  27. help students transition to inclusive classroom from a special ed room
  28. give student with disabilities learning strategies that students could use in the classroom
    promote generalization
  29. students color code notebooks by content area
    organizational skills
  30. teacher uses techniques that helps students acquire information
    learning strategies
  31. 1980's movement for reorganizational of sp ed and gen ed
    the regular education initiative
  32. 4th grade student that is learning the capitals of states that surround Indiana the rest of the class is learnng all 50 states and capital
    parallel construction
  33. student give extra help with graphic organizers and reading
  34. traditional theory of intelligence are true
    • intelligence is variable
    • intelligence varies over a person' lifespan
    • intelligence consists of ability in logic and language
  35. multiple intelligences theory that are false
    intelligence is measured by products rather than process
  36. multiple intelligence respond to videos, illustration
  37. dramatice presentation
  38. pyramid planning
    focuses on teaching students similar material at vary difficulty levels
  39. cooperative learning
  40. differentiated instructions activities that students can do when they have completed their assignments are
    anchoring activities
  41. developing questions when a teacher ask who what where

  42. questions that ask for demostration
  43. questions to make a judgement
  44. mistakes made by teachers
    asking too many questions
  45. low level questions generally require a wait time of
    3 seconds
  46. not a necessarily a benefit of wait time
    a number of student to student interactions decreased
  47. compare and contrasts

  48. diagram

  49. summarize

  50. solve
  51. student making eye contact with other classmates
    overlapping instruction
  52. students given lessons in same curricular area as their peers but varying degrees difficultly
    multilevel teaching
  53. What does SIM stand for
    Strategies Intervention Model
  54. SIM creator
    Don Deshler
  55. SIM strategies content specific
    not content specific
  56. who were strategies originally designed for
    adolescents with learning disabilities
  57. Know the basic steps for teaching learning strategies to students
    techniques principles, or rules that facilitate the acquisition, storage and retriveal of information across
  58. what is the rap stategy
    • reading strategy
    • r= read the paragraph
    • a=ask yourself the main idea and supporting details
    • p=put the text in their own words
  59. what is fist strategy
    • f=first sentence in the paragraph is read
    • i=indicate a question based on the info
    • s=search for the answer to the question
    • t=tie the anwer to the question with paraphase
  60. what is scrol
    • s=survey the material to be read
    • c=connect the ideas
    • r=read the material
    • o=outline
    • l=look
  61. what is slant
    • s=set up straight
    • l=lean forward
    • a= act interested
    • n=nod your head
    • t= track the teachers with your eyes
  62. what is dissect
    • d=discover the context of the word
    • i=isolate the words prefix
    • s=separate the word's suffix
    • s=say the word stem
    • e examine using rules of 3's and 2'
    • c=check with another person
    • t=try the dictionary
  63. what is please
    • p=pick a topic, audience, and fomat
    • l=list information about the topic
    • e=evaluate whether the list complete
    • a= activate the paragraph with a short
    • s=supply supporting sentences based
    • e=end with a concluding sentence
  64. What is ride
    • r=read the problem
    • i=identify relevant info
    • d=determing operations and units for
    • e= enter correct numbers and calculate
  65. what is signs
    • s=survey
    • i=identify
    • g=graphically
    • n=note operations
    • s=solve and check problem
  66. what is SQR3
    • s=survey
    • q=questions
    • r=read,recite/
  67. what is a graphic organizer, what is used for
    • a visual-spatial illustration of key terms that comprise and their interrelationships
    • we use this to help study
  68. central theme
    structured around one central topic and the elements that describe them
  69. heirarchical
    information is presented in order of importance
  70. venn diagram
    compare and contrast stories, math problems, books
  71. what is an anticipation organizer why is it useful
    • require students to respond to several oral or written statements or questions concering the new material prior to reading.
    • convert main points into short statements that elicit anticipations and prediction
  72. What is an advance organizer why is useful
    written or oral statements activities or illustrations to offer students a framework for understanding the essential information
  73. know way to construct a study guide
    • learning from text guide
    • interactive reading
    • point of view reading guide
    • textbook activity
    • reading road map
  74. what is an acronym
    a mnemonic device that fosters memory by creating a meaningful word or phase using the first letters of words or phrases to be remembered
  75. acrostic
    a mnemonic device that triggers recall by employing a sentence based on the first letter of words to memorized
  76. marginal glossand highlighted text
    help students identify essential information in context text

    ****marginal gloss don't use****
  77. concept map
    • class or category of concept
    • important information
    • instance and noninstance
  78. content
    input what students learn
  79. process
    how students go about making sense of ideas and information
  80. product
    output how students demonstrate what they have learned
  81. what types of groups a teacher can create
    • interest
    • random
    • readiness level
  82. features of differentiated instruction
    proactive more qualitative than quantitative
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Inclusive final
inclusive final terms