Theory Final
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what are the 4 gingival fibers?
circumferential fibers
dentogingival fibers
alveologingival fibers
dentoperiosteal fibers
what fibers are continuous around the neck of the tooth and help to maintain tooth position?
circumferential fibers
what fibers come from the cementum of the cervical region to the free gingiva and provide gingival support?
dentogingival fibers
what fibers are from the alveolar crest into the free and attached gingiva and provide gingival support?
alveologingival fibers
what fibers are from the cementum over the alveolar crest to blend with fibers of periosteum and provide gingival support?
dentoperiosteal fibers
what is the cuff like band of stratified squamous epithelium that is continuous with sulcular epithelium and completely circles the tooth?
junctional epithelium
what provides a seal at the base of the sulcus?
junctional epithelium
what is the function of the junctional epithelium?
provide a seal at the base of the sulcus
what is the junction of the attached gingiva and the alveolar mucosa called?
mucogingival junction
the muco gingival junction is the junction between the _____ _____ and the alveolar mucosa
attached gingiva
the mucogingival junction is the junction between the attached gingiva and the ______ _____
alveolar mucosa
t/f the anterior line of the mucogingival junction is flat
t/f the posterior line of the mucogingival junction is scalloped
false-flat in posterior
t/f the mucogingival junction is found on the maxillary lingual
t/f the mucogingival junction is found on all facial surfaces but only the lingual of the mandibular arch
what are the 6 periodontal ligament fibers?
transseptal fibers
alveolar crest fibers
horizontal fibers
oblique fibers
apical fibers
interradicular fibers
what periodontal fibers come from the cervical area of one tooth to the adjacent tooth to keep the teeth separated?
transseptal fibers
what perio fibers come from the alveolar crest to the cementum just below the CEJ and it helps to resist intrusive forces?
alveolar crest fibers
what perio fibers come from the cementum in the middle of each root to the adjacent bone and it helps to resist tipping?
horizontal fibers
what perio fibers go from the root above the apical fibers toward the occlusal and the help to resist vertical and strong forces?
oblique fibers
what perio fibers go from the root apex to the adjacent bone and help to resist vertical forces?
apical fibers
what perio fibers go from the cementum between multirooted teeth into the bone and help to resist vertical and lateral forces?
interradicular fibers
what does healthy gingiva look like?
pink, knife edge, stippling, firm, No BOP, minimal probe depths, gingival margin right below enamel contour and no pus
what does diseased gingiva look like?
red, bluish, magenta, inflammation, shiny, smooth, rolled free gingiva, blunted flattend or bulbous papilla, soft spongy or fibrotic, pus, BOP, recession and col deepens,
1. enamel
2. gingival sulcus
3. junctional epithelium
4. cementoenamel junction
6. alveolar bone
7.gingival margin
8. free gingiva
9. free gingival groove
10. attached gingiva
11. mucogingival junction
12. alveolar mucosa
1. enamel
2. gingival sulcus
3. alveologingival fibers
4. dentogingival fibers
5. circumferential fibers
6. dentoperiosteal fibers
7. cementum
1. transseptal fibers
2. alveolarcrest fibers
3.horizontal fibers
4. oblique fibers
5. apical fibers
7. interradicular fibers
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Theory Final