1. (401) During the initial distribution phase of the budget process, who is responsible for disbursing funds to the medical treatment facilities (MTF)?
b.Wing commander.
c.MAJCOM surgeon general.
d.Department of Defense, Health Affairs.
Department of Defense, Health Affairs.
2. (401) Who is in the best position to see how funds are being expended within each responsible center/department (such as, the pharmacy)?
a.Resource advisor.
b.Cost center manager.
c. Medical group commander.
d. Flight commander, resource management office.
Cost center manager.
3. (401) In preparation for the pharmacy budget, personnel must plan for the allocation of funds for which of the following official timeframcs?
a.Calendar year, 1 January through 31 December.
b.Fiscal year, 1 January through 31 December.
c.Calendar year, 1 October through 30 September.
d.Fiscal year, 1 October through 30 September.
Fiscal year, 1 October through 30 September.
(401) Which best describes the reason commanders place a high priority on an accurate budget for their facilities?
a. Documentation of future MTF expenditures; this budgetary document creates a paper trail for later audits.
b.Ensures funds are sufficient to meet the resource needs of the facility.
c.Satisfies the Resource Management Office requirements.
d.Ensures every budgetary dollar is accounted for.
Ensures funds are sufficient to meet the resource needs of the facility.
(401) Your pharmacy officer has asked you to collect data to be used in the preparation of your pharmacy's budget; what two sources are the best sources of data for your needs, and what data can they provide you?
a.Your MTF's Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) System and MEDLOG system can provided historical cost and workload data.
b.The Resource Management Office (RMO) can provide historical cost and workload data for use in projecting future pharmacy expenditures, and Medical Logistics can provide reports on what was purchased, and what quantities were purchased.
c.Medical Logistics can provide reports on what was purchased, and what quantities were purchased, and the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP) can provide historical cost and workload data for use in projecting future pharmacy drug expenditures.
d.The Resource Management Office (RMO) can provide historical cost and workload data for use in projecting future pharmacy expenditures, and the Medical Equipment Repair (MER) shop can provide pharmacy expenditures on equipment maintenance and replacement.
The Resource Management Office (RMO) can provide historical cost and workload data for use in projecting future pharmacy expenditures, and Medical Logistics can provide reports on what was purchased, and what quantities were purchased.
6. (402) What two factors arc considered by the Department of Defense (DOD) Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) function when recommending drugs in a therapeutic class be selected for inclusion on the Uniform Formulary (UF)?
a.Clinical and cost effectiveness.
b.Outcome and appropriateness.
c.Outcome and safety.
d.Efficacy and safety.
Clinical and cost effectiveness.
7. (402) How often does the Department of Defense (DOD) Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) function meet to consider updates to the DOD Uniform Formulary (UF)?
8. (402) Which statement best describes the difference between the Basic Core Formulary (BCF) and the Extended Core Formulary (ECF)?
a.The BCF contains all drugs listed on the Uniform Formulary (UF), and the ECF contains drugs which are designated by the DOD P&T function as wartime medications.
b.The BCF contains drugs approved by the Air Force P&T Function for use in Air Force MTFs, and the ECF contains all of the drugs used by the Army and the Navy in their MTFs.
c.The BCF contains drugs which have been designated by the Assistant Secretary of d.Defense, Health Affairs, for approved use for retirees and dependents, and the ECF contains drugs designated for active duty personnel on flight status or with other special needs.
The BCF contains the minimum set of drugs that each MTF pharmacy must have to support the scope of practice for primary care manager (PCM) practices, and the ECF contains drugs within therapeutic classes that are used to support more specialized care within the MTF.
The BCF contains the minimum set of drugs that each MTF pharmacy must have to support the scope of practice for primary care manager (PCM) practices, and the ECF contains drugs within therapeutic classes that are used to support more specialized care within the MTF.
9. (402) Which reason best describes why the medical treatment facility (MTF) would need to expand its facility's formulary beyond the agents listed on the Basic Core Formulary (BCF)?
a.The MTF's scope of health care service exceeds the standard primary care manager (PCM) services.
b.The MTF serves a patient catchments area greater than 75,000, and thus, qualifies for an expanded formulary.
c.Due to the MTF's high deployment rate, agents from the Extended Core Formulary (ECF) arc needed to supplement overseas mission requirements.
d.Physician requests for agents listed on the Extended Core Formulary (ECF) have exceeded the non-formulary request quality standards set by the Director, TRICARE Management Activity (TMA).
The MTF's scope of health care service exceeds the standard primary care manager (PCM) services.
10. (403) Your local Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) function has been asked to assist in reducing the pharmaceutical supply budget. The function has decided to first look at the pharmaceuticals with a low consumption rate and recommend these items for possible deletion from the formulary. Which of the following reports or lists would best serve the function's needs?
a.Using activity issue/turn-in summary.
b.Using activity stock status report.
c.Purchase history report.
d.Product activity report.
Product activity report.
11. (403) Which report or listing is produced for each activity that has requests for orders and/or turn-ins processed by medical logistics?
a.Using activity issue/tutu-in list.
b.Using activity back order report.
c.National contracts stock status report.
d.National contracts compliance summary report.
Using activity issue/turn-in list.
12. (403) Which report or listing is produced at the end of month and contains all the issues, reversals, and turn-ins for your using activity?
a.Using activity issue list.
b.Using activity back order report.
c.Using activity stock status report.
d.Using activity issue/turn-in summary.
Using activity issue/turn-in summary.
13. (403) Your local Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) function has been asked to assist in reducing the pharmaceutical supply budget. The function has decided to first look at your top 20 high-dollar items for possible substitutions of less expensive agents in the same therapeutic class. Which report or list would best serve the function's needs?
a.Using activity issue list.
b.Using activity back order report.
c.Using activity stock status report.
d.Using activity issue/turn-in summary.
Using activity issue/turn-in summary.
14. (404) Which of the following would result if your pharmacy were to purchase an off contract pharmaceutical before the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP) contract for that item expired?
a.Your pharmacy would lose its contract with the DSCP for that item.
b.Personnel ordering the off contract item could be held financially liable for any excess costs.
c.Nothing would happen, because in order to save money, your pharmacy should purchase off contract items if they become cheaper through another vendor.
d.Your pharmacy would be considered noncompliant with AFI 44-102, which directs pharmacies to comply with DOD/VA contracting efforts by aligning all pharmaceutical purchases with the DSCP contracts.
Your pharmacy would be considered noncompliant with AFI 44-102, which directs pharmacies to comply with DOD/VA contracting efforts by aligning all pharmaceutical purchases with the DSCP contracts.
15. (404) Under Air Force Instruction (AFI), your pharmacy is directed to comply with DOD/Veteran's Affairs (VA) contracting efforts; what must your pharmacy do to comply with the AFI?
If available, contracted labor within the Air Force MTFs will be performed by small businesses owned by veterans receiving Veteran's Affairs (VA) disability benefits.
a.Air Force pharmacies will order all pharmaceutical purchases not available from the prime vendor at VA run medical depots.
b.Align all your pharmaceutical purchases with the contracts posted by the Defense c.Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP).
d.All Air Force MTFs, including pharmacies, will requisition all medical equipment items from VA run medical depots.
Align all your pharmaceutical purchases with the contracts posted by the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP).
16. (404) According to Air Force Instruction (AFI) 44-102. Medical Care Management, your Medical Logistics Officer must review the results of the National Contracts Compliance Report how often, and who must these results be reported to?
a.Monthly; Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) function.
b.Quarterly; P&T function.
c.Semi-annually; the Medical Group commander (MDG CC) as appropriate.
d.Annually; the MDG/CC as appropriate.
Quarterly; P&T function.
17. (404) As your pharmacy logistics technician, you have worked to bring your pharmacy into 100 percent compliance with national contract requirements. Your strategy to keep your pharmacy in compliance is to monitor for individual product additions or changes in contract requirements. Which document would best serve you in performing this function?
a.The National Contracts Compliance Summary Report.
b.The National Contracts Compliance Report (NCCR).
c.The National Contract Announcement.
d.The National Contracts Drug List.
The National Contract Announcement.
18. (404) You have just received a national contract announcement on a product, noting a change in package size of a product that your pharmacy stocks. What would be your next step to ensure that you now order this product in its new package size instead of the package size you arc currently ordering?
a.Update the DMLSS system to reflect the specific NDC number for the product you need to purchase.
b.Run new product shelf tags for your new or updated products.
c.Ensure all satellite pharmacies update product information to reflect new contracts.
d.Continue periodic monitoring of pharmacy contracts to ensure continued compliance.
Update the DMLSS system to reflect the specific NDC number for the product you need to purchase.