Theory Final

  1. what are the 4 vitals?
    • body temp
    • pulse
    • respiration
    • blood pressure
  2. what is the normal body temp of an adult under 70?
  3. what is the normal body temp for an adult over 70?
  4. what is the normal body temp for a child? 1 yr, 4 yr, 5 yr, 12 yr
    • 1 yr-99.1
    • 4 yr-99.4
    • 5 yr-98.6
    • 12 yr-98
  5. what is the normal pulse for an adult?
  6. what is the normal pulse for a child 1-2 yr, 3-4 yr, 9-10 yr?
    • 1-2 yr-105
    • 3-4 yr-90
    • 9-10 yr-70
  7. what is the normal respiration for an adult?
  8. what is the normal respiration for an infant? Child 1-2 yr, 7-8 yr and 14-15 yr?
    • infant-30
    • 1-2 yr-25
    • 7-8 yr- 20
    • 14-15-18
  9. what is the normal blood pressure?
  10. if a pt has a blood pressure of 130/88 what are they classified as?
  11. what is the range for prehypertensive blood pressure?
    systolic120-139 and diastolic 80-89
  12. if a patient comes in with a blood pressure of 150/98 what are they classified as?
    hypertension stage 1
  13. what is the blood pressure range for hypertension stage 1?
    • systolic 140-159
    • diastolic 90-99
  14. a pt comes in with a blood pressure of 165/105 what are they classified as?
    EXPLOSIVE! (hypertension stage 2)
  15. what is the blood pressure range for hypertension stage 2?
    • systolic >160
    • diastolic >100
  16. what equipment is used for blood pressure?
    sphygomamanometer (cuff, mercury manometer, stethoscope)
  17. what would you do with a patient with a blood pressure of 160/95?
    dismiss pt
  18. what is the blood pressure that we dismiss a pt at?
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Theory Final