Karl marx believed that the bitter struggle between capitalists and workers would only end when the workers united in revolution to form a classless society.
True or false?
Emilie Durkheim conducted a study on suicide rates and found that religion and marital status played a role in likelihood of committing suicide.
True or false?
Max Weber explained that we should conduct research "value free." Today sociologists are always value free and never allow bias to enter their research.
True or false?
W.E.B. DeBois helped found the national Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and encourgaed social action to fight the exploitation of African Americans.
True or false?
An example of subculture would be a sports team. While still part of dominate culture, they are thier own group.
Gestures and other forms of body language are universal methods of communication and are understood by everyone everywhere as the same thing.
True or false?
The consequence of violating taboos, mores, and folkways result in similar, if not identical responses showing that there is no difference between any of them.
Piaget identified four (4) stages of developing one's cognitive skills, but noted that we do not all reach the forth stage.
True or false?
If we work hard and follow the rules, we can change our ascribed statuses.
True or false?
Behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to a position a person occupies in life are called roles.
True or false?
The society that is given credit for ushering the "Dawn of Civilization" is the Biotechnology Society.
True or false?
Biologists explined that our genetics are wy we are deviant.
True or false?
When being deviant, it means that you are breaking the law.
True or false?
All of us are deviants of one sort or another because we all violate norms from time to time.
True or false?
Jail has been proven an effective deterrent (way of stopping us from) of committing a crime.
True or false?
The United States has never taken part in any form of colonialism, exploiting another, weaker nation for its natural resources.
True or false?
The United States has never exerienced a cast-like system.
True or false?
controlling ideas/thoughts is more effective than force when it comes to the powerful and elite remaining in power and continuing to be elite.
___ offers us the opportunity to look at the world through sociological lenses.
C. the sociological perspective
The first African American to earn a doctrate degree at Harvard University was...
A. W.E.B. DuBois
Many African Americans feel the flag of the Confederate State of America, "The Stars and Bars," is a sign of racial hatred. States' rights advocates view the same flag as "heritage, not hatred." Such a difference of opinion over the same material objects is an illustration of whih sociological perspective?
C. symbolic experimentation
Overtime, words have changes in meaning socially. The word "awsome" use to be reserved for true, awe-inspiring moments. Now we, as a society, use it to describe anything that is enjoyable. In this view, which sociological perspective is being used?
A. symbolic interaction
The sociological research that included deceiving the participant in order to study their level of obedience to those who apper of higher authority was done by ___.
B. Stanley Milgram
Disorientation experienced by being surrounded by an unfamiliar culture is referred to as...
A. culture shock
after having successfully negotiated an important business contract with a major client, Phil's boss congratulated him and promised him a significant pay raise. In this situation, Phil has received what sociologists call...
B. positive sanction
What is the fundamental concept of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
a. Body language is a universal constant in communication.
b. When we learn language, we also learn ways of thinking and perceiving.
c. Cultural differences among groups of people are minor and the need for cultural universal.
d. People hace instinctual differences that it manifested through their language.
b. When we learn language, we also learn ways of thinking and perceiving.
Tim and nikki went walking through the park. Both of them were wearing nothing on the upper half of their bodies. Tim would be violating a ___. Nikki would be violating a ___.
B. folkway; more
What is counter-culture?
a. a group that has its own values and norms but still identifies with the dominant culture.
b. a group that has values in opposition to the dominant culture.
c. any sub-unit of the main culture.
d. A group with the same values as the dominant culture.
b. a group that has values in opposition to the dominant culture.
What effects did two years of intensive language training have on Isabelle, and isolated child discovered in Ohio in 1939?
She reached an intellectual level norm for her age at 8 1/2 years old.
What was the result of the training given to Anna, and isolated child discovered in 1940?
She died at the age 10 with a mental level of a 2 1/2 year old.
According to Charles H. Cooley, how do we devlop our self-concept?
a. our self-concept is inherited based on the genetic characteristice of our parents.
b. our self-concept develops from interpreting other's reactions to us.
c. our self-concept is a product of social learning and self disipline.
d. our self-concept is a result of interpreting our personal feelings about ourselves.
b. our self-concept develops from interpreting other's reactions to us.
Which of the following is not one of the three stages in George Mead's model on the development of the self?
A. self-actualization stage
Another term for Freud's concept of the superego is...
C. moral conscience (nun on shoulder)
Jarrett is looking forward to the football game Sunday night. However, he also has a sociology exam Monday morning. while he struggles to decide what to do, he finally decides to study before the game, watch the game, and then wake up early to continue studying before the test. Freud would say Jarrett is following his...
B. ego
Defines what is good/bad, pretty/ugly, etc.
Piaget's stage for abstract thought.
Formal Operational
Using previously collected data to consuct your research.
Secondary data analysis
Freud's balance decision maker.
Chales H. Cooley's theory.
Looking glass self
Society's expectation of behavior.
Bourgeosie vs. Proletariat
conflict theory
Others reactions to your behavior
First agent of socialization
Freud's pleasure-oriented decision maker
looking at another culture through your own.
Herbert Spencer's theory that only the fittest members of society deserve to survive and that social programs to help the poor will ultimately weaken the social order is a doctrine know as...
social darwinism
The sociologist who studied social life in both the United States and great Britain and documented the results in the Society in America and translated Comte's work from french to english was...
Harriet Martineau
The sociologist who studied the Tea Room Trade and violated research ethics to further interview the participants was...
Laud Humphreys
___ Wanted to explain why Nazis followed Hitler's commands by conducting an unethical study that made participants believe that they had killed someone.
Stanley Milgram
A system of symbols that can be strung together in a infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thoght is called...
When a group has values that are in opposition to the dominate culture and wants to change the dominate culture, the group would be considered a[n]
In te Spring of 2010, Jaycee was found by officials after 18 years of missing. She was found being held captive in the backyard of a husband and wife. While she was able to communicate and keep basic hygiene (showing intelligence), she had a limited understanding of the out-side world. Jaycee is and example of a[n]...
Instititionalized child
Bruce is eight [8] years old and loves to play soccer at school. While he may not fully understand the rules, he is learning about the rules from coaches andreferees (not his parents) and how to work with hs team mates. According to Mead's theory, he is in the ___ stage.
Team games
The opposite of ethnocentrism is ...
cultural relativism
Morris is two[2] years old and is beginning to talk and communicate. He has learned the meaning of "No" and is using it often to answer questions. According to Piaget, Morris is in the ___ stage.
The process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors- or having to learn them again- is called...
Which of the following statements is least true of an ascribed status?
a. an ascribed status is involuntary.
b. Race, ethnicity, and social class at birth are examples of ascribed status.
c. Ascribed statuses provide guidelines for how we are to act and feel.
d.Certain ascribed statuses are choosen by the individual.
d.Certain ascribed statuses are choosen by the individual.
Chester was recently paroled after srving a prison sentence for child molestation. A condition of parole was that Chester place a state-issued sign in his yard stating, "Warning: A Convicted Sex Offender Lives Here." In view of this, the sign Chester has placed in his yard will serve as ...
D. A status symbol
The domestication of plants/animals: Pastoral___:Industrial Revolution (Which invention started the Industrial Revolution according to the History of Society?)
A. Invention of the steam engine
Alice is getting ready for an interview with a potential employer. She has picked out a blazer and skirt and has had her hair done at the beauty shop. alice is relying on her manner and her appearance to communicate to the employer that she would be an excellen employee. According to Goffman, Alice would be engages in ...
A. Impression management
In class we explained that people do not like those who are deviant because...
A. It makes people unpredictable
We went over the explanations of deviance from a biological, psychological, and sociological point of view. Which one did we not cover?
E. None of the above
What is the major difference between white-collar crime and urban poor crime?
a. white-collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation (such as a corporation), but street crime is not.
b. street crime is victimless crime, while white-collar crime is organized crime.
c. white-collar crime and street crime is the same thing.
d. white-collar crime is always a good thing.
a. white-collar crime is an act committed in the course of a legitimate occupation (such as a corporation), but street crime is not.
which sociological persepcetive is most closley aligned with a theorist that sees the law as an instrument of oppression and a tool designed to maintain the powerful in their privileged positions?
C. conflict perspective
The division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige is called...
B. social stratification
Joyrum is a member of the Brahman caste. In view of this, which of the following occupations or positions does he hold in his community?
A. Priest
what did Marx believe was the primary factor that distinguished between the different classes under industrial capitalism?
B. relationship to the means of production.
which statement best describes the British class system.
A. 50% lower class, 49% middle class, and 1% upper class
Explained that everything we do is a performance-dramaturgy.
Ervin goffman
The violation of norms.
We do not define consequences as real until we are faced with them.
Thomas Theorem
Argued that every society will be stratified.
Gaetano Mosca
First to criticize Davis and Moore
Melvin Tumin
Anthropologist who studied Distance
Edward Hall
we learn ideas, values, and beliefs about deviance and we decide to conform or defy.
differential association
Being aware of your social class
class consciousness
something we work for, good or bad, to earn.
achieved status
sociological explanation of deviance
outside social forces
Leo is a college graduate, cello teacher, and member of Who's Who Among Alumni from his university. this would be an example of...
Achieved status
Madeleine's position as president of the local university over shadows her work as a wife, mother, and volunteer for the Salvation Army. In view of this, university president is Madeleine's...
Master status
According to Durkheim, the shared consciousness that people experience as a result of performing the same or similar tasks is called...
mechanical solidarity
The sociologist who described deviance as, "it is not the act itself but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant," was...
Howard Becker
Ruth is a young, pregnant, single woman who was recently diagnosed with AIDS. Because a person with AIDS is stigmatized in U.S. society, it is likely that Ruth's master status will now become...
AIDS victim
The three reactions to deviance include medicalization, imprisonment, and...
degradation ceremony
Robert Merton used Durkheim's theory of ___, meaning lack or norms, to help explain his Strain Theory.
when a person no longer follows society's goals, but has the legitimate eans, Robert Merton would categorize them as...
Initially, slavery was based on:___, ___, ad ___. (order does not count.)
Debt, prisoner of war, and punishment of crime.
The sociologist who argued the view that stratification applies to societies that hace minimal resources (structual functionalism) and surplus (conflict theory) was
Gerhard Lenski
Income and property
Control over others even against their will.
The honored given to you based on job, achievements, etc.
Whenever your wealth, power, and prestige don't match up.
Status inconsistency
The sociologist that argued that there are 4 contradictory class locations.
Erik Wright
The 4 contradictory class locations:
petty bourgeoise
The sociologists that argued that there are 6 contradictory class locations.
Gilbert and Kahl
The 6 contradictory class locations:
working class
working poor
under class
The 6 consequences of social class:
family life
religious orientation
political views and involvement
physical and mental health
new technology
lower class,liberal(broad,and wanting change)
upper class, conservative (focus and wanting things to stay the same)
The ability to move up and down the social latter.
social mobility
The movement up or down through generationcan get better or worse then the generation before.
large number of people (ex. businesses) that move up and down in social class.
Some are moving up some are moving down and it balances out in the end on a larger scale.
$17,000. The number or line that tells your social class.
Poverty line
Author of "strive and succeed"
Horatio Alger
TU Pac- THUGLIFE. What does each letter stand for?
Based on your physical attributes/characteristics.
national origin
(nothing to do with statistics) Groups of people who have been opressed at one point or another.
Minority groups
Being aware or not aware of your ethnicity.
ethnic identity
Pre judging others. (the thought or idea..)
The action against people due to their characteristics or traits.
Discrimination or unfair treatment based on race.
When a socail institution or structure that discriminates against a group of people.
Institutional discrimination
One person giving unfair treatment against another person.
Individual discrimination
Predjudice and discrimination comes from our frustrations says...
John Dollard
I dentified and came up with "authoritarian personality"
Theodor Adorno
A profile of people who are more likely to be prejudice or discriminatory.
Authoritarian Personality
who is more likely to be prejudice or discriminatory?
people who are old, less educated, less intelligent, and are of lower class.
The actual or attempted systematic anyalation of race or ethnic group that is labeled as less than fully human.