Butterfly fx
- - comminuted fx where bone is broken into 2 fragments on each side of a central fx
- - caused by high energy force
Transverse Fx
- - fx across the long axis of the bone at
- right angle
- - Mx - direct blow
Oblique Fx
- - fx is at angle line to long axis
- - less stable than transverse
- - Mx- twisting motion
Greenstick fx
break only on one side of bone
Comminuted fx
bone broken in more than 2 pieces
Depressed fx
bone is pushed in as often in skull fxs
Spontaneous fx
fx occurs without trauma
Stellate fx
additional fx's radiate from a central fx
Fissure fx
crack in the surface of the bone that doesn't extend through the bone
Incomplete fx
doesn't extend all the way through bone
Insufficiency Fx
stress fx that occurs when bone that is abnormally thin is put under stress
Trophic fx
results from nutritional deficits
Agenetic fx
spontaneous fx that results from less than ideal osteogenesis
Buttonhole fx
projectile causes hole in bone
Capillary fx
one that appears as a thin line in an x-ray as the bone fragments aren't separated
Chisel fx
slanted piece of bone is detached from the head of the radius
Direct fx
occurs at the site of injury
Dyscrasic fx
occurs due to weakening of bone from disease
Intraperiosteal fx
doesn't involve a break in the periosteum
Endocrine fx
fx occurs as result of the bone weakening from an endocrine disorder
Fissure fx
involves the surface of the bone but not all the way through
Grenade thrower's fx
fx of humerus caused by the muscular action involved in throwing heavy object
Indirect fx
one that is some distance from location of injury
Inflammatory fx
caused by the weakening on bone due to inflamm.
Intracapsular fx
occurs within joint capsule
Lead Pipe fx
involves compression of the cortex on one side of bone and crack on the opposite side of bone
Neoplastic fx
occurs in a bone weakened by malignancy
Neurogenic fx
occurs in a bone weakened by neurological disorder
Nightstick fx
fx of ulnar shaft caused by blocking of a downward blow of an object
periarticular fx
occurs near jt.
Pressure fx
occurs due to pressure placed on the bone by a tumor
Resecting fx
fragment of bone is removed by a violent action
Splintered fx
comminuted fx where the bones are broken into sharp thin pieces.
Subcapital fx
fx of bone underneath head
Subcutaneous fx
doesn't penetrate skin
Subperiosteal fx
break doesn't penetrate periosteum and shape and alignment of bone aren't changed
Supracondylar fx
involving the lower end of shaft of humerus
Transcondylar fx
involving the condyles of the humerus in which the fx line crosses the fossae. Fx extends into the jt. capsule
Basal fx
fx at neck of femur near trochanters
Bumper fx
fx involving one or both of the lower extremities below the knee
Duverney's fx
fx of ilium
Paratrooper's fx
fx of the posterior part of the tibial articular margin and/or the malleoli
Segond fx
fx involving ITB
Shepherd's fx
fx of the external tubercle of talus
Stieda's fx
fx of the femur at the internal condyle
Sprinter's fx
avulsion of anterior superior, or inferior, spine of the ilium
Wagstaffe's fx
fx with a dislocation of medial malleolus
Burst fx
body of the vertebrae is crushed all around. Can cause paralysis.
Jefferson fx
unilateral or bilateral fx of the first cervical vertebrae at the ant. and post. arches. Axial loading injury and is unstable
Ping Pong fx
- - depression fx of skull
- - usually occurs in babies and resolves spontaneously
Subcapital fx
intracapsular fx where neck of femur joins head of femur
Epicondylar fx
fx of the epicondyles of the distal humerus
Supracondylar fx
fx locate above the condyles and epicondyles
Transcondylar fx
transverse fx across the condyles of the humerus or femur
Bennett's fx
- - oblique fx of base of metacarpal of thumb
- - Mx - forced abd of thumb
- - extends to CMC and abd pollucus longus shifts the bone laterally
- - usually surgical
Rolando's fx
- - fx/dislocation of 1st metacarpal at the base of bone
- - comminuted, intra-articular
- - 3 fragments usually involved form a T or Y
- - Mx - forceful abd
Barton's fx
- - intra-articular oblique fx of distal radius involving radiocarpal jt.
- - comminuted fx
- - dislocation of radiocarpal jt. and fx line over distal rim of radius
- - unstable fx
- - Mx - fall forward on extended hand
Reverse Barton's fx
- - just like Barton's except fx runs on volar rim of distal radius
- - usually surgical
Chauffeur's fx (Hutchinson's fx)
- - intra-articular oblique fx of radial styloid process
- - can cause lunate dislocation
- - Mx - forceful ulnar deviation and supination of wrist
- - casting or fixation
Buckle fx
- - incomplete fx where cortex of bone is compressed causing a buckle on the compressed side. The other side of bone is undamaged
- - Mx - fall on outstretched arm
- - can be classic or angled
- - non surgical - casting
Boxer's fx
- - fx of fifth metacarpal
- - Mx - punching object
- - loss of knuckle in fifth metacarpal
- - usually surgical
Colles fx
- - fx of distal metaphysis of radius in which the fx fragment is displaced dorsally
- - may cause ulnar styloid fx
- - Mx- forced dorsiflexion of wrist
Smith's fx
- - reverse Colle's fx
- - transverse fx of distal radius
- - volar displacement
- - Mx- fall forward on flexed wrists
Mallet fx
- - occurs with mallet finger - extensor injury
- - avulsion fx causing finger to drop
- - Mx- forceful hyperext
Monteggia fx
- - fx of proximal ulna with dislocated radial head within elbow jt.
- - 2 types - extension and flexion
- - Mx - forces through hand/forearm with elbow bent
- - radius is pulled away from joint by interosseous lig.
- - usually surgical
Galeazzi's fx
- - reverse Monteggia fx
- - fx/dislocation of shaft of radius b/w middle and distal thirds and dorsal dislocation of inf. radioulnar jt.
- - Mx - direct blow to dorsal wrist or fall on outstretched arm
- - usually surgical
Tuft fx
- - fx of distal phalanx (finger tip)
- - can be open or closed
- - usually causes nail bed damage
- - Mx- blunt trauma or crushing
Quervain's fx
- fx of navicular with volar dislocation of lunate
Moore's fx
fx of distal portion of radius with dislocation of ulnar head and entrapment of styloid process
Skillern's fx
complete fx through bottom third of radius with greenstick fx at bottom third of ulna
Wilson's fx
avulsion fx at site of proximal interphalangeal jt.
Pott's fx
- - fx/dislocation of ankle
- - fx of fibula about ankle jt and fx of medial malleolus
- - internal lig. rupture
- - foot displaced laterally
Gosselin's fx
- v-shaped fx of the distal tibia which extends to ankle jt
Maisonneuve fx
- - spiral fx of proximal third of fibula
- - disruption of distal tibiofib. syndesmosis
- - fx of tibia and deltoid tear also may occur
Pilon fx
- - comminuted fx of distal end of tibia
- - oblique fx and extends medially and laterally to tibiofibular jt.
- - impact injury caused by axial loading caused by talus driving into tibial platue
Tillaux Fx
- - avulsion fx of anterial lateral margin of distal end of tibia
- -twisting injury
- - ant. tibiofib pulls away from tibia
- - Salter harris II fx
Triplane fx
- - fx of the epiphysis,physis and metaphysis of distal tibia
- - vertical, transverse and coronal
- - Mx- twisting
- - Salter IV fx
Trimalleolar fx
- - fx of medial and lateral malleoli of tibia and post. process of tibia
- - surgical and non weight bearing
Jones fx
- - fx of base of fifth
- - dec. blood flow
LeFort Fx
- - transverse fx of maxillae
- - 3 types
- - Type I - transverse fx through alveolar process of maxilla
- - Type II - bilat/unilat. fx of maxilla
- - Type III - complete separation of maxilla
Salter Harris Fractures
- - fx of growth plate
- - Types I - epiphysis is separated from metaphysis
- - Type II - partial sep. of epiphysis and physis from metaphysis
- - Type III - distal portion of tibia
- - Type IV - distal protion of humerus
- - Type V - crushing fx of physis
Peterson Classification
- - Newer classifications of Salter Harris
- - Adds Type VI - epiphysis,physis and metaphysis is removed from site
- - MX - gunshot or heavy machinery
Inter-trochanteric fx
- - fx b/w greater and lesser trochanters of femur
- - fx of cancellouse bone so heals well
Tibial Plateu Fx
- - MX- car impact, twisting or lateral forces to bone
- - 6 types
Pipkin Classification
- - used in describing fx of femoral head
- - 4 types
Garden Classification
- - fx of the femoral neck
- - Type I - incomplete fx
- - Type II - complete/nondisplaced
- - Type III - complete w/ partial displacement
- - Type IV - complete fx w/ complete displacement
Danis Weber Classification
- - describes ankle fx
- - Type A - fx is below syndesmosis
- - Type B - at jt. level with syndesmosis
- - Type C - above sysndesmosis
Gustilo and Anderson Classification
- - types of open fx
- - Type I - fx with open wound less than 1cm
- - Type II - open fx with wound greater than 1cm
- - Type III - fx with wound greater than 1cm and extensive soft tissue damage
Boutonniere Deformity
- injury to the central slip of the ext. mech. of PIP jt.