
  1. which device is best suited to deliver 60% O2 to pt who is spontaneously breathing
    face mask with nonrebreather
  2. tx that dissolves thrombi
  3. pH 7.28, PaCO2 46, HCO3 22, PaO2 58, O2 sat 88%
    hypoxemia and uncompensated resp alkalosis
  4. pt's status worsens-needs MV- pulmonologist wants him to receive 10 bpm but wants to encourage him to breathe on his own
    synchronized intermittent mandatory vent (SIMV)
  5. pulse ox measures what
    O2 sat
  6. why do you need to maintain adequate pressure in the pt ETT cuff
    prevent aspiration
  7. hyperventiliation and impaired gas exchange in severe exacerbation of asthma
    resp acidosis
  8. which drug is guided by ABGs
    sodium bicarb
  9. pt experiencing dyspnea, CP, lack of breath soudns on the L side, tracheal shift
    tension pneumo
  10. PaCO2
  11. pH 7.51 PaCO2 25 HCO3 25
    uncompensated resp alkalosis
  12. pt admitted with drug OD
    hypoventilation and resp acid
  13. px thromboembolism-pt cannot take anticoag
    insertion of vena cava filter
  14. true about MV pt
    communication is often difficult
  15. true regarding PE and VTE
    PE should be suspected in any pt who has unexplained cardiopresiratory complaints
  16. pt admitted with PNE, hx of pulmonary disease and DM pH 7.35 PaCO2 55 HCO3 30 PaO2 65
    hypoxemia and compensated resp acidosis
  17. all true to px VAP excapt
    instill NS w ETT suctioning
  18. indicate development of ARDS
    increase PIP on vent
  19. a position that would NOT be well tolerated in pt w ARF
    supine with bed flat
  20. pt w ARDS has which of the followign
    PaO2 55
  21. Patho of ARDS
    damage to type II pneumocytes which produce surfactant
  22. pH 7.4 PaCO2 40 HCO3 24 PaO2 95 O2 sat 97% RR 20
    normal ABG values
  23. pt restless HR 110 RR 36 BP 156/98; obtain pink frothy secretions; loud crackles
    fluid overload
  24. pt w ARDS
    decrease PaO2 levels despite increased FiO2 admin
  25. pt having dificulty weaning from vent-what is cause of inability to wean
    HgB of 8
  26. pH 7.31 PaCO2 48 HCO3 22 PaO2 115 O2 sat 99%
    uncompensated resp acidosis and hyperoxygenated
  27. pt w asthma exacerbation nursing intervention before discharge
    give instructions about proper use of meds
  28. which is NOT a strategy for px VAP
    routine antibiotics for all ICU pt who are intubated
  29. pt BP drops from 120/76 to 90/60 as soon as PEEP is initiated for hypoxemia
    decrease CO
  30. early signs of the effects of hypoxemia
  31. highest priority if pt a ARDS is in prone position
    management and protection of airway
  32. PEEP produces the following condition
    pressure left in the lungs at the end of expiration that is measured in cm of H2O
  33. method and concentrations of O2 admin for pt w cardiopulmonary arrest
    bag valve mask at FiO2 of 100%
  34. definitive dx of PE
    pulmonary angiogram
  35. endotracheal suctioning
    performed as directed by pt assessment
  36. O2 sat represents
    O2 chemically bound to HgB
  37. Pt w ARDS hypoxemia despite being MV Md orders non traditional bent mode as part of tx despite sedation and analgesia pt is uncomfortable and resletss. which tx may be indicated
    neuromuscular blockade
  38. pt ABGs indicate hypoxemia-no ETT & RR 16 bpm. 1st intervention to relieve hypoxemia is to
    provide supplemental O2
  39. What is WOB
    the amount of effort required t maintain a given level of vent
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