Zones of the spleen
- red pulp; macorphages
- white pulp; B cells in the follicles, T cells in the pariarterial lymphoid sheaths
spleenic contracton
- in response to catacohlamines
- Helps to add volume to the system in case of shock, releases stored RBCs and PLTs
- The capsule contracts, myofibroblasts
- mostly B lymphocytes surrounded by T
- Surround the central artery
Flow through the speen
- trabecular artery
- central artery
- penicillar arteriol
- open into red pulp
- splenic sinus
- trabecular vein
Macrophage activation in the spleen
- nonspecific; recognize morpholocial and biological changes in RBCs
- specific; opsinization with IgG
- Sphingosine attached to a glucose
- Sphingosine is a ceramide with a fatty acid
What is an alpha keto acid
- Intermediate in AA synthesis
- oxaloacetate
What gives the goucher cells the tissue paper look
periodic acid shift positive material accumulate in fibrils
Hyper spleenism
inlarged spleen prematurely removes RBC, WBS, and platelets
acts on Beta 1,4 bonds
secreted by the JG cells and causes the activation of angiotensinogen
Where is ACE secreted from
Pulmonary endothelial cells
Two function of ACE
- convert angiotensin 1 to 2
- degrade badykinin
Modified form of human B-glucocerebrosidace
Moro reflex
the infant startle reflex
Babinski sign
- near reflex on that the big toe does when the foot is stimulated
- Baby will be positive until nervous system is fully militated
- positive sign in an assault shows nervous system damage, in the pyramidal tract
What part of the kidney does aldosterone work on
- distal convoluted tubules
- principle cells, Na/K
- enterocytes, Na/H
Two function of 21 hydroxyls
- progesterone to 11-deoxycoticosterone
- 17-hydroxyprogesterone to 11-deoxycortisol
without 17 hydroxyls
only the aldosterone pathway would be active
Granulosa cells
- respond to FSH and convert androgens to estrogen
- theca internal secrete androgens in response to LH
DHEA synthesis
adrenal glands
Vitamin D synthesis
- steroid precurser
- calcitrol most active for of Vit D
- begins in the liver and ends in the kidney
- Cholecalcitrol is formed by the skin and needs UV light
- 7 dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferal (skin) to hydroxycholecalciferol (liver) to dihydrocycholecalciferol (kidney)
released by the anterior pituitary under control form the Hypothalmus (CRF paraventricular nucleus), Binds to the adrenal cortex and stimulated cAMP, this activates protein kinase A and activated cholesterol dismutase
based on human milk, undigested proteins and fats
anemia of chronic disease
- low serene iron and reduced iron binding capacity with abundant iron stores. Hepcidin is released by the liver in response to IL1 and TNF, this inhibits iron release
- TNF and IL1 also inhibit the release of erythropoietin
gram positive
psedamonus ariganosa
gram negative, common in neutropenic patients
- secreted by pseudomoas aeruginosa
- absorbs water quickly
Lung damage in CF
- viscid mucus causes the bronchioles to become hyperplascia and hypertrophy.
- The bacteria can for abcesses
CF modifier locus
influences the severity of CF
- bronco dilator
- relaxes smooth muscle
- broad spectrum antibiotic
- affective against pneumonia and staphylococcus auras
turns on protein kinase A that phosphorilates the CFTR R domain
CFTR on bicarb
- CFTR can regulate the secretion of bicarb
- normal alkaline secretion ran now acidic
Classes of CF
- synthesis
- folding/transport
- regulation, normal abundance of defective channels
- in efficient
- not enough receptors
- cant control other channels
liver involvment in CF
bile canuliculi are plugged causing portal inflammation
CF male infertility
bilateral absence of vas deferens
- protodiastolic gallop
- LV filling
- not heard till halfway through diastole
- presystolic gallop
- blood being forced into the ventricle by atrial contraction
vocal fremitus
vibration felt over the chest when a person talks
- produced by the live and used as energy by the muscle
- CPK, transfers a phosphate from ATP to creatine to create phosphocreatine
- phosphocreatine is used as energy and its byproduct is creatinine
a marker used to estimate the muscle mass of an individual
- large blister
- collection of air in the cells of the visceral pleura
position of the trachea
- it is anterior to the esophagus
- the sac aorta is anterior to it and then arches over the left bronchi and descends posterior to it
- right bronchi is ppsterior to pulmonary artery in root and left brooch is lower then pulmonary artery in left root
mean pulmonary arterial pressure
length of time blood is in the capillaries
- 0.8 seconds
- can be as short as .3 during exercise
- low weight heparin that is broken down quicker and is less potent
- given during pregnancy because it does not cross the pacenta
enhances AT3 binding to factor X
Risk factors for DVT
- endothelial injury
- stasis
- hypercoagulable
paradoxial thromboemboli
venous embolus that crosses a heart defect into the arterial system
What causes thirst in shock
sympathetic reflexes
Things that raise PT time
- liver disease
- hereditary factor dificiency
- Vit K deficiency
- bile duct abstraction; vit k is fat soluble
- coumarin
- blood transfusion
- saicylate intoxication
What time is used to monitor heparin therapy
lactated ringers
- isotonic with blood
- has calcium in it
antibiotic used to treat gram negative infection
- used against anaerobic bacteria
- methacyclin resistant staphlococcus areas
peritoneal organ placement
- retro; kidneys, aorta, adrenals , asc and dec colon, pancrease
- inter; stomach, spleen, transverse colon, liver, tail of pancrease
kidney innervation
renal plexus from the celiac plexus,least splancnic nerve
kidney placement
- left is T12-L3
- right it slightly higher
- gram neg and pos
- broad spectrum
anerobic bacteria
- histamine H2 receptor antiganist
- blocks the stimulation of HCL from parietal cells in the stomach.
- acid would cause irritation to the already damaged mucosa
- demerol
- interacts with sodium ion channels to block pain
opiode derivative
- used as a replacement for PCN
- used for UTI and respiratory infections
brainbridge reflex
- increase in venous pressure and return increases heart rate
- stretch receipts in the atria
Acidosis during shock
poor delivery of oxygen leads to increased anaerobic metabolism and increased production of lactic acid