
  1. normal heart sounds
    s1 s2
  2. the s1 heart sounds corresponds to
    closure of the av valves
  3. tachycardia is classified as
  4. pericardiocentesis is used for
    cardiac tamponade
  5. a sleeping pt HR is 56 bpm. what should nurse do
    awaken pt and retake the HR
  6. ECG rhythm rate 80bpm, regular 1:1 relationship of P:QRS, PR interval of 0.16, QRS measurement of 0.08. This is evidence of what kind of rhythm?
    Normal sinus rhythm
  7. Client has a pacemaker that creates a pacer spike before each QRS when intrinsic HR falls below 70. The nurse knows that this is:
    Normal, because demand pacemaker is responding to heartrate drop at the preset level
  8. It is significant when a pt who is being
    examined for heart failure states:
    I have to prop myself up on 3 pillows to sleep at night. I cannot breath otherwise
  9. The appropriate landmark when calibrating leveling hemodynamic monitoring equipment is:
    Right atrial position at the 4th intercostals space, midclavicular line
  10. Patient in ICU, what type of monitoring is
    used to watch the patients fluid volume?
  11. Patient with dyspnea, orthopnea, cyanosis,
    clammy skin, productive cough with pink frothy sputum and crackles, what should
    the nurse look for?
    pulm edema
  12. Most important first action the nurse should initiate on a client who arrives at the hospital in pulmonary edema is?
    o2 and pulse ox
  13. cardiac tamponade is tx with
  14. Mrs Jones is pulseless with rhythm with visible P waves, a narrow QRS, a rate of 130 bpm. What is the description of her rhythm?
  15. normal PR interval
  16. A rhythm originating in (SA) node with a rate of 112 is:
    sinus tachy
  17. A sawtooth waveform of atrial flutter is formed by a irritable focus in the:
    atrial tissue
  18. Quivering of the atria in atrial fibrillation results in:
    loss of atrial kick
  19. What is assessed to monitor for injury to cardiac muscle?
  20. What is a complication of prolonged tachycardia?
    Decreasecardiac output
  21. Which patient could possibly require a pacemaker?
    45year old male with Hx of acute MI, heart rate 45 , bp 80/50
  22. vagal stimulation results in
    decreased HR
  23. temporary demand type ventricular pacemaker set at 60 b/min. What is a concern?
    A pacemaker spike is seen on the T wave of the preceding beat.
  24. spike not followed by QRS, what complication is this
    failure to capture
  25. Nurse is caring for a patient following
    insertion of an arterial line. To reduce risk of complications, what is the
    priority nursing intervention?
    ensure all tubing connection are tightened
  26. CVC which requires nursing action
    numbness and tingling
  27. normal QRS duration
  28. insert L sub CV what requires immediate action
    diminished breath sounds of the L lung
  29. to tx vent dysrhytmia for a layperson is to use
  30. pt with dx of AMI, the ECG monitor shows a flatline. what should the nurse do first
    check the pt for unresponsiveness
  31. pt with abrupt onset of SVT. drug with short half life to use is
  32. monitor..stat, pt has rapid, chaotic rhythm VT, what is the first action
    check pt's meds
  33. an emergency indication for subq pacemaker is
    bradycardia with HTN-syncope
  34. the drug of choice w/ ventricular ectopy
  35. what is an appropriate intervention for a pt what a transcutaneious pacemaker
    provde adequate sedation and analgesia
  36. pt with pea pericardial tamponade, the tx is
  37. what is the most characteristic with L sided heart failure
    dyspnea and crackels
  38. pt come to ed 48 yo CP for 2 hr, HR 70 what is not indicated
    emergent pacemaker insertion
  39. 72 yo woman in ed, family states she just isnt herself. resp are slightly labored. sinus tach 110, frequent premature contractions, denies CP, jaw pain back pain or nausea. troponin levels elevated. elevated ST segment. Dx:
    silent MI
  40. pt present to ed just left hospital week ago after having stroke, chest pressure started 12 hrs ago, ST depression in inferior leads. troponin and CK-MB are both elevated. what is true of thrombolysis
    the pt is not a candidate for thrombolysis
  41. what does the QRS complex represent
    vent depol
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