Apologia Biology module 7

  1. K. Karyotype
    The figure produced when the chromosomes of a species during metaphase are arranged according to size
  2. L. Diploid cell
    A cell whose chromosomes come in homologous pairs
  3. M. Haploid cells
    Cells that have only one of each chromosomes
  4. N. Diploid chromosome number (2n)
    The total number of chromosomes in a diploid cell
  5. O. Haploid chromosome number (n)
    The number of homologous pairs in a diploid cell
  6. P. Meiosis
    The process by which a diploid (2n) cell forms four gametes (n)
  7. Q. Gametes
    Haploid cells (n) produced by diploid cells (2n) for the purpose of reproduction
  8. R. Virus
    A non-cellular infectious agents that has two characteristics: (1) It has genetic material inside a protective protein coat (2) It cannot reproduce itself
  9. S. Antibodies
    Specialized proteins that aid in destroyed infectious agents
  10. T. Vaccine
    A weakened or inactive version of a virus that stimulates the body's production of antibodies which can destroy the virus
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Apologia Biology module 7
Module 7 definitions