Anterior cervical CS

  1. Anterior cervical 1
    Posterior aspect of the ascending ramus of mandible at the level of the earlobe
  2. Anterior cervical 1 transverse process
    On the tip of transverse processes of C1
  3. Anterior cervical 2 and 3
    On the anterolateral aspect of the corresponding anterior tubercle of the transverse process

    palpate anterior to the sternocleidomastoid
  4. Anterior cerical 4-6
    On the anterolateral aspect of the corresponding anterior tubercle of the transverse process

    Palpate posterior to the sternocleidomastoid
  5. Anterior cervical 7
    On clavicular attachment of sternocleidomastoid

    On superior surface of the medial clavical, lateral to sternoclavicular joint
  6. Anterior cervical 8
    • On sternal attachment of sternocleidomastoid
    • On medial end of clavicle
  7. Anterior cervical 1 treatment
    Marked rotation away (about 90 degrees)

    Fine tune with very minor flexion and sidebending away

    Slight compression can also help
  8. Anterior cervical 1 transverse process treatment
    • Side bend away (or sometimes side bend towards)
    • plus fine tuning with rotation away
  9. Anterior cervical 2-6 treatment
    • Flexion
    • Rotated away
    • Side bend away
    • FSARA
  10. Anterior cervical 7 treatment
    • Marked flexion
    • Rotated away
    • Side bent toward
    • FSTRA
  11. Anterior cervical 8 treatment
    • Flexed
    • Rotated away
    • Side bent away
    • FSARA
    • (requires about the same level of flexion as A3C)
Card Set
Anterior cervical CS
Tender points for counterstrain techniques