Chapter 8

  1. Opening
    establishes connection between two people and opens channel; greeting should be reciprocated
  2. Feedforward
    (2nd step) gives the other person general idea of what the convo is about; identifies tone of convo
  3. Buisness
    (3rd step) the substance of the convo; empasize that most convos are goal directed; longest part of the convo
  4. Feedback
    (4th step) reflect back on the convo to signal the buisness is completed
  5. Closing
    (5th step) the goodbye, shows how satisfied the persons were with the convo; close or plan for future convo
  6. Dialogue
    synonym for convo; each person is speaker/listener, reciever and sender
  7. Monologue
    communication in which one person speaks and the other one listens
  8. Principle of turn taking
    changing of speaker and listener roles
  9. listener cues
    turn requesting (fillers, leaning forward); turn denying (lets speaker know you are reluctant to speak)
  10. speaker cues
    turn maintaining; turn yeilding
  11. Backchanneling
    used to communicate without assuming the role of speaker or ways to acknowledge you are listening (idincate agreement, indecate degree of involvement, pace the speaker, ask for clarification)
  12. Interruptions
    attempts to take over role of the speaker
  13. 6 maxims of politeness
    • 1. Tact
    • 2. Generosity
    • 3. Approbation
    • 4. Modesty
    • 5. Agreement
    • 6. Sympathy
  14. Tact
    you dont impose on others wishes
  15. Generosity
    confirm the other persons importance
  16. Approbation
    praising someone's accomplishments
  17. Modesty
    minimizing any praise you recieve
  18. Agreement
    seeking areas of agreement in the convo
  19. Sympathy
    expressing understanding and supportiveness (sympathy, empathy)
  20. Principles of politeness
    • Convo is a Developmental Process
    • Convo is Dialogic
    • Principle of Turn Taking
    • Principle of Politeness
  21. self-disclosure
    comm about yourself to someone else (sharing stuff you keep hidden)
  22. Excuses
    explanations designed to reduce the neg affects of your behavior, maintain your image
  23. Apologies
    expressions of regret or sorrow
  24. 5 Stage model of Conv
    • Opening
    • Feedforward
    • Buisness
    • Feedback
    • Closing
Card Set
Chapter 8
Chapter 8