- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
- Location:
- Origin: Occipital Bone, Cervical & Thoracic Membrane
- Insertion: Acromion Shelf and Scapular Spine
- Action: 1) Upper fibers- elevate scapula
- 2) Middle fibers- retract the scapula
- 3) Lower fibers- depress the scapula
Rhomboid Major
- Location:
- Origin: Thoracic Vertebrae
- Insertion: Vertebrae (Medial) Border of Scapula
- Action: Retraction of Scapula
Levator Scapulae
- Action: Elevate Scapula
- *Just have to know the action
Latissimus Dorsi
- Location:
- Origin: thoracic & lumbar vertebrae & iliac crest
- Insertion: lesser tuberacle of humerus
- Action: PM for Shoulder extension and Adduction, Medial Rotation
- Location:
- Origin: acromion shelf, spine of scapula
- Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus (anterior fibers)
- Action: Ant- PM Shoulder Flexion
- Post- PM Should Extension
- Middle- work with and post abduction
Pectoralis Major
- Location:
- Origin: Clavicle, Sternum
- Insertion: Greater Tubercle
- Action: Flexion at Should and Adduction (Prime movers) and medial rotation
Pectoralis Minor
- Location:
- Action: Protraction of Scapula
- *Only need to know L&A
Serratus Anterior
- Location:
- Action: Protraction of Scapula
- *Only need to know L&A
Biceps Brachii Long Head
- Location:
- Origin: Long Head- Glenoid Fossa
- Short Head- Corocoid process of scapula
- Insertion: Radial Tuberosity
- Action: Elbow flexion with supination PM
- Location:
- Action: PM Flexion of Elbow
- *Only need to know L&A
Triceps Brachii (Long, Lateral, Medial)
- Location:
- Insertion: olecranon process of Ulna
- Action: forearm extension
Triceps Brachii Long Head
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
Triceps Brachii Medial Head
- Location:
- Insertion:
- Action:
Pronator Teres
- Location:
- Action: pronation
- *Only need to know L&A
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
- Location:
- Action: extends and abducts wrist
- *Only need to know L&A
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
- Location:
- Action: extends and adducts wrist
- *Only need to know L&A
Extensor Digitorum
- Location:
- Action: extension of digits
- *Only need to know L&A
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
- Location:
- Action: Flexion of the wrist and adduction of hand
- *Only need to know L&A
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Location:
- Action: flexion of wrist, abduction
- *Only need to know L&A
Rectus Abdominus
Transverse Abdominus
External Obliques
Internal Obliques
- Location:
- Action: Lateral Rotation of Scapula
- *Only need to know L&A
- Location:
- Action: Abduction of Humerus, Lateral rotation of Humerus
- *Only need to know L&A
- Location:
- Action: Medial Rotation of Humerus (Prime Mover)
- *Only need to know L&A
Teres Minor
- Location:
- ***Know that it is part of rotator cuff
Gluteus Maximus
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
Gluteus Medius
- Location:
- Action:
- *Only need to know L&A
Gluteus Minimus
Rectus Femoris
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
All three Vastus Muscles
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
- Location:
- Insertion:
- Action:
- *No Origin
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
Biceps Femoris
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action:
Adductor Magnus
- Location:
- Insertion:
- Action:
- *No Origin
- Location:
- Origin:
- Insertion:
- Action
Tibialis Anterior
- Location:
- Action:
- *Only need to know L&A
Extensor Digitorum Longus