OT Curtis Final v4.txt

  1. What material (books or parts of books) is included in the OT wisdom literature?
    Proverbs, Ecclesiates, Job, certain psalms, song of songs
  2. According to Curtis the Law & Prophets are vertical revelation while the Wisdom Literature is *********** revelation.

    • Know the basic story &the major characters
    • (Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, &Elihu)
  3. What is the only OT book whose setting &characters are non-Isaraelite?
  4. What is meant by the doctrine of retribution?
    reap what you sow. sin is punished & righteousness rewarded
  5. Be aware of at least four reasons for suffering recognized in the book of Job.
    1)ppl suffer for their sins 2)ppl suffer cuz other's sin 3) means of refining character 4)to further God's purpose
  6. What is the “solution” that brings resolution to Job?
    understanding why we suffer is not the key. the fear of the LORD is wisdom, Yahweh is good&just when circumstances seem to prove the opposite
  7. What is meant by the question of “disinterested piety”?
    Does Job fear God for nothing? -- Suffering happened in order to show Satan that disinterested piety does exist; that there are people who will serve God because of who He is rather than for what they get in return for serving God.
  8. This participant in the book of Job enters the debate late &promises far more than he is able to deliver.
  9. What does Job 1:9 suggest about the purpose of the Book of Job?
    Disinterested piety exists!
  10. What conclusion did your professor reach about the significance of the interrupted third cycle of speeches in the debate between Job &his friends?
    the friends have been silenced, they say no more b/c they have nothing more to say
  11. What contribution does Job 28:28 make to the question of how to respond to suffering?
    "Behold, the fear of the LORD that is wisdom, &to turn away from evil is understanding
  12. The desire for a mediator & the idea that perhaps a person might be vindicated after death are suggested in this book though without really contributing to a solution to the problem raised by the events presented in the book.
  13. Since much of what Job’s friends said was true what was their basic mistake in their attempts to comfort Job?
    Unwise application of doctrine:their mistake lay in their incorrect application of doctrine to Job.They then made bad matters worse by insisting that Job's situation could not be an exception
  14. How does Job begin his discussion to his friends in Job 3? How do you think this influenced the direction of the debate that follows?
    -you misunderstood the meaning of my cries -you didn't give me kindness
  15. What is the basic characteristic of Hebrew poetry?
    Parallelism (idea in one line, then repeats or further develops the idea in the second line); types are synonymous, antithetic, and synthetic
  16. What three purposes for the book of Psalms are suggested by the various titles given to the book?
    praises, songs (psalms), prayers
  17. A _________________ is a cry to God for deliverance in a time of distress
  18. ________________ psalms call for God to bring judgment on the psalmist’s/God/s enemies.
    Imprecatory psalms
  19. ________________ psalms focus on the confession of sin.
    Penitential psalms
  20. Know the basic definition of the other types of psalms as mentioned in the course pack &the suggestion made there as to how they might have been used.
    Thanksgiving hymn (used with thanksgiving offerings as a response to God when a prayer was answered), salvation history psalms (review history of Israel in order to show how obedience insures blessing while disobedience brings judgment-- used in settings where there was a need to call the people to renew their vows to obey God's covenant), Hymns of praise, wisdom psalms (didactic purpose-- teaching)
  21. This psalm was written by David in the aftermath of his being confronted by Nathan because of David’s sin with Bathsheba &Uriah.
    Psalm 51
  22. Know the five messianic themes from Psalms identified by Kirkpatrick.
    1. the Royal Messiah: the messianic king would fulfill God's promise to David and establish a universal rule characterized by peace and prosperity. 2. the suffering Messiah: Struggles of righteous people who suffered and were persecuted because of their commitment to do God's will 3. The Son of Man (Ps 8, 16, 40): representative of man triumphed with perfect fellowship with God, complete obedience 4. the coming of God: God would come to judge the wicked & reward His ppl 5. The nations--the universal divine kingdom (related to God's promise to bless the nations thru Abraham)
  23. What type of psalm is Psalm 1?
    is a wisdom psalm. know what it teaches as the key to prospering in everything a person does.
  24. This psalm gives instruction about how to respond to injustice.
    Psalm 37
  25. What three responses to injustice found in Ps 37 were noted in our classroom discussion of the first few verses of the psalm?
    don't fret, don't be envious, refrain from anger
  26. What teaching does Psalm 73 have in common with the book of Job in terms of responses to suffering that transform?
    trust that God is good
  27. According to the course pack what time period is covered by the psalms in the book of Psalms?
    Moses(P 90) until after the exile (P 126)-- 1000 years
  28. What kind of psalm is Ps. 78? Based on the verses of the psalm that we looked at in class what is the purpose of these salvation history psalms?
    Psalm 78-salvation history: review Israel's history & renew their vows to obey God's covenant
  29. What kind of psalm is Ps. 107? What does the psalm demonstrate about the importance of giving public testimony about God’s deliverance?
    Salvation history/thanksgiving
  30. What is wisdom as seen by the Old Testament?
    -skill in living accord. to Yahweh's order -search for the order that God created
  31. Note the importance of Prov. 1:7. Why is it such a central principle in the book?
    "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge
  32. Know the basic characteristics of the sluggard as noted in class
  33. Know the basic difference between the wise person & the foolish person as noted in class.
    teachable, has discretion
  34. Know what a proverb is.
    general truth rather than an invariable law or promise; an individual proverb captures a tiny cross section of truth rather than providing a comprehensive teaching on a topic
  35. Note where the pursuit of wisdom leads according to Prov. 2:1-5.
    protect from a variety of dangers including evil men & wicked woman & keep a person flourishing on good & righteous paths
  36. Know the three contributors to the book who are mentioned by name.
    Solomon, Agur, Lemuel
  37. Know where the acrostic poem describing the excellent woman is found.
    Proverbs 31:10-31
  38. This book emphasizes the uncertainties &inequities of life.
  39. What does Ecclesiastes present as the key to living in this fallen world?
    Be realistic/trust God in the midst of realities of life in a fallen world/live wisely & be diligent/live in the light of death & eternity/Enjoy/Recognize God's sovereignty/ Fear God & keep his comm&ments
  40. In which biblical book would you find Qoheleth?
    Ecclesiastes (Qohelet: one who convenes an assembly of some kind)
  41. How does Ecclesiastes provide a balance to the material that dominates Proverbs? Does Ecclesiastes discourage the use of proverbs &wisdom in living life?
    Even as this book makes it clear that there are few guarantees in life in a fallen world, it contains many proverbs that make it clear that wise living is important
  42. How does Ecclesiastes affirm the importance of living by faith?
    by faith, not by sight. Apart from faith, there are no certain answers;only ambiguity & uncertainty
  43. This book frequently exhorts the reader to “enjoy life.”
  44. This book is characterized by an emphasis on the vanity of things in this world.
  45. This book looks for a way to live that will generate a “profit” or “advantage,” &presumably one that death cannot rob us of.
  46. Be familiar with both the “two major character” &the “three major character” interpretation of Song of Songs.
    2 character(Solomon,Shulamite) / 3 character (Solomon, Shulamite, the man she loved "shepherd") - read page 39-40 in coursepak
  47. What did Curtis suggest about solving the problem of seeing Solomon (with his seven hundred wives &three hundred concubines [1 Kings 11:3]) as a role model for an ideal relationship between a man &a woman in marriage?
    See this as an ideal relationship that Solomon in his wisdom realized was possible, but one that he never personally experienced b/c he refused to obey God's wisdom in such matters; (other less-preferred possibilities: Suppose that Solomon's other marriages were for political alliances, not out of true love. Or The girl died and Solomon tried to feel the gap thru many marriages)
  48. Be familiar with Solomon, Shulamite, & the daughters of Jerusalem.
  49. Curtis suggests that this book is a commentary of sorts on Genesis 2:24 & that it further describes the “one flesh” relationship mentioned in Genesis.
    Song of songs
  50. What is meant by the “Day of the Lord” in prophetic literature?
    when the Lord will come to punish sin and deliver his faithful people
  51. Know the six major themes of Isaiah’s preaching.
    (1) the holiness of God (2) sovereignty of God (3) the Messiah (4) the remnant: the core of the faithful who would form the nucleus of a restored Israel (5) new Zion and the future Messianic kingdom (6) the need for faith or trust
  52. In which chapter of Isaiah would you find the account of God calling Isaiah to be a prophet?
    Ch 6
  53. In which chapter of Isaiah would you find the Immanuel passage applied by Matthew to the birth of Jesus?
    Isaiah 7-9
  54. In which chapter of Isaiah would you find the oracle against the king of Babylon described in terms often thought to be indicative of the fall of Satan?
    Isaiah 14
  55. This prophet is characterized by the use of the term “the Holy One of Israel.”
  56. Know the difference in focus between chapters 1-39 & 40-66.
    1-39: God's judgment on the sin of the nations and especially Judah / 40-66: hope and God's deliverance of hispeople from Exile
  57. This prophet, almost two hundred years before the event, predicted by name Cyrus, the Persian king who allowed the Jews to return from their exile in Babylon.
  58. What are the “Servant Songs” of Isaiah? Where would you find them in the book?
    ch 49-57; king, prophet, and the people of Judah are called the servant of the Lord at various points in the book. (people and kings are not good servants). A good servant obeys the Lord, brings justice,experience suffering, restore nations
  59. Be familiar with Ahaz, Hezekiah, Merodach-baladan, Cyrus, &701 BC as discussed in the course pack.
    Read p 41-43.
  60. What Gentile nation did God use to judge: (a) the Northern Kingdom of Israel; (b) the Southern Kingdom of Judah?
    (a) Assyria (b) Babylon
  61. Which Babylonian king destroyed Jerusalem & took Judah into exile?
  62. Who was the king of Judah when Jeremiah was called to the prophetic ministry?
  63. Who was Jeremiah’s scribe?
  64. Briefly describe the reign of Josiah; the reign of Jehoiakim; the reign of Jehoiachin.
    (a) Josiah: religious reforms, renovation of the Temple, a scroll of the Law was found -> around Josiah's death, Judah fell under Babylon (b) Jehoiakim: no zeal for God. His interest was in securing powerand control for himself, He rejected Jeremiah's teaching (c) Jehoiachin: Exiled to Babylon, reigned for 3months. Evil king no influence.
  65. Which king was taken into captivity into Babylon?
    Jehoiachin (son of Jehoiakim)
  66. What is the basic point made by Jeremiah in his famous Temple sermon in chapter 7?
    Judeans supposed that because they were people of God and had the Temple in their midst they were guaranteed God's protection from their enemies. Jeremiah says it's not so and God wants repentance and obedience if he is to bless the people.
  67. Which king destroyed the scroll containing Jeremiah’s prophecies? What was Jeremiah’s response to that action?
    Jehoiakim / Wrote another scroll / prophesy against Jehoiakim he will be ruined
  68. This prophet predicted that the exile would last for 70 years.
  69. This prophet was allowed to stay in Judah after 586, but was then forced to go to Egypt where he died.
  70. This prophet was specifically instructed by God to remain unmarried.
  71. What is the significance of the “New Covenant” prophecy in Jeremiah?
    He realizes that people's heart was wicked and looks forward to a time when God's people have new hearts of obedience (jesus and Holy Spirit makes these possible)
  72. 1. This book contains poems mourning over the destruction of Jerusalem.
  73. 2. Why was there such theological concern about the destruction of a capital city?
    For Zion to be in ruins suggested that the covenant was also in ruins. For Jerusalem or Zion was the place where the Lord chose to establish His name, location of the temple of God, and the center of the Davidic covenant.
  74. 3. This chapter is the source of the song Great is Thy Faithfulness &the chorus The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases.
    Lamentation ch 3
  75. 1. This prophet was taken to Babylon as an exile in 597 BC.
  76. 4. What principle, seen also in several psalms, allows the psalmist to change from a spirit of deep distress to hope in Lam. 3?
    As he reflects on the lovingkindness of God, he is able to see beyond the immediate tragedy and see that there is a basis for hope. Because God is sovereign and is favorably disposed toward us, we can be confident that there is a future, and that God's purpose for us has not been thwarted by the disaster.
  77. location of Jeremiah
  78. location of Daniel
    Babylon (exiles)
  79. Location of Ezekiel
    Babylon (exiles)
  80. Location of Hosea
    northern Kingdom of Israel
  81. Location of Amos
    8th Century, to the northern kingdom of Israel, Jeroboam II, Amaziah the priest
  82. 3. This king was taken into exile to Babylon.
  83. 4. This prophet was told to lie on his side for 390 days with Israel’s iniquity on top of him, &then to lie on the other side for 40 days with the iniquity of Judah on him.
  84. 5. When did Ezekiel’s wife die?
    on the day Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem (symbolize that the desire of the people's eyes, Jerusalem, is taken from them just as Ezekiel's wife was taken)
  85. 6. What was the significance of the brick on which Ezekiel inscribed the map of Jerusalem?
    He was to build siege ramps against and put military camps around the brick to symbolize the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem that would shortly occur
  86. 7. Note the three major divisions of Ezekiel & the general contents of each.
    (1) ch 1-24: time before the Fall of Jerusalem, message of judgement to unrepentant Judah (2) ch 25-32: nations surrounding Judah, who had taken delight in Judah's destruction, will be punished by God. (3)ch 33-48: Israle's future -- restoration as a single nation, worship the Lord in a Temple.
  87. 8. This prophet is famous for the extensive use of the phrase “they shall know that I am the Lord.”
  88. 9. Where would you find Israel & Judah described as prostitutes pursuing their lovers?
    Ezekiel (ch 16, 23)
  89. 10. What finally cured Judah of her idolatry?
    Babylon Exile
  90. 11. Who used the proverb, “The days are long & every vision fails?”
    leaders who practiced idolatory who heard so many messages from false prophets (Ezekiel 12:21)
  91. 12. According to Hill &Walton what is the basic intent of the chariot visions of Ezekiel?
    show God's majesty, sovereignty (He has full control over all his creation), patience, mercy, holiness
  92. 13. What is the significance of the “dry bones vision” in chapter 37; the two sticks in Ezek 37; &God’s glory returning to the Temple in 40-43?
    dry bones-- come to life, two sticks-- Judah & Israel will be re-united
  93. 1. This prophet was taken into exile to Babylon in 605 BC.
  94. 14. Why did your professor conclude that the Temple described in Ezek 40-43 is a temple that will be built in the future?
    different in a number of details from information given in the Law or Solomon's temple or the refurbished Temple.
  95. 2. This prophet lived into the reign of Cyrus.
  96. 3. What two languages were used in writing the book of Daniel?
    Hebrews & Aramic
  97. 4. Note two major themes of Daniel.
    1) Sovereignty of God 2) Detailed prophesy of gentile kingdom down to the time of Christ.
  98. 5. In this chapter describes Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the image made of different materials.
    Ch 2
  99. Empires as .....a. the head of gold
  100. Empires as .....b. the chest &arms of silver
  101. Empires as .....c. the belly &thighs of bronze
  102. Empires as .....d. the legs of iron
  103. a. where would you find the story of Daniel &his friend’s refusal to eat the king’s food
    CH 1
  104. b. where would you find the story of the fiery furnace
    CH 3
  105. c. where would you find the story of the lion’s den
    CH 6
  106. 8. Why was Daniel put into the lion’s den?
    no prayer for 30 days except to King
  107. 9. Why were the friends put into the blazing furnace?
    Refused to bow down to image of Nabuchanezzar
  108. 10. Against which Babylonian ruler was the handwriting on the wall directed? What had he done to provoke God’s anger?
    Belshazzar / took out vessel and used to idol
  109. 11. Who was Antiochus Epiphanes? What did he do that is referred to by Daniel as the “abomination of desolation?”
    In 175 BC, ruler of Jews. altar to Zeus was set up and pigs were offered as sacrifices.
  110. 12. What revelation did God give Daniel as he was reflecting on the seventy years predicted by Jeremiah? Why was Daniel thinking about this prophecy?
    Daniel seems to have been thinking about when the exiles would be allowed to return to Judah, but God gave him an answer that had to do with the more distant future. Daniel was thinking about when the seventy years of exile predicted by Jeremiah would come to an end, but God gave him an answer involving seventy sevens that had to do with things that went far beyond what Daniel had in mind.
  111. 13. Where would you find the first clear statement about the resurrection of both the wicked &the righteous in the Old Testament?
    Dan 12:2
  112. 14. What connection did your professor suggest between Daniel’s prophecy &Ezekiel’s prophecy about Gog &Magog?
    future time when anti-Christ attempts to destroy God's people & put himself in the place of God. Battles same as Ezekiel 38-39.
  113. 1. This prophet is famous for marrying an unfaithful wife to illustrate God’s gracious treatment of his wayward people.
  114. 15. What significant event took place in 538 BC?
    Decree of Cyrus II/ First Return
  115. 2. This prophet emphasized God’s “delight in loyalty rather than sacrifice &in knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”
  116. 3. This prophet describes Israel by saying, “There is no faithfulness or kindness of knowledge of God in the l&.”
  117. 4. Where did Hosea prophesy? In whose reign did he minister?
    northern kingdom of Israel; Jeroboam II (golden age of the north)
  118. 5. Lo-ruhamah:::Who were the following? What is the meaning &significance of the names? How do the changes in the names contribute to the message of the book?
    No Mercy, Hosea's daughter. God will act on behalf of his people to restore them "I will have mercy on "No Mercy", and I will say to "Not my people", 'You are my people'; and he shall say, 'You are my God.'"
  119. 1. Where did Joel minister?
    southern kingdom of Judah
  120. b. Lo-ammi:::Who were the following? What is the meaning &significance of the names? How do the changes in the names contribute to the message of the book?
    Not my people, Hosea's son. God will act on behalf of his people to restore them "I will have mercy on "No Mercy", and I will say to "Not my people", 'You are my people'; and he shall say, 'You are my God.'"
  121. 2. What theme characterizes the message of Joel?
    locust plague (a model for a coming judgment), and the day of the Lord
  122. 3. This prophet is quoted by Peter on the day of Pentecost as the Holy Spirit comes on the church in power.
  123. 4. What is meant by the Day of the Lord?
    decisive divine intervention into human history
  124. 1. This man was not a professional prophet. He is famous for saying, “I am neither a prophet nor a prophet’s son.”
  125. 5. This prophet describes the invading army in terms of a locust plague.
  126. 2. This shepherd &farmer of sycamore figs from Judah preached at Bethel, the religious center near the southern border of the northern kingdom.
  127. 3. This prophet began his sermon to Israel by announcing judgment on her neighbors, including Judah.
  128. 4. This prophet is famous for beginning each section of his sermon with the words “for three transgressions . . . &for four I will not turn aside judgment.”
  129. 5. This prophet was run out of town by Jeroboam II &his high priest Amaziah.
  130. 6. Where would you find the verse "Let justice roll down like waters, &righteousness like an ever-flowing stream?"
    Amos 5:24
  131. 1. This is the shortest book in the Old Testament.
  132. 7. This prophet is well known for his denunciation of a society characterized by greed, injustice &exploitation of the poor.
  133. 2. Against whom is the book of Obadiah directed?
    the nation of Edom
  134. 3. What was the reason for God’s displeasure with Edom as reflected in the book of Obadiah?
    Edom dealt treacherously with His chosen people
  135. 4. Where does the animosity between Edom &Israel have its origins?
    Esau and Jacob
  136. 1. The theme of this book is God's sovereign right to show compassion on whomever he chooses.
  137. 5. In what book would you find the doctrine of retribution stated in these terms, "As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head?"
  138. 2. While prophets like Jeremiah were frustrated because the people to whom they ministered did not respond to the message he proclaimed, this prophet was angry when the people repented. Why?
    Jonah regarded Nineveh deserved to perish, but God shows compassion on them.
  139. 3. What do Jonah &Nahum have in common? What was different about their messages?
    Hated Nineveh. Jonah
  140. 4. Why do you think Jonah was angry when God was gracious to Nineveh? Do you think there were significant messages for Israel in this book?
    God chose to show compassion on the Assyrian capital. God was not angry enough about the right things
  141. 5. Who was king in Israel when Jonah did his prophetic work?
    Jeroboam II
  142. 1. Like Amos this prophet focuses special attention on the importance of moral &ethical uprightness.
  143. 6. God’s grace is apparent in the “second chance” God gave to this prophet. How does the same incident illustrate God’s sovereignty?
    Jonah. God's sovereign right to show compassion on whomever he chooses
  144. 2. Where would you find the verse, "He has told you, O man, what is good; & what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, & to walk humbly with your God?"
  145. 3. Where would you find the prediction that Messiah will be born in Bethlehem?
  146. 1. What is the theme of the book of Nahum?
    God's oracle of judgment against the nation of Assyria and its capital, Nineveh
  147. 4. Where did Micah prophesy?
    Southern included Samaria
  148. 2. This book is the one that Jonah probably would have liked to write. Why do you think this would have been the case?
    Nineveh gets punishment
  149. 3. Against what nation is the judgment predicted by Nahum directed?
  150. 1. What is meant by the term theodicy?
    a defense of the righteousness of God in view of the prevalence of unrighteousness in the world
  151. 4. What was the capital of the Assyrian Empire?
  152. 2. Which minor prophet struggles with how a just God to use a nation even more wicked than Judah to punish God’s own people?
  153. 3. Where in the Old Testament would you find the words, “The righteous person will live by his faith?” What is the meaning of the verse in its Old Testament context?
  154. 1. What is the theme of the book of Zephaniah?
    Day of the Lord. punish sin &secure justice. both local & historical
  155. 4. How does the book of Habakkuk illustrate what it means to live by faith?
    a willingness to depend completely upon him. "The righteous will live by his faith"
  156. 2. Why is it likely that Zephaniah was written before 612 B.C.?
    predicts the destruction of Nineveh
  157. 1. What was the major emphasis of Haggai’s ministry?
    rebuilding the temple
  158. 3. This prophet was probably a member of the royal family of Judah. He prophesied during the reign of Josiah &was a contemporary of Jeremiah
  159. 2. Why was Haggai’s ministry needed?
    delay in temple building
  160. 3. What significant event occurred in 515 B.C.?
    temple dedication
  161. 4. This prophet accuses the people of having the wrong priorities.
  162. 5. This prophet affirms that the obedience of faith is one of life’s highest priorities.
  163. 6. Why did Haggai argue that the people never had enough to begin work on the temple?
    Priority problem.
  164. 1. This prophet’s contemporary was concerned about rebuilding the temple while this prophet was concerned about repentance, spiritual renewal &proper worship after the temple was rebuilt.
  165. 7. The message of this prophet &that of Prov 3:5-12 are very similar.
    Haggai: similar to Prov 3:5-12/obey&begin work then will bless with sufficient means & their own need
  166. 2. This prophet preached to a discouraged postexilic community in Judah &assured them that God’s promised had not failed, that they were heirs to those promised, &that they must be obedient to God’s instruction for those covenant blessings to be fully realized.
  167. 3. This book is famous for the “night visions” it contains.
  168. 4. This prophet foretold Messiah’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, the "striking of the Shepherd" on the cross, the mourning of Israel when they look on the One "whom they have pierced," &the Lord's dramatic return to the Mount of Olives, an event that changes even the topography of Israel.
  169. 5. Who was the political leader of the group that returned to Israel from Babylon? Who was the high priest?
    Zerubbabel/ Joshua
  170. 1. This prophet accused his generation of failing to obey God’s Law about divorce, of failing to give God the offerings he specified, &of giving God poor quality offerings they would never present to the governor.
  171. 6. Note three things that Zechariah predicted about the Messiah.
    1) his relationship w/ ppl of Israel 2)striking of the shepherd 3)mourning of Israel on the one who they have pierced 4) Lord's dramatic return to the Mt. of Olives
  172. 2. Where would you find the prediction that Elijah will come call the people to repentance before the coming of the Day of the Lord &the arrival of Messiah?
  173. 3. This book takes the form of charges leveled by God against the people, followed by their denial of the charges &then God’s presentation of evidence to support the charges.
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OT Curtis Final v4.txt
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