A process of converting a neighborhood from low-income to middle class is...
The underclass is characterized in part by high rates of...
drug addiction.
In U.S. cities, the underclass is..
clustered in inner-city neighborhoods.
To deal with the financial problems in some areas of the city, American city governments...
reduce services.
Compared to the United Kingdom, the amount of sprawl in the U.S. is...
British cities are surrounded by open space known as...
People are attracted to suburbs in part because suburbs are characterized by...
private land surrounding the house.
The U.S. government has encouraged the use of cars in part by...
building interstate highways.
Public transit is more extensive in Western Europe cities then in the U.S. primarily because..
European governments subsidize public transit.
In recent years, urban residents are more likely to shop in...
suburban malls.
According to the economic concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of...
According to the multiple nuclei model, an airport is likely to attract nearby...
The multiple nuclei theory best explains why different neighborhoods of a city attract people of different..
ethnic origin.
Ramshackle houses on the periphery of cities in less developed countries are known as...
squatter settlements.
The wide boulevards built in cities in less developed countries were most likely built during what era?
A substance in the physical environment that has value to human beings is...
a resource.
Before the Industrial Revolution, the most important source of fuel was...
The most common energy source for home heat and hot water is...
natural gas.
Most nonrenewable energy sources are...
formed very slowly.
Saudi Arabia has relatively large proven reserves of...
The U.S. has relatively large proven reserves of...
Elaborate safety measures must be taken to store nuclear waste primarily because the waste is...
A greenhouse is a good example of a building heated by...
passive solar energy.
A discharge constitutes pollution if the level is...
greater than the environmental capacity.
The possible increase in Earth's temperature caused by carbon dioxide trapping radiation is...
the greenhouse effect.
The source of air pollution most responsible for damaging trees in Ontario, Canada and Germany's Black Forest is...
acid deposition.
The most significant source of air pollution caused by automobiles is...
photochemical smog.
A gas threatening Earth's ozone layer is...
Contrary to air and water pollution, solid waste pollution is reduced through...
concentrating rather than dispersing waste.
Conservation is...
the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
Preservation is...
maintenance of resources in their present condition.
Development refers to...
improvement in material conditions.
The difference in per capita GDP between the more developed and less developed regions is...
The value of a total output of goods and serves in a year in a country is its...
gross domestic product.
An example of a primary sector activity is...
Compared to more developed countries, less developed countries have a higher percentage of workers in which sector of the economy?
In more developed countries, employment is increasing in...
the tertiary sector.
People are more productive in more developed countries because they...
have access to more technology.
In less developed countries, consumer goods such as telephones, television, and motor vehicles are...
owned by a minority of the people.
A major health care problem for people in Africa and Asia is...
low literacy rates.
The Anglo-American region is the world's leading provider of all but which of the following?
The Middle East shows promise of becoming more developed primarily because of what characteristic?
abundant petroleum reserves.
The highest level of development within Latin America is found in...
southern South America.
The less developed region with the highest percentage of people living in urban areas is...
Latin America.
Agricultural output in South Asia each year depends primarily on the...
arrival of the monsoon.
China in the twenty-first century has seen all but which of the following economic changes?
China is now the leading banking center in Asia.
The principal benefit of the self-sufficiency approach is to promote...
balanced growth of all economic sectors.
The biggest problem faced by less developed countries in financing development is...
inability to repay loans.
Hunting and gathering societies...
are found in isolated places in the world.
The first group to integrate seed agriculture with the domestication of herd animals was probably in...
Southwest Asia.
Seed agriculture probably reached Europe from...
Southwest Asia.
Which type of agriculture is found primarily in less developed countries?
Shifting cultivation is most commonly found in which climate region?
humid low-latitude.
Which kind of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world's people?
intensive subsistence.
Only about fifteen million people are nomads, but they sparsely occupy...
twenty percent of the earth's land area.
Asian agriculture is characterized by shortages of all but which of the following?
Pastoral nomadism is most commonly found in which climate region?
To increase crop yields, farmers in southwestern China commonly practice...
double cropping.
To separate husks from seed, Asian farmers best the heads on the ground, a practice known as...
In the U.S. many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is known as:
What is the purpose of crop rotation?
maintaining the fertility of fields.
The primary factor in von Thunen's model for choosing commerical farm products is...
market location.
China, the U.S., Russia, and India are the leading producers of...
commercial grain.
Which of the following in not a strategy for increasing food supply?
increasing tariffs on grain export.
Which of the following is least likely to be produced in Mediterranean agriculture?
The Industrial Revolution began in...
Great Britain.
The cottage industry system involved manufacturing...
in the home.
The main source of power for steam engines and blast furnaces is produced from...
The first industries to increase petroleum through extensive use of steam engine were...
textile and iron.
The growth of manufacturing was retarded in the U.S. during the nineteenth century primarily because of...
distance from markets.
Today, the most significant industrial asset of the Western Great Lakes region is its...
access to the nation's transportation network.
In Russia, the Soviet government promoted new manufacturing regions...
in the Urals and Kuznetsk.
The U.S. steel industry moved westward in the nineteenth century primarily because of better access to...
iron ore.
Producers of automobiles select locations primarily because of access to...
Since 1980, new U.S. automobile assembly plants have been built in the...
Midwest, to minimize national distribution costs.
Which of these industries is most dependent on low-cost labor?
The U.S. Golf Coast has become an important industrial area because of...
access to oil and natural gas.
Steel production has declined during the 1980s and 1990s most rapidly in...
the U.S.
What two location factors influence industries to remain in the northeastern U.S. and northwestern Europe?
skilled labor and rapid delivery to market.
The biggest industrial challenge for former communist countries is...
unmet consumer demand.
What mining region has the most varied mineral deposits of the world, with over 1,000 minerals?
the Ural mountains.
A repetitive act performed by an individual is a...
In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is typical of...
large homogeneous groups.
The use of a horse and buggy by the Amish in the U.S. is an example of a...
folk culture.
Rapid diffusion of popular culture...
depends on modern communication systems.
Folk customs usually originate from...
familiar events in daily life.
Popular customs most frequently originate in...
more developed countries.
A restriction on behavior imposed by a social custom is a...
Pioneer farmers settling the grasslands of the American West often built houses of sod, while early settlers of the eastern forest built wooden structures like log cabins. This suggests that building materials...
are strongly influenced by local resources.
The diffusion of jeans is a good example primarily of the...
diffusion of popular culture.
In which state would alcohol consumption be relatively low?
Which of the following is not a distinctive characteristic of the physical environment related to wine?
Vineyards must be planted on flat land.
The number of television sets per person is greatest in...
Diffusion of popular customs can adversely impact environmental quality in two ways...
depletion of scarce resources and pollution.
As they have more contact with popular culture, women in less developed countries are more likely to...
gain more opportunities outside the home.
In the U.S., the number of golf courses per person is highest in...
the north central states, where there is a long tradition of playing golf.
A form of language spoken in a local area is...
A group of languages that share a common origin but have since evolved into individual languages is a...
language branch.
The second-largest language family is...
English is the most important language in North America primarily because of...
the diffusion of English colonies.
English is part of which language family?
Which of the following is not a Romance language?
The most widely spoken Indo-European language is...
The two most important languages in South America are...
Portuguese and Spanish.
Undu is the most important language of...
Basque is spoken primarily in...
the Pyrenees Mountains.
The two largest language families in the world are...
Sino-Tibetan and Indo-European.
The language spoken by the greatest number of native speakers is...
Chinese is written in the form of...
A lingua franca is...
a language that is mutually understood by people who have different native languages.
British and American English differ in all but which of the following?
Franglais is...
the use of English in the French language.
Icelandic has probably changed less over time than any other Germanic language...
A large and fundamental division within a religion is a...
A relatively small group that has broken away from an established church is a...
The world's largest universalizing religion is...
The world's largest ethnic religion is...
Which is a branch of Christianity?
Eastern Orthodox.
Roman Catholics are clustered in the U.S southwest primarily because of migration of...
Roman Catholics from Latin America.
Lutheranism is an example of a Christian...
The dominate branch of Islam is...
The belief in the existence of only one god is...
The concept that nationalities have the right to govern themselves is known as the right of...
What was apartheid?
the geographic separation of races in South Africa.
Most Africans shipped as slaves were sent to...
South America.
The most numerous ethnicity in the U.S. is...
Asian Americans are clustered in what area of the U.S.?
Ethnic Identity for descendants of European immigrants is primarily preserved through...
religion and good.
The 'separate but equal' doctrine was legally established by...
Plessy v. Ferguson.
White flight is...
emigration of Whites from an area Blacks were anticipated to move in.
The process when a group forcibly removes another group is called...
ethnic cleansing.
The science of making maps is...
Scale is...
the relationship between the length of an object on a map and that feature on the landscape.
A computer system that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes, and displays geographic data is...
Which is true?
Every meridian is the same length and has the same beginning and end.
Greenwich Mean Time is measured from...
0 degrees longitude.
The U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 divided much of the country into a system of...
all of the above.
An area distinguished by one or more unique characteristics is a...
A hearth is...
a region from which a phenomenon originates.
Diffusion of AIDS is an example of which type of diffusion?
Every map projection distorts the surface of Earth in some way.
Density measures the amount of something per unit of area on Earth's surface...
The more populous country in the world is...
Two-thirds of the world's population is clustered in four regions. Which of the following is not one of these four regions?
Sub-Saharan Africa.
Human beings avoid all but which of these regions?
warm lands.
Physiological density is the number of...
people per are suitable for agriculture.
Land suited for agriculture is called...
arable land.
The annual global population growth rate increased approximately two hundred years ago because of the...
Industrial Revolution.
The annual natural increase rate is currently approximately...
1.2 percent.
Life expectancy is lowest in...
Country X has a crude birth rate of 40 and a crude death rate of 15. In what stage of the demographic transition is this country?
Stage 2.
The country with the narrowest population pyramid is...
The population pyramid of Naples, Florida is 'upside down,' because the city has a large percentage of...
elderly people.
In comparing Malthus's theory to actual world food production and population growth during the past half-century, the principal difference is that...
actual food production has been much higher than Malthus predicted.
The most lethal epidemic in recent years has been...
A permanent move to a new location is...
Refugees migrate primarily because of which type of push factor?
Which of the following events would be considered a migration pull factor?
opening of a new factory.
Several million Irish migrated in the 1840s primarily because...
disastrous economic conditions pushed them out of the country.
The more important pull factor for migrants to North America is...
Which factor usually induces voluntary migration?
Millions of Europeans were forced to emigrate from their farms because of...
forced consolidation of farms.
The most popular destination for voluntary migrants from Great Britain has been...
North America.
Most migrants to the U.S. during the late 1970s and early 1980s came from...
The main impact of the 1920s quota laws on the national origin of immigrants to the U.S. was to...
admit immigrants mostly from Europe.
The largest number of legal immigrants to the U.S. come from what country?
The largest numbers of recent immigrants to the U.S. are...
relatives of U.S. residents.
Brain drain...
the large-scale emigration of talented people.
Pollero or coyote is a term for...
someone who helps undocumented Mexican's immigrate.
The largest number of undocumented immigrants to the U.S. come from what country?
The largest level of interregional migration in the U.S. was caused by the...
opening up of western territories.
The U.S. center of population was moved steadily to the...
The Brazilian government encouraged interregional migration by...
moving the capital to Brasilia.
The most prominent type of intraregional migration in the world is...
rural to urban.
Only a small percentage of Africans shipped as slaves to the Western Hemisphere ended up in the U.S....
A system for transferring locations from a globe to a flat map is...
Situation identifies a place by its...
location relative to other objects.
Holland converted the Zuider Zee into a fresh water lake by using...
The division of the U.S. into nine regions by the Census Bureau is an example of a...
formal region.
The frequency of something within a given unit of area is...
The global movement of money has been enhanced primarily by...