dental anatomy

  1. during prenatal development, the joining of embryonic tissues of two separate surfaces, the elimination of a groove between two adjacent swellings, or a dental developmental disturbance in which two adjacent tooth germs unite to form a large tooth
  2. union of the root structure of two or more teeth through the cementum only
  3. developmental disturbance that occurs because the single tooth germ tries to unsuccessfully divide, resulting in a large single rooted tooth
  4. normal variation of bown growth noted on the lingual aspect of the mandibular arch
    mandibular torus
  5. normal variation of bone growth noted on the midline of the hard palate
    palatal torus
  6. normal variation in bone growths noted usually on the facial surface of the alveolar process of the maxilla
  7. socket of the tooth
  8. epithelial tissue with excessive production of keratin
  9. hard tooth tissue loss caused by tooth to tooth contact during mastication or parafunctional habits
  10. hard tissue loss through chemical means, not involving bacteria
  11. hard tooth tissue loss due to friction from tooth brushing and tooth paste
  12. crown or roots showing angular distortion
  13. developmental disturbance in permanent incisors caused by congenital syphilis, which leaves the incisors with screw driver shaped crowns
    hutchinson's incisors
  14. the greatest elevation of the tooth, either incisocervically or occlusocervically on a specific surface of the crown
    height of curvature/crest of curvature
  15. accessory cusps on the cingulum of certain anterior teeth or occlusal tables of permanent molars
  16. one or more major elevations on the masticatory surface of canines and posterior teeth
  17. shallow, wide depressions on the lingual surface of anterior teeth or on the occlusal table of posterior teeth
  18. complete displacement of the tooth from the socket because of extensive trauma to the area
  19. open contact that can exist between the permanent maxillary incisors
  20. rounded enamel extensions on the incisal ridge from the labial or lingual veiws of certain anterior teeth
  21. spaces between certain primary teeth
    primate spaces
  22. space created when the primary molars are shed to make room for the much smaller mesiodistal permanent premolars
    leeway space
  23. interproximal space when it is not filled with the interdental papilla
    cervical embrasure
  24. spaces between the teeth that are occlusal to the contact areas, named for the location relative to the contact area
    dental embrasure
  25. small, yellowish elevations on the mucosa resulting from deeper deposits of sebum from trapped or misplaced sebaceous glands
    fordyce's spots/granules
  26. natural movement of all the teeth over time toward the midline of the oral cavity
    mesial drift
  27. If imaginary planes are placed on the masticatory surfaces of each dental arch, the maxillary arch is convex occlusally, and the mandibular arch is concave, producing an anteroposterior curvature
    curve of spee
  28. concave curve results when frontal section is taken through each set of both maxillary and mandibular molars, the firsts, seconds, then thirds
    curve of wilson
  29. process that occurs in a cell in which the nucleus moves away from the center to a position farthest away from the basement membrane
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dental anatomy